Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1216:

Yang Ming took the dishes in his hands and walked to the review table step by step. follow the dream()

"What is that?" Pu Jindong was stunned. In Yang Ming's dishes, he could see incomparably red flowing, as if only red things could be seen, and there seemed to be no tofu in it at all.

With a calm smile, Yang Ming put the dishes in his hands in front of the censors.

"Hell Cuisine - Life Magma Tofu." Yang Ming said lightly.

"This is tofu..." The censors were stunned for a moment. In fact, in terms of expectations, they had even more expectations for Yang Ming. After all, Yang Ming was a chef who got full marks in the knockout round. In addition to Yang Ming's age, he would not It's impossible to get attention.

In the minds of the censors, the strength of that Park Jindong just now was in the middle of these players.

And Yang Ming's words, the situation of the knockout is true, then his strength is still one of the top few people. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

But now they were stunned when they saw the tofu in front of them.

There is something like blood-red broth on the porcelain plate, but the tofu can't be seen. Could it be that the tofu is in this broth.

"Are we eating directly with a spoon?" an inspector asked suspiciously.

"Wait a minute, my cooking hasn't been finalized yet." Yang Ming held a flame spray gun in his hand and tapped lightly on the porcelain plate in front of him.

"Boom." The incomparably churning flames continued to burn in the porcelain plate. Yang Ming dealt the same with the five dishes in turn, and then there was a scene in front of the censors that shocked them.

The flames burned, as if a reddish light burst out in all directions.

In an instant, not only the censors, but the entire audience also received a stronger impact than the scent just now. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

That's chili hell.

No, it should be heaven after hell.

"What kind of fragrance is this, it makes people intoxicated, I seem to see hell, but why is my heart so warm."

"Is this the power of dishes? I never thought that fragrance could do this."

"The whole person seems to be soaked in magma, but there is no sense of fear at all, which is really shocking."

"From smell, then spread to taste, body, and even spirit, the whole person is completely baptized by this smell."

"Is this Yang Ming's strength? It's too shocking, that Pu Jindong feels that he is not Yang Ming's opponent at all."

The audience in the auditorium were intoxicated by such an offensive of smell, unable to extricate themselves. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"What a terrible Yang Ming." Kadozaki Taki's eyes flashed with horror.

This kind of olfactory offensive directly makes the whole person's spirit not feel that kind of resistance, which already involves the conquest of the spirit.

Or the whole person's spirit is confused by Yang Ming's dishes, so other mental mechanisms or the innate human beings are also confused by this power.

"Is this your dish?" Kakugasaki Taki muttered.

The same is true for Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo and the others. Yang Ming burst out with all his strength, and they had never seen it before.

Now, only to see it.

so terrible.

That's it for the scent.

So what will that dish be like? .

After a few minutes, the intoxicated censors slowly woke up from the food fantasy that was woven before. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Looking down at the dishes in front of him, he was shocked.

"It's back," muttered the censors.

The dish in front of them, white tofu appeared in front of them, covered with red sauce on top of the tofu, it looked sparkling.

"It's impossible to steam the soup so quickly." An inspector looked at the dishes in front of him.

The soup just now looks very thick. If you want to steam the soup to such an extent, it is not a short time, and the fancy flame burning just now can do it.

This requires extremely high temperatures, which can damage the entire plate and the tofu inside.

But this dish does not seem to have any shortcomings in this regard. It looks really perfect, with crystal clear tofu and sticky red soup. This is the real Mapo tofu, a classic dish of Huaxia Sichuan cuisine. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"But this dish looks really tempting, let's try it." An examiner swallowed and said.

Then I picked up the review and scooped up the tofu, and I could see the slight heat dissipating.

After putting the tofu directly into the mouth, the examiner felt that the whole world had changed, and the whole world seemed to be the end of the world.

But the censors didn't have the slightest way in their hearts. Seeing the continuous flow of magma, they kept jumping in their hearts. They didn't know what was wrong with them.

They just felt that the unparalleled delicacy was hitting their bodies and their spirits all the time. This dish seemed to have magic power, making them unable to stop at all.

It is even said that their taste buds can't tell which ingredients are contained in it. They just feel the deliciousness, and the deliciousness is constantly swept away. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

In the eyes of the audience, the five censors seemed to be possessed.

The spoons in their hands kept scooping the dish in front of them, their faces were red, and big drops of sweat flowed from their faces, but they didn't seem to feel anything, and they were still frantically tasting the dishes in front of them.

"How delicious is it, that makes the censors behave like this."

"Yeah, it's completely different from the situation where I tasted Park Jindong just now, but it's obvious that Yang Ming's dishes directly make the censors unable to control themselves."

"I really want to taste it, how delicious that kind of food is."

"To be able to make these senior gourmets have such a reaction, such a delicious thought makes people drool."

"Do I still have that scented attack in my whole body?"

The audience was full of discussion about the censor's crazy performance.

But there is one The audience thinks that this time, Yang Ming is too much stronger than that Park Jindong.

This made Park Jindong grit his teeth secretly at the competition venue. He was also hit by that powerful aroma just now. Although he came out of that delicious shock, he knew very well that if this dish was about flavor, He would not be Yang Ming's opponent at all.

Yang Ming's aroma is out of the power of ordinary dishes.

When the censors took the last bite of tofu into their mouths, the power that was surging in their bodies seemed to explode at this moment.

In their hallucinations, it was a scene of doomsday, but this turned into the birth of a new life.



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