Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 651: Yang Ming style coercion

Watching Tsunade swept away like a piece of paper, he finished the porridge in one fell swoop, and the corners of Bai's mouth twitched slightly.

As expected of the legendary Tsunade-sama who won't gain weight no matter what he eats, this is really edible!

Tsunade picked his teeth and said to Shiro:

"Excuse me, please ask Boss Yang Ming to come out. I have something to ask him."

Bai's eyes narrowed and he realized that Tsunade was not as simple as coming to eat today, so he ran towards the kitchen.

Soon, Yang Ming heard the news and came to Tsunade's desk.

Yang Ming pursed the corner of his mouth, indicating that the people here are complicated, so he took Tsunade through the portal built in the small shop and came to Daxia, a high-rise building in the capital of food.

The moment he saw Tsunade, Yang Ming was a little dazed, feeling that he hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Although it was said that Yang Ming went to One Piece World, it had no effect on Hokage's side, and the time paused, but Yang Ming had already spent a long time there, so he felt like he had passed away.

The two sat on the sofas facing each other, and Tsunade was the first to speak:

"Isn't it already..."

Although Tsunade didn't say the dead word, Yang Ming had already read out what she wanted to say from her worried eyes.

Yang Ming was silent for a while, and then he said:

"Tsunade, you don't need to worry, Naruto has already collected enough money for me, and in just over a week, he will be able to resurrect Jiraiya."

"What?" Tsunade's eyes widened suddenly, and he almost wrote the words "You're kidding me" on his face, "How could Naruto! Where did he get the money?"

I can't tell you, we teamed up to another world, right?

Yang Ming pressed down Tsunade's shoulders with both hands, motioned her to be calm, and said in a convincing tone:

"On this point, don't worry, Naruto didn't do anything out of the ordinary, and he did collect enough money."

"That's it..." Tsunade looked thoughtful, since Yang Ming said it, it must be reasonable.

Without Jiraiya's concerns, Tsunade looked a lot brighter.

She turned her beautiful eyes, and her beautiful eyes rippled, just like Yiren, with light red makeup, very gorgeous.

Tsunade hugged Yang Ming's arm, and his soft body pressed against it, making Yang Ming feel the softness and elasticity of the arm, like a fascination with money, like a gentle hometown, which is addicting and desirable.

Yang Ming smelled the fragrance that was so close at hand, he couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and he pretended to be calm and said:

"Then what... Tsunade, you haven't been to the food capital for a long time, why don't I take you around."

"Ah?" Tsunade's tone was obviously a little unwilling, and he wanted to get closer while the two were alone.

After all, in Tsunade's impression, the name of the city of gourmet is domineering, but it is too backward, and there are no buildings in it.

Although Tsunade didn't say it outright for Yang Ming's sake, Yang Ming could sense what she was thinking from the subtle changes in her expression.

Yang Ming didn't care about this either. When there was no money in the past, the construction of the food capital was really too crude.

However, after going to One Piece World, Yang Ming got a lot of money. Although the two worlds are different, after the system conversion, it is a lot less, but it is enough for Yang Ming to squander a lot of money. The building of the building is manufactured.

"Come on, I'll take you out for a walk."

Saying that, Yang Ming couldn't help but say, he took Tsunade's hand and walked out of this high-rise building.

"This is……"

Tsunade looked at the familiar and unfamiliar scenery in front of him, and couldn't help being stunned. His face was in disbelief, and he covered his mouth with his hands to hide the expression on his face.

After all, what caught her eye was really unscientific!

A series of low-rise bungalows are located on the ground very neatly, and a black road running across the east, west, north and south runs through this piece of houses, laying out this place in an orderly manner.

On both sides of the road, every 100 meters, there are willow trees.

If it was just that, Tsunade wouldn't be shocked.

The reality is, these specials are made with gourmet food!

Those low-rise bungalows are all carved from wax gourd. The ghost knows what kind of wax gourd this is, but it actually grows so big!

As for this road that traverses east, west, north and south, it is made of seaweed. If you step on it, you will make a sound of clicking.

What makes Tsunade feel very unscientific is that these willow trees on the roadside, these are noodles, can you believe it?

For a time, Tsunade was surprised, confused, at a loss, and at a loss, feeling that his three views were about to be overturned, and people were messy in the wind!

Seeing this, Yang Ming silently gave himself a thumbs up in his heart. Invisible pretending is the most deadly!

Yang Ming didn't look proud, and said lightly:

"Tsunade, would you like to come and try it?"

"Uh..." Tsunade was stunned for a moment, and finally came back to his senses, and said, "Okay, I also want to taste it."

Yang Ming took Tsunade under a willow tree, and handed a willow branch, which was actually a piece of noodles, to Tsunade. In the eyes of the other party, he said lightly:

"The noodles here taste as good as the ones I made in the store. Come and try them!"

Tsunade almost took the noodles dubiously, opened his red lips lightly, and bit the noodles lightly.


The noodles cracked, making a slight noise that made Tsunade almost think the spring had broken.

However, when the noodles approached the tongue, Tsunade was suddenly surprised to find that the noodles were very elastic, very Q, very elastic, and tasted good.

If I have to say regret, it is not like ordinary noodle soup, with the added points of soup, this noodle tastes a little less.

Tsunade rolled her eyes and smiled charmingly.

"Yang Ming, I didn't expect you to give me such a big surprise after I haven't seen each other for such a short time. Do you plan to completely open the food capital in the future?"

Yang Ming nodded and said with a smile:

"Of course, almost half of the food capital has been built now. I'll show you around and you'll know."

Under the leadership of Yang Ming, Tsunade closely observed the rapid changes in this food capital.

Fruit-themed, the pumpkin house's cinema, the watermelon house's bathhouse, the gourd house's toilet...

Vegetable-themed, cabbage chandelier, melon seed fountain...

It was as if she had entered a fantasy world, and strange things were displayed in front of Tsunade's eyes, which made her dazzled and dumbfounded.

Tsunade asked loudly, "Yang Ming, you must have spent a lot of money to get these things, right?"

Yang Ming said humbly: "Not much, not much, just one or two hundred billion."


Hearing the terrifying sky-high price, Tsunade Haoxuan didn't faint.

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