Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1214:

"Then let me announce the two contestants." Xia Mei said, "Let's welcome the first contestant, Park Jindong, who is the head chef of a well-known Korean restaurant."

As a young man walked out of a certain channel of players, he stretched out his hands and greeted the cheers of the audience.

This Park Jindong's face looked a little white, his eyes were a little slanted, and he looked gloomy.

When Park Jindong appeared, the entire venue cheered and applauded. After all, the contestants appeared to give some face.

For this man, many people in the venue knew him.

Park Jindong, in the previous knockout round, probably got a middle-ranking result, not too good, not too bad, and his Korean restaurant branch is also in Tokyo, so he also has a certain reputation in the hearts of the audience. .

"Park Jindong." Gan Rixiangzi looked at the contestant, "He is very proficient in Korean cuisine and is a powerful chef." &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Hyugako, although this Park Jindong is good, there is still a gap between him and Yang Ming." Suwon Dongmei said.

"In fact, Yang Ming's strength may be stronger than ours. This Pu Jindong may have a chance to win when he encounters other players, but if he encounters Yang Ming." Gan Ri Xiangzi smiled slightly.

It is clear that this time they have a lot of confidence in Yang Ming's victory...  

"Sister Hyugako, you guys are better than that Park Jindong." Kobayashi Rentan asked from the side.

"That's it." Gan Ri Xiangzi showed a smile, "In some respects, there is still a gap between Park Jindong and us, so everyone can watch this game with peace of mind."

"Then welcome our second contestant." Xia Mei's voice became louder, "In the knockout round, he won an unimaginable perfect score, Yang Ming, known as the Son of God." &1t;i>&1t; /i>

Hearing this introduction, there was a brief pause in the audience, but when Yang Ming really appeared in front of them, the audience became a sensation.

The cheers like a wave came one after another, and it was much more powerful than Park Jindong just now.

The applause is also continuous ups and downs.

This made Pu Jindong's face sank at the cooking table, and he was very unhappy. In his heart, this Yang Ming had no strength at all, maybe it was a result of cheating, or he was lucky.

Park Jindong directly ignored the difficult situation of other Tokyo players.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Yang Ming came to his cooking table.

"Yeah." Yang Ming could feel his opponent's eyes staring at him, and Yang Ming's eyes looked over.

"Yang Ming." Park Jindong said suddenly. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"There is something." Yang Ming said.

"In the knockout round, what means did you do to get a perfect score? I don't believe you got such a score on your own strength." Park Jindong said triumphantly, "You must have used some kind of score. Means, today I will lift your mask, and let everyone see that you are just pretending."

"That's all." Yang Ming frowned. Is this person an idiot? Come and tell him about this.

"Do you have a guilty conscience? Don't worry, you can't escape this time." Park Jindong said.

Yang Ming directly ignored this Park Jindong's words and couldn't talk to a fool.

"The cooking time is 2 hours, then the cooking starts." At the same time, the host announced the start of the competition. .

After the host announced the competition, Yang Ming started cooking his own dishes. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

The dish Yang Ming made this time is a previous dish, but some improvements have been made on the basis of the previous dish, and Yang Ming's methods are even higher.

That dish is a dish that uses the power of ingredients to stimulate the ultimate deliciousness, which requires a perfect grasp of each ingredient.

That dish was also a tofu dish, and it was made during a tofu competition with Teruki Kuga, a hellish dish - magma tofu.

Of course, Yang Ming's strength is now much stronger than that time, so he has also improved this hellish cuisine, so that this cuisine presents the essence of real hellish cuisine.

Seeing that Yang Ming didn't answer, Pu Jindong just pouted and returned to his cooking table, where he was about to start cooking.

He will tear Yang Ming's mask apart. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Yang Ming ignored the player and started cooking his own magma tofu.

Needless to say, magma tofu has a grasp of the ingredients. The most important thing is two special ingredients, the yin and yang poisonous scorpion king chili that has been endured by humans, and the specially extracted catan essence, which are hundreds of thousands of times better than ordinary ingredients, and even A million times more power.

For such ingredients, it is very troublesome to handle. More importantly, how to match with other ingredients and subsequent cooking is the most important thing.

Whether it's the temperature of cooking, or anything else, these special ingredients will be affected.

So on one hand, it is more difficult to use special ingredients, because there is no reference, unlike some commonly used ingredients, I don’t know how many chefs’ experiments have been done, and the advantages and disadvantages are clear at a glance.

Looking at the ingredients being stir-fried in the pan, as well as the tumbling broth in the cauldron, Yang Ming smiled slightly. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Turn off the heat above the skillet stove.

"The next step is to prepare the chili sauce~ˇ." Yang Ming picked up that special chili pepper, the yin and yang poisonous scorpion king ghost pepper.

the other side.

Park Jindong handles his ingredients carefully, and he makes Korean-style tofu.

Korean tofu is known for its elegance and suppleness. It melts in the mouth like jelly, but Korean tofu is very easy to break, so be careful when handling it, otherwise it will destroy the taste of the ingredients.

"Yeah." When Pu Jindong was processing the ingredients, he was slightly eliminated, and when he saw the situation of Yang Ming's cooking table, he was stunned, "Is it traditional tofu, China's Mapo tofu."

"But do you think your Mapo tofu can be compared to mine? I will make you surrender to my cooking." Park Jindong thought to himself.

Just when Park Jindong wanted to continue cooking, an incomparable smell entered his nose.

In an instant the world changed, Park Jindong seemed to have entered the lava field at the end of the world, and his body kept shivering. It was the joy of the body, not the fear.

It is a kind of joy that arises from extreme fear.

Directly through the sense of smell, he manipulated the spirit of the whole person, and even subconsciously pulled Park Jindong into such a **** world.

"No, I'm still cooking." Under the happy expression on Pu Jindong's face, there was a meaning of struggle, which seemed very strange.


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