Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 898: so arrogant

() Alice looked at the raised hand with a smile, but did not speak.

"Are you still missing a foot?" Yang Ming lowered his head and looked at Alice's legs, and then at his own. "Come on, come over from the cooking table, let's stick to each other, this is the real brotherhood."

Alice still smirked with a smirk, squinting her eyes and smiling, "That's good." Maintaining her four-handed posture, she walked sideways in one direction along the edge of the cooking table. Because Yang Ming clasped his hands together, he was also driven in that direction by Alice's movements.

When they finally reached the edge of the cooking table, the two changed from holding each other across the cooking table to holding each other close to each other.

Alice put her body slightly closer to Yang Ming, squinted her eyes and smiled, and asked, "Is it a brotherhood relationship now?" Strongly slammed into Yang Ming's calf!

"Hi!" Yang Ming cried out in pain, but he still didn't let go.

Alice made a clever move. She turned her wrist and her arm around Yang Ming's arm, her crotch moved, and she fell into a gorgeous shoulder. Yang Ming snapped and was shot to the ground.

Twisting her wrists, Alice finally stopped smirking. The tadpole looked at Yang Ming on the ground with round eyes, "Forgot to say it," put a finger on her chin and puffed her face, "I am Growing up in Northern Europe, I often run taverns, so I always have some self-defense skills."

"Waist, waist, waist." Yang Ming got up from the ground in embarrassment, "You are so cruel, your bones will be broken."

"Huh? Isn't Yang Mingjun too weak?"

"I'm not prepared at all, Alice!" Yang Ming rubbed his waist.

"Really? It's like if you take precautions, you won't be knocked down." Alice tilted her head, "Then take precautions this time, and come again." After speaking, she took a pose.

"Are you still coming?" Yang Ming looked at Alice in surprise, and immediately stretched out his arms in an X position, "NOOOOOOO!"

"Why?" Alice asked in confusion.

"My cooking hasn't been done yet!" Yang Ming pointed at the cooking table helplessly, "I'll play with you after I'm done."


"Really." Nodding.

Rolling up her sleeves, Alice pushed Yang Ming away, "Speak early!" The longan was peeled, cored, and torn one by one very quickly.

Looking at Alice who was transformed into a cooking expert, Yang Ming silently stretched out a thumb, first pointing at Alice, then turning his thumb in the direction of himself, and smiled smugly.

Wash the soaked strawberries, cut them into pieces, and place them in a bowl. Yang Ming raised his hand to break up all the eggs and watched Alice peeling the longan. He kept adding lotus root starch to the water and mixing it thoroughly.

"OK, Longan is done." Alice clapped her hands and looked at Yang Ming from the corner of her eyes.

"The longan who witnessed the friendship." Yang Ming nodded, "It's hard work."

"It's a piece of cake." Alice shrugged, imitating Yang Ming's actions, "but I suddenly realized that you are quite powerful."

"Is that so? Thank you for the compliment. It's a joy to say such a compliment from Alice's mouth."

"No, I'm not complimenting you." A glint flashed in Alice's eyes, and she smiled inexplicably, with a hint of danger in her smile, "You actually used a trick to make me willingly peel these longans for you. ."

"Since it is willing, how can it be said that it is a trick, right?" Yang Ming teased.

She raised the corner of her mouth to reveal a smile, and looked at Yang Ming with a steady smile. After a while, Alice turned her eyes away, "Sure enough, you are quite an interesting person." He clapped his palms and rinsed his fingers one by one. Clean, Alice walked out of the cooking table, turned around and looked at Yang Ming, "I hope you don't let me down." She smiled, "Your opponent."

Yang Ming held fresh milk in one hand, and put the other hand close together, touching the position of the temple, quickly moved his palm away and made an OK gesture, raised the corner of his mouth, and did not speak.

Raising her chin slightly, Alice turned around and left with the corners of her mouth raised.

Yang Ming smiled and added the fresh milk to the pot and slowly heated it. When the fresh milk was slightly warm, he added diced strawberries and longan meat and continued to cook.

He took out a chopstick and slowly poured the prepared lotus root starch into the pot along the chopsticks. The fresh milk in the pot became thicker a little bit. Taking advantage of the good concentration in the pot, Yang Ming quickly poured the egg liquid into the pot. in the pot. Stir slowly, avoiding the position of the strawberries to avoid breaking the strawberries, and ensure that the eggs and fresh milk are perfectly mixed.

Yang Ming casually tumbled the fresh milk in the pot with a spoon, and the slow cooking on a low fire made the pot smell of rich milk, and the heated strawberries also exuded some fresh strawberry aroma.

Turn off the fire, pour the whole pot of fresh milk into each coffee cup, and Yang Ming put a spoon into each coffee cup.

The strawberries tumbled with the fresh milk are stuck with some milky white. Yang Ming meticulously placed four strawberries in each coffee cup and placed them on top of the finished fresh fruit milk dew. The four strawberries were in the shape of a flower.

"Hey, what are you?"

"Why are you here again?" Yang Ming asked in surprise.

"Isn't this not started yet, it's too boring." Alice put the things in her hand on the cooking table, and took a coffee cup to look at it, "It's too strange to put this kind of thing in a coffee cup. ."

"Is it weird?" Yang Ming asked blankly, "I don't have any utensils to hold it, so I just use a coffee cup. Well, the main dining style of Yuanyue Resort is Western food and Japanese food. It’s not Japanese. So if you serve it in a Western style, the acceptance will be higher.”

"And then?" Alice picked up the spoon in the coffee and tasted a strawberry.

"And then? There's no sense of incongruity when you put it like this. I think it's pretty good-looking. It's convenient to pick up and eat."

"Mmmm." After digging a spoonful of fresh fruit milk dew, Alice closed her eyes happily, "It tastes so good, the fragrant fresh milk spreads in the mouth, and the egg fragrance is like a warm egg shell that wraps people and kills them. Among them, there is stability and peace of mind. There is also the fresh breath of strawberries, just like waking up in the embrace of nature, wake up in an instant, and let people welcome a new day with a refreshing look." Tadpoles opened their eyes cutely. Kai, "Of course, the longan I peeled is the most delicious."

Yang Ming laughed, "Why is the longan delicious?"

"Indescribable deliciousness," Alice said in a choked up voice, "In short, it is an indescribable deliciousness!"

"Thank you for such a high compliment."

"I'm not complimenting you! It's because of my help that I have such deliciousness. Is it a logical relationship like this?" Alice argued with a puffed face.

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