Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1211:


"What is it?" Kan Zhenji nervously looked at the girl with her eyes closed in front of her, not knowing what she was whispering.

"It's great! Can you teach me how to make this "dry juice", classmate? "Yang Ming's eyes gleamed, "You really have a bright future!" "

"Really?" In the face of this sudden compliment, Kan Sadaji was a little confused. At this time, he didn't know that the future the other party was talking about was referring to the future in the field of dark cooking.

"Then after you drink it, do you think there is anything you can improve?" He took out a pen and paper, ready to listen to the other party's opinion.

Yang Ming's eyes gleamed: "Well, I think so! You can also add some green peppers and green onions! Of course, coriander is also essential!"

"For green peppers, it's enough to put half of them in two cups! I haven't figured out the ratio of green onions and coriander yet, so try it yourself!"

Kan Sadaji pushed his glasses with his fingers and wrote down in his notebook very seriously: dried juice, green onions...cilantro...

"It's really a good suggestion. Green peppers and green onions can provide a lot of vitamin C, and coriander... Maybe it can adjust the taste? Go back and try again."

"What? Supplement VC to adjust the taste?" Yang Ming blinked, her suggestion was completely in the direction of how to make the taste of this glass of vegetable juice more weird!

But seeing Kan Zhenzhi's seriousness, she didn't feel embarrassed to speak.

"Thank you very much!"

"No... no thanks!"

As for the torment of the main candidates of the Tennis Club of Youth Academy after the birth of this new type of "dry juice", let's not talk about it. Yang Ming, who obtained the production process of "dry juice", immediately regarded it as very interesting. toy.

In the evening, the setting sun shone on the path in front of Jixingliao Gate, and the glow dissipated in the vastness of the twilight.

"What's the matter? Why is it so quiet today?"

The Jixing Liao, which used to be noisy in the past, seems to be in silent mode today.

For some reason, I always felt a little cold.

Ibuzaki Jun took out the key, opened the door, went in, stretched out his hand and pushed it, but the door remained motionless.

He took a lot of effort to get the door to open a crack, and as soon as he squeezed in, he found someone lying down in front of him.

Yoshino Yuki, who had a pale face, curled up into a ball with a painful expression, and seemed to have lost consciousness.

No, it's not just her.

Isshiki-senpai also fell on the stairs with his eyes rolled. Jun Ibuzaki thought about it as he passed by, and put the cushion on the sofa over him.

Although the temperature is not too low right now, if Isshiki was lying on the floor naked like this, she might catch a cold.

"Here... what happened?" If it wasn't for the fact that he snorted with his hand just now, he would have almost called the police.

Soma Kohei was holding the cabinet in a strange posture and fell there, his face was a little purple, and he almost foamed at the mouth.

"Is this collective food poisoning?" Ibuzaki Jun began to think about the phone number of the health center.


Ruowu Ruowu's voice came over, but he couldn't find the shadow of the person who called him.

"Run quickly..."

Now he could see that Tian Suohui was squatting on the ground, leaning on the wall, speaking to him in a very weak voice.

"What happened?" As soon as he opened his mouth, he heard Yang Ming shout in surprise, "Imuzaki Jun! You're back! Exactly!"

"Come and try my improved version of "Dry Juice"! "

"Okay..." Ibuzaki Jun agreed immediately, and when he turned around, he saw Soma Yukihira, Isshiki Hui, and Tiansuohui all hiding behind the wall, only sticking out their heads to watch what was going on here.

"It's over, it's over... Ibuzaki-kun will definitely..." Tian Suohui kept muttering, and it seemed that he hadn't woken up from the residual poison in Yang Ming's cooking.

"I knew it would be nothing good for her to work with Hyugako..." Soma Kohei had a strong ominous premonition early in the morning.

"I'm really worried about Ibuzaki-kun..."

These days, Isshihui thought that he had also been baptized by Yang Ming's dark cooking, but this time, he still couldn't bear it.

"Is this... vegetable juice?" Ibuzaki Jun held the churning jet-black drink in his hand, looked at the mess in the kitchen, and the stubborn leaves of vegetables, and speculated.

"That's right! Ibuzaki-kun, let's taste it!"

"Alas!" The four people outside the door looked at him from a distance, looking at Jun Iwuzaki with the same eyes as the little white rabbit who was brought to the door.

"Well, let me try."

Then he gulped and drank the whole cup of "dry juice", leaving no residue at the bottom.

"The taste... It's even stronger than before." Ibuzaki Jun wiped the water from his mouth, "This time this time is not bad..."

Then he watched Yang Ming staring at him in a daze.

"Don't you feel any discomfort?" Yang Ming asked in a trembling voice.

When I asked someone to try it before, they all fell to the ground with one sip!

Ibuzaki Jun shrugged, "Every time you finish your class, if you have time, you will come up with some tricks for me to try."

Ibuzaki Jun patted Yang Ming's head, and unconsciously showed a smile: "Next time you make something, try it with me first."

Others... can't stand it.

Yang Ming was The sideshow ended.

The author has completed the content of the follow-up comics and returned to the official content.

On this day, Yang Ming said goodbye to Erina and others, and left Togetsu Academy early and headed towards the center of Tokyo. Today is the Diamond Cooking Contest with 48 to 24. It can be said that each group has their theme. may be very different.

The theme of Yang Ming and his opponents is tofu. There are many dishes that belong to tofu, such as southern tofu, northern tofu, eastern tofu, home-style tofu, etc., all of which can be mixed with tofu. These are also dishes that fit the theme.

Regarding this match, Yang Ming has great confidence and can defeat his opponent.

Therefore, the organizing committee will not put the two most powerful people together for a duel, which is not a good thing for the players.

As for the distribution of strength, most of them refer to the score obtained in each competition area as a reference condition. Therefore, although the players who fight against Yang Ming are also the best from other competition areas in Dongying, the points obtained in the knockout stage are not very good. high.

Either this contestant is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, but in such a fierce knockout competition as a pig and eating a tiger, don't be a real pig without eating a tiger.



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