Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 762: so delicious

Seeing this, Whitebeard narrowed his eyes.

"Red-haired boy, what are you doing?"

Red-haired Shanks was not afraid, and said head-on: "No, I just eat my part."

Not only them, but others also fought each other, but they were indeed using chopsticks to compete for their share of the steamed buns.

Seeing this, Mihawk was stunned!

After all, you are also the dignified four emperors, how can you be so shameless!

I must know the fake four emperors!

However, Mihawk was not slow at all. While others were rushing to grab it, he was like an eagle catching chickens in the sky. When he saw an opportunity, he slammed his chopsticks into the pot and clipped some of the steamed buns. into your own bowl.

A bowl of steaming mutton steamed buns appeared in front of him. Mihawk took a small plate of chili sauce and poured it into it. He stirred the milky white mutton soup with a spoon, and immediately a layer of bright red chili oil floated on it, which was particularly dangling. Appetite, exciting.

Mihawk peeled off a piece of sweet garlic and put it in his mouth, chewed it, the sweet and sour fragrance filled his lips and teeth immediately, and then scooped a spoonful of pearl-like white buns.

"The fragrance is salty, and the salty is fragrant!"

“So delicious!”

With a satisfied face, Mihawk sandwiched a piece of bright red mutton and drank a sip of mutton soup. It was delicious and not greasy. Instead, it had a delicate fragrance. If it is paired with emerald green coriander and dark Fungus, it really makes people drooling and salivating!


Mihawk devoured a large bowl of soup, licked his lips, and the aftertaste was endless.

Pao bun has a long history and has been passed down for thousands of years. It is full of the wisdom of famous chefs of past dynasties, so it is so approachable and delicious.

Yang Ming can be said to be standing on the shoulders of giants to make such delicious dishes.

It is said that in the Tang Dynasty, in order to quell the An-Shi Rebellion, a large army came to Chang'an. They carried dry food with them, which is now the bun. At that time, the bun was dry and hard, and it was not easy to eat, so they soaked it in mutton soup and ate it. . Later, it was learned by the people of Chang'an City, gradually improved, and finally evolved into today's mutton steamed bun.

There is another legend. According to legend, when Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin was not successful, he lived in poverty and fell into the streets of Chang'an. One day, there were only two pieces of dried buns left on his body. He couldn't swallow because he was dry. It happened that there was a mutton shop beside the road. , he went and begged for a bowl of mutton soup so that the buns could be soaked before eating.

Seeing that he was pitiful, the owner asked him to break the buns and pour them into a spoonful of hot mutton soup. Zhao Kuangyin took the soaked buns and ate them in a big mouth. After eating, his whole body became hot, his head was sweating, and his hunger and cold were all gone.

Ten years later, in AD 960, Zhao Kuangyin became the founding emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty, known as Taizu.

Once on a patrol in Chang'an, I passed the mutton shop in the past, and the aroma was overflowing. I couldn't help but think of the scene of eating mutton soup buns ten years ago, so I stopped the car and ordered the owner to make a bowl of mutton soup buns. The shop owner panicked. The shop doesn't sell steamed buns, so what do you use to make them? I was busy asking my wife to bake a few cakes right away. After the cake was baked, the owner saw that it was unfermented and not very cooked. He was afraid that the emperor would get sick from eating it, so he had to break the bun into pieces, pour it in mutton soup and boil it again, put a few large pieces of mutton, fine Heart with seasonings, and then presented to the emperor.

After eating it, Zhao Kuangyin greatly appreciated it, and immediately ordered his followers to give him a hundred taels of silver. This matter spread like wildfire and spread all over Chang'an. As a result, more and more people come to the restaurant to eat mutton soup, forming a unique flavor food in Chang'an.

Mihawk touched his slightly bulging belly with thoughtful eyes.

"No wonder the redheads are so looking forward to eating Yang Ming's cooking."

"Such delicious food is really rare in my life!"

Mihawk looked at the bowl of mutton steamed buns in front of him again, just like looking at a perfect and outstanding work of art.

The red chili oil floating on the soup, the red mutton, the emerald green coriander and minced green onion, the crystal clear vermicelli, and the snow-white steamed buns are really pleasing to the eye.

Looking at it, Mihawk seems to see that the mutton soup has become the sea, the vermicelli is like layers of waves, the meat slices of the steamed buns are like dotted islands, and the green minced green onions are like lush greenery dotted on the island. trees.

Mihawk's stomach was already "gurgling", and looking at the tempting food, Mihawk was already salivating, obviously starving again.

The taste is simply beyond words!

Mihawk picked up the bowl and devoured it. He couldn't stop. A large bowl was quickly eaten. Mihawk even drank the mutton soup completely regardless of his image.


“Really comfortable~”

After eating, Mihawk leaned back on the chair with a contented face, smacking his lips, and continued to enjoy the light and strong aftertaste.

Seeing these people eating with relish, Deidara also became greedy.

His staff meal was knocked over by that **** fat cat, so that he is still hungry now!

Deidara couldn't wait to walk into the kitchen and ordered a mutton steamed bun with Yang Ming.

At first, Deidara thought that it could be eaten when it was served, but the result was unexpected. The authentic way of eating needs to be done by himself. He sighed in his heart, it's really troublesome!

You can't sit and wait to eat mutton steamed buns, you have to do it yourself!

Just now he watched others eat from a distance and didn't feel it, but now he started to move his hands, and he was filled with emotion.

A plate of buns was served.

After receiving the steamed buns, Deidara took a thick porcelain bowl. This bowl was very large. Southerners who used a small bowl of fine porcelain were shocked when they saw it.

Eating mutton steamed buns is mainly to break the buns. The finer the buns, the better, because the buns are broken finely, the flavor can enter the buns, and then Deidara starts the valve and breaks them into soybean-sized buns. After breaking them, send the bowl to the bowl. Going to Yang Ming's place, Deidara's mutton steamed buns will be ready in a short while.

A few minutes later, the mutton steamed buns were served, with a fragrant aroma, and a few pieces of mutton floated on the soup, steaming hot, making people want to drink a delicious eat a piece of tender meat.

Deidara couldn't help taking a sip of the soup. Although the color was very light, the taste was extremely delicious.

With the stirring of the spoon, the steamed buns rolled up and down, and the steamed buns had some mutton flavor, and the mutton soup had some bun flavors.

The aroma is tangy.

If you look closely, you will find that there are creamy yellow oil flowers floating in the bowl of mutton steamed buns, as well as fat and large pieces of meat and crystal slender vermicelli, making people craving for a long time, taste it, it is very delicious!

Deidara's eyes showed a strange color, and he cautiously tried a sip.

Immediately, the taste exploded!

The soup is hot and spicy! The meat is tender! Fragrant!

It's delicious, there's nothing to say about it!

So, Deidara ate a big piece, swept it away, not a drop left, it was a feast for the eyes and mouth!

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