Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 927: Invest in Yang Ming

"Okay." Yang Ming nodded, cut off a piece with a silver knife and a fork, and then stuffed it into his mouth under the expectant gaze of Minozaki.

"How?" Seeing that Yang Ming had already swallowed the foie gras, Minezaki asked expectantly.

"It depends on whether you want to hear the truth or lie." Yang Ming put down his knife and fork and took a sip of red wine.

"A lie!" Minozaki smiled slyly, she knew that if she criticized Yang Ming's professional chef's attitude, it would definitely be hard to hear.

"It's delicious, I can eat ten more servings!" Yang Ming smiled and said the words that made Feng Zhizaki's face change wildly.

Because Minazaki knew that Yang Ming's implication was: It's hard to eat, and it makes me want to vomit! ! !

how can that be!

"Are you sure?" Feng Zhizaki looked at Yang Ming with an ugly face: "This is the chef I hired with a high salary!"

"Of course." Yang Ming nodded with a smile. As a chef close to a master chef, Yang Ming is naturally an expert in appraising food!

"If, I said if, I will call the chef who made this dish, can you point out the shortcomings?" Minezaki hesitated before asking.

In this world, the status of the chef is really too high. If Minezaki called the chef, but Yang Ming couldn't point out the shortcomings, it would cause the chef's dissatisfaction. At that time, it would be trouble to just show up to apologize!

Moreover, Yang Ming was introduced by Jiu I Zhaoji. If Yang Ming was refuted by his own chef, wouldn't it be a slap in the face of Jiujiaoji?

But what Minezaki didn't expect was that Yang Ming actually took a sip of the red wine and replied nonchalantly: "The wine is good wine, but in the process of bringing it, I am afraid that the waiter stumbled accidentally, causing the red wine to shake violently. Therefore, the best taste is no longer achieved.”

Hearing the words, Minezaki picked up the phone directly, made a call, and commanded the person on the phone in a very domineering tone: "Well, it's me, come to the lobby now, I'm in seat 89!" After speaking , Minazaki hung up the phone directly!

After hanging up the phone, Minezaki took a sip of the red wine and sat in the seat with an expression opposite to Yang Ming's smile. He exuded the aura of a superior person and let him sit next to the two of them. The couples quickly changed positions!

"Miss, what are your orders?" Soon, a man in a suit who looked not much older than Minesaki appeared in front of Minesaki with a very respectful expression.

"Seijing, immediately call the waiter who just served this table to me!" Minezaki didn't even look at Shijing, and ordered directly, the eldest lady's posture is simply unobstructed!

"Yes!" Although I don't know what happened, but Sejing Xuanyi knows that if he can make his eldest young lady take this attitude, then someone must be unlucky!

In less than three minutes, Saijing Xuanyi brought over the waiter who had just ordered for them. At this time, the waiter still had a vague look on his face, and he didn't know what the boss was looking for her for, but when he saw The unhappy expression on Minozaki's face made the waiter very nervous.

"I don't want to know your name, and you don't need to introduce yourself!" Before waiting for the waiter to speak, Minezaki asked directly, "Did you shake the wine violently when you opened the wine for us just now?"

"Ah...Yes, yes, I just stumbled accidentally, so..." The waiter's face turned pale when he heard the words, and he directly bowed and began to apologize.

The waiter's answer made Minezaki look at Yang Ming in shock. Although Minezaki also knew that the taste of red wine would deteriorate after being shaken violently, the difference can only be distinguished by veterans who have been immersed in red wine for decades. come out! ! !

After the shock, Minezaki said to Saijing Xuanyi with a cold face: "Take this waiter to settle this month's salary immediately, we don't need such sloppy people in our store! Also, call the chef to me. come over!"

"As you wish." Minezaki's tough tactics made Seijing Xuanyi look at her in surprise, and dismissed people for a small mistake. This is not Minezaki's character at all, but Minezaki's cold and beautiful picture Her face already showed that she was in a very unhappy mood at this time, so Saijing Xuanyi didn't want to touch this brow!

Looking at Minezaki's domineering wrist, Yang Ming also had a slight admiration for the Bai Fumei in front of him. After all, a small mistake is intolerable, and this kind of situation can only happen to perfectionists.

And the future of the perfectionist... either Jackie Chan or death! Minozaki has a family business as the is definitely not dead, so the rise is only a matter of time!

Feeling Yang Ming's surprised gaze, Feng Zhizaki looked at Yang Ming embarrassedly and said, "I'm sorry, what just happened made you laugh, I hope you don't mind."

"No." Yang Ming shook his head with a smile, and then said something that Minezaki fully agreed with: "Sister's handling is very good, at least not as tolerant as other restaurants, although this may be for your sister. It brings a bad reputation, but it can improve the service attitude of this store. But sister, you are a businessman, as long as you can make money, it is not easy to get a reputation or something?"

"Really? I feel like you know your sister well." At this time, Feng Zhizaki had seen Yang Ming's ability, so he threw out a sentence that shocked Yang Ming: "Or, after this competition is over, sister I'll give you 20% of the shares, and your kid will be a reviewer for your sister, how about that?"

"Sister, I'm just a student, how can I take up 20% of the shares? Don't joke with me." Yang Ming politely refused, and at the same time, he was surprised by Feng Zhizaki's courage. The decoration of this store and all the mess added up, but more than one billion yen, 20% is a full 200 million yen, this Fengzhizaki's handwriting is so big that Yang Ming can't accept it at all. .

But what left Yang Ming speechless was that Feng Zhizaki actually said something that shocked Yang Ming, only to see her smile and say something that made Yang Ming squirt: "Of course you can't afford the 20% of the shares now, but in the future You must be able to take responsibility, or even take more responsibility. Now, wouldn’t it be better for my sister to take you down first while you are still cheap? You must know that investing in investment is naturally the smallest capital to gain the largest Benefit!"

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