Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 184: Terumi Mei, be my maid

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Yang Ming coughed loudly, attracting everyone's attention.

Yang Ming looked at Terumi Mei indifferently, not at all charmed by her beauty.

"This guest, you damaged the door and wall of our store, and you need to compensate a certain amount of money."

Terumi Mei was somewhat embarrassed, she knew she was wrong, and her face was full of apologetic expressions.

"I'm really sorry, I will definitely compensate your store for the loss."

While speaking, Terumi Mei took out several large bills from the purse, at least tens of thousands of dollars.

In her opinion, this amount of money was long enough to compensate.

However, Terumi Mei underestimated Yang Ming's determination to punish her!

Yang Ming didn't even look at her banknotes, with a half-smile expression on his face.

"No no no!"

"This money is simply not enough!"

Chang Jurou frowned, thinking that Yang Ming was going to beat him, he was full of anger, and with a clanging sound, he pulled out his weapon and faced Yang Ming directly.

"What did you say!"

"Don't think that adults are easy to talk, so you can let you extort!"

"Don't be rude!" Terumi Mei stopped the furious Chojurou, the depths of her beautiful eyes seemed to contain a world-destroying thunder, faintly about to explode, but they were all suppressed by her strong will.

It's not that she hasn't heard the rumors about Yang Ming. Because of this, she knows how self-willed he is and how many strong people are around him as employees.

Otherwise, with her violent temper, Yang Ming would have killed Yang Ming long ago when he wanted to blackmail him.

"Tell me, how much do you want me to pay?" Terumi Mei suppressed her anger and said.

"Not much, not much." Yang Ming showed a strange smile.

Then, he stretched out five fingers, "I only need this number!"

"Fifty thousand?" Terumi Mei wondered, feeling somewhat down, this number is still acceptable.

"No no no!"

Yang Ming shook his head and said affirmatively, "It's five million!"

Terumi Mei: "..."

Chojuro: "..."

Everyone: "..."

For a while, the shop was silent, all immersed in Yang Ming's lion's mouth!

five million!

This just broke the shop!

You might as well go grab it!

This time, Changjurou didn't care about Terumi Mei's obstruction. As the so-called monarch humiliates his ministers to death, Terumi Mei's kindness to him is as heavy as a mountain, and he will never allow anyone to treat her like this!

Suddenly, Changjurou moved!

Its stillness is like a rock, it moves like a gust of wind, and its momentum is like thunder!

A blade of light from the bottom to the top, like a half-arc moon, exudes a cold light, and slashes towards Yang Ming's neck!


Hurry up!

No one expected that Changjurou would suddenly attack!

Bai, who was beside Yang Ming, could only stare wide-eyed, watching this scene happen, but his body couldn't keep up with the speed, exuding icy frost in vain, trying to make up for it.

At this moment, a slightly frivolous voice came from behind Yang Ming.

"Ninja! Needle Jizo!"


A curl of white hair blew up like a tornado, and the last one came first. Before Changjuro's sword, he protected Yang Ming in all directions!

Ding Ding Ding!


The double-knife flounder collided with the long hair, as if hitting an iron tool, producing sparks, and the piercing sound was continuous!

Seeing this, Terumi Mei's eyes narrowed, and when she saw that tall figure, she almost exclaimed.


"Juro, step back for me!"

At this time, Terumi Mei also knew that she had hit the iron plate, so she hurriedly drank Chojuro, and didn't make senseless resistance.

Otherwise, this matter may rise to the level of destroying the relationship between Konoha Village and Kiriyin Village!

After experiencing the blood fog era, Wuyin Village is now working hard and making progress, and it must not establish the enemy of Konoha Village for this!

Terumi Mei's chest heaved violently for a while, which was angered.

A pair of beautiful eyes stood upright, looking forward to the brilliance, exuding a demeanor that people couldn't look directly at.

"Boss Yang Ming, we Ming people don't speak secretly, what do you want?"

As he spoke, Terumi Mei's body emerged with a strong aura!

It was a woman who rose from Wei Mo and worked hard to create domineering arrogance!

In front of this momentum, even if he heard the movement and rushed in from outside the door, Zaibu Xian felt a tightness in his chest, like pressing a big rock!

However, in the face of the roar of the gust of wind, Yang Ming still had a calm expression on his face, like an immortal who went up to a high-rise building alone to pick stars, smiling indifferently.

This smile, like a spring breeze, melted the cold momentum.

However, when Yang Ming tried to show his true intentions, Terumi Mei was about to go crazy!

"Terumi Mei, you don't have to pay five million."

"Let's change the terms."

"Come and be my maid for a day!"



When they heard Yang Ming's conditions, everyone seemed to hear a dull thunder from the heavens, earth-shattering!

This is a water shadow!

Would you like to make someone a maid?

You are not funny, are you?

However, what caught everyone's eyes was Yang Ming's serious appearance, not joking at all!

Terumi Mei's silver teeth were about to shatter, and her beautiful eyes burst out with anger.



I must calm down!

Terumi Mei took a few deep breaths and tried her best to suppress the urge to hit.

I don't know how long it's Since she ascended the position of Water Shadow, no one dared to talk to her like this!

After a while, Terumi Mei suppressed her anger and roared, "What if I say no?"


Yang Ming made a crisp sound with his finger, "It's very simple, then you and your subordinates, don't even think about going out of this door today!"

As the voice fell, the shadow-level powerhouse came to him, and the elite Junin didn't cut it, and even the penumbra-level giant panda who had been sleeping on his stomach suddenly opened his eyes, exuding a terrifying aura!


A gust of wind blew up, and the aura of the three strong men resonated. Together, like a Tathagata Wuzhishan, they slammed down on Terumi Mei and Changjurou!

It's still a while before the Fourth Ninja World War, and Terumi Mei has only just become a shadow-level powerhouse. Where is the opponent of Yang Ming and his party, they suddenly lost their momentum!

Terumi Mei pursed her lower lip tightly, feeling for the first time that her strength was far from enough!

It's not that she doesn't have five million, or that she can't afford to lose money.

But this money is even more important to Wuyin Village, which needs fresh blood!

Terumi Mei is a master of great talent and strategy. I don't know, if Wuyin Village continues to be weak, he will be kicked out of the top five villages sooner or later.

If it weren't for the fact that the Land of Water had been alone overseas, the news inside was closed, and only a few major news were known to the major powers, Wuyin Village would have been annexed by countries that were actively expanding their territories.

Thinking of this, Terumi Meimei's eyes flashed with shame and anger, "Boss Yang Ming, I promise you that's all!"

"Isn't that enough?"

As soon as Yang Ming waved his hand, the aura of the powerhouses instantly vanished, making Terumi Mei feel lighter.

For her, anyone who has made a big deal doesn't care about the small details. Sooner or later, Yang Ming will pay back ten times the bill today!

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