Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1056:

"Huh? Why do you feel that you are a little restrained, don't be like this, let go and play, okay, I'll go down again, you guys eat slowly!"

The three of them looked at Ishui Hui's back, and then looked at each other.

"I wanted to complain from the moment I entered the door. Why is there someone here wearing an apron but no one questioned it! Do we think this is very strange?" This was the unspoken voice of the three of them.


After three rounds of drinking, even a very low degree of sweet rice wine is enough to make everyone's spirits fall into a trance, and the atmosphere in the room is of course even more enthusiastic.

"Hey, are you done eating! Okay! I'll make something for everyone to eat!" Kohei Soma, who was flushed with drinking, staggered to his feet, his eyes glowing like lightning.

"Wait for me, I'm going too!" Yang Ming, who was sitting on the ground, raised his head and said, "Who will pull me."

Ibuzaki Jun was about to step forward, but was suddenly stopped by Sakaki Ryoko.

"Forget it! The two of you are the protagonists of the party, so sit down! Granny Wenxu will ask us to get it when she's done!" The others stopped quickly.

"What... It's rare that I have the interest to say it!" Yang Ming bent his mouth into a downward arc in dissatisfaction.

Haha... The expressions of these two people don't look like they are going to cook seriously! It's clear that I'm going to challenge the dark cuisine...

If they really make those things, Yuanyue will be in the headlines tomorrow! "The case of poisoning in a secret room cooking", "a boy and a girl in a certain bedroom died of foaming at the mouth" and so on...

"That's right!" Yoshino Yuki quickly changed the subject, "Do you know who Mizusaku Subaru who advanced to the third place in Division A is?"

"Oh, that person, I seem to have heard from my classmates that it is related to some dangerous organization." Ryoko Sakaki said.

"Hey, dangerous organization?" Yang Ming suddenly became interested.

"Yeah, and I heard that he knocked down a bear with one punch." Seeing that this incident really attracted Yang Ming's attention, Yoshino Yuki said quickly.

"Huh? Isn't it a cow?" another retorted.

"I can't figure out what it is!"

"Yukihira ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh there is there I will definitely beat you!" Takmi on the side was drinking cup by cup while shouting to the teddy bear next to him, as if he had made a mistake.

"Is there really no problem with this?" Yang Ming hesitated for a while, and asked Isami, this was the first time he had seen someone whose wine was worse than his own.

"Well, let's just leave it there, it'll be okay for me anyway." Isami was chatting with Jun Ibuzaki, looked back and said to Yang Ming, as for his dear brother who woke up and remembered what he did Will the matter be so embarrassed that I commit suicide? Let's talk about this kind of thing tomorrow.

"Well, shouldn't it be time for you to rest?" Maruta, who had been sitting in the corner, finally couldn't help walking up. There was no way... the place where the party was held was still in his room.

"What!" Everyone said in unison, "Isn't the night just beginning?"


The next day, at the entrance of Togetsu Academy.

"Yang Mingjun, Yang Mingjun, here." Alice Nakiri shook her palm happily and said to Yang Ming.

"Alice, what are you doing, call me out in the morning." Yang Ming said helplessly.

Alice called Yang Ming early in the morning and said to come find him.

"Of course there is something. We rarely enter the main competition of the autumn selection. Of course, we need to relax. How about we go to Tokyo to play today." Alice Nakiri said excitedly.


"Not much," Yang Ming said.

"No, I know Yang Ming is the best." Alice Nakiri shook Yang Ming's arm and said coquettishly.

"Okay, let's go, but how do we get there, it won't be walking." Yang Ming said while looking around.

"Of course not, the car is coming soon." Alice Nakiri said giggling.

This time Alice seized a good opportunity, otherwise her cousin would always know about her looking for Yang Ming for some reason.

Today, because they, the Totsuki Top Ten Masters, are going to discuss the competition mode of the main competition, Erina also needs to participate in this meeting, after all, they are the organizers.

Alice took this rare opportunity.

Soon a car drove over, and Alice Nakiri pulled Yang Ming into the car.

Not far away, a familiar figure said with a mobile phone, "Erina**, Alice and Yang Mingjun are leaving the school now."

"Understood, ok, Erina**." This familiar figure was Hishako Shinto, she nodded with her mobile phone, and then quickly got into the car and left the academy.

Her direction is the same as Yang Ming and the others.

Is this tracking? .

in the car.

"Alice, where are we going?" Yang Ming asked.

"Oh, let's go shopping in Ginza first, and then decide after seeing the actual situation." Alice Nakiri thought for a while and said quickly.

"Okay, this decision of yours is really very casual." Yang Ming shrugged, "But it's okay, stop by there to see Sister Hyugako, and Sister Mukujiyuan Guo."

Yang Ming knew that both restaurants were in Ginza.

"Okay, Hyugako-senpai, I haven't seen you for a long time." Alice Nakiri nodded.

After some time.

Yang Ming and Alice arrived in Ginza. They did not go shopping first, but came directly to the fog house.

After entering the fog house, the waiter quickly greeted him, "Welcome."

"Excuse me, is Senior Sister Hyugako inside?" Yang Ming smiled.

"Of course it's inside." The waiter said quickly.

"Okay, then you guys are busy, I'll go inside to find Senior Sister." Yang Ming said.

"Well, okay." The waiter responded quickly.

Afterwards, Yang Ming took Alice to the kitchen of the fog house, and immediately saw Qian and Qian Rixiangzi also saw Yang Ming and nodded, "Ala, Yang Mingjun, finally I've come to see my senior, long time no see?"

"Haha, Senior Sister Hyugako, I'm not free, so I came to see you." Yang Ming said.

"You definitely won't be so kind, are you accompanying Alice, Erina and Tiansuohui?" Kanhi Xiangko said.

"They, there are some things." Yang Ming said.

"Okay, you wait for a while, I'll come out after I've dealt with this thing." Gan Ri Xiangzi said.

"Okay." Yang Ming nodded, and came to a small room at the back of the fog house. This is not the other side's business. Usually, acquaintances come here to entertain Xiangzi.


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