Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1039:

Slowly, Erina Nakiri, who was the last person, let go of the palm of Rindo Kobayashi.

"Erina, originally I wanted to be a bad guy?" Kobayashi Rentan said helplessly, "But in this case, Akakubo, I will hand over Young Ming Yang to you."

"Rentan, what are you doing?" Akkubo Tao found that Kobayashi Rentan slowly broke free from her arm, which changed her face. If they let go, they would really roll down the slope, and then really start from this The mountain fell.

"Akan Kubo, let go, it's good if you can survive." Kobayashi Rentan smiled softly.

"Whatever you say, whether it's you or Erina, you'll survive." Akakubo Momo said loudly.

"No need, really, Akakubo." Afterwards, Kobayashi Rentan's palm broke away from Akakubo Tao's palm, and Akakubo Tao just watched Kobayashi Rentan and the others fall directly.

"Gentian, Erina." Akakubo Momo said loudly.

"Come up to me." Yang Ming's eyes were torn apart, and he also saw this scene. No matter what he did to Xiaolin Rentan, Yang Ming still had feelings for Erina, although this arrogant Erina often scolded him Yang Ming.

However, Yang Ming is not a robot, but a human, so he naturally has feelings for Erina.

Yang Ming instantly pulled Feishazi up, then grabbed Momo Akkubo's palm, which was about to loosen, and slowly pulled it up.

"Little Taozi, take care of them for me." After Yang Ming finished speaking, his figure slipped down, because he saw that Kobayashi Rentan and Erina didn't really fall to the cliff, and were now hung by the small trees on the slope, but this It won't last long.

"Yang Ming." Akikobo Tao lay on the ground and shouted as she watched Yang Ming slip down.

Akane Kubo Tao did not expect that Yang Ming would be so direct, and without hesitation, he went to rescue Xiaolin Rentan and the others quickly.

"However, call me Xiao Taozi." Akakubo Tao said softly, "Forget it, Junior Brother Yang Ming, you are really a man."

Akakubo Tao wiped the dirt and sweat on her face, and looked at Tian Suohui and the others who were a little blank behind her, "Now we will wait for Yang Ming and the others."

"Erina**." Feishako looked at the pitch-dark **** with a worried and desperate expression.

"Yang Mingjun." Tian Suohui looked down with a dull expression.

"Yang Mingjun, Erina, you have to come back safely." Alice Nakiri gritted her teeth.

Under such a stormy natural disaster, manpower seems so insignificant. .

About two meters away from the cliff, Erina and Kobayashi Rentan were both caught by a small tree.

But can be found. These two small trees were not strong enough to bear the weight of the two of them, and they slowly lifted up. It didn't take long before they fell into the cliff.

After all, the heavy winds and heavy rains have caused the soil and sand here to be continuously impacted, and the slightly firm soil has also softened.

However, the instinct of survival still allowed the two of them to grasp this life-saving thing a little bit.

"Erina, this trip is truly an unforgettable event in my life," Kobayashi Rentan said.

"Rindo-senpai, you still have a chance to laugh now." Erina Nakiri said helplessly.

Now they are on the brink of death.

"I pretended to be brave at first, but now that I think about it, I still want to live, maybe this is the instinct of human beings to pursue life." Kobayashi Rentan smiled bitterly, "I just let go of Akakubo's arm, I It seems a little regretful."

In fact, if Kobayashi Rentan doesn't let go of Akikokubo Tao's arm, then Akakubo Tao can't support Yang Ming to pull her beside her at all, and will only let Akanekubotao fall down with Kobayashi Rentan, then the final situation will be different. If this is the case, then it is hard to say, maybe it will fall directly into the cliff?

They don't even have time to regret it.

"Rindo-senpai, I regret it a little too," said Erina Nakiri.

"Erina, maybe I have to go first." Kobayashi Rentan found that the twig she was grabbing had been constantly tilted up. As for the other things that could be grabbed around, there were none at all, they were all weeds , even if they grabbed them, it was simply not enough to support the weight of Kobayashi Gentian's body.

"Boom." At this moment, the small tree was uprooted directly, Xiaolin Longdan's body sank, and he was about to slide down in an instant. Now the specific cliff is only about two meters away, which means that in an instant, Xiaolinlong The daring girl will really die, in this deep mountain. As for her body, whether it can be found in the future is also a very difficult thing to say.

"Is life just over like this?" In Xiaolin Rentan's mind, memories of the past kept flashing, and then the last picture was fixed on Yang Ming's body, "Junior Yang Ming, I didn't expect senior sister to think of it now. you."

"Goodbye." Xiaolin Rentan closed his eyes.

"Hey" at this moment, a black shadow appeared directly on the side of Xiaolin Gentian, and then the shadow hugged Xiaolin Gentian, and then the other hand directly held the thing and pushed it **** the **** of the soil.

In this way, the two were fixed on the edge of the cliff, just a little distance away.

"Sister Gendan, I won't allow you to die." Yang Ming said slowly, letting Xiaolin Gendan open his eyes and look at Yang Ming, "Have I entered heaven? Junior Brother Yang Ming."

"Of course I didn't enter heaven, but I have to make you experience all kinds of difficulties in this world." Yang Ming smiled, "So you can't die yet, Sister Gendan."

"Yang Ming." Xiaolin Gentian's golden pupils flashed strange emotions.

"Okay, Senior Sister Gendan, you grab this kitchen knife first, I'll go to Erina first, she can't hold it anymore." Yang Ming said, he didn't expect that the thing Yang Ming fixed was actually a small This kitchen knife is more than ten centimeters long enough to bear the weight of a person.

"Then, what do you do?" Xiaolin Rentan said.

"Don't worry, I still have a kitchen knife in my hand." Yang Ming said, and after Xiaolin Rentan grabbed the kitchen knife, Yang Ming moved towards Erina, and the trees on Erina couldn't support it for long.

"Yang Ming." Nakiri Erina also saw Yang Ming's The mist was full, but in the heavy rain, it seemed to dissipate immediately.

"Erina, I still don't allow you to die?" Yang Ming grabbed Nakiri Erina and said.

"Why?" Nakiri Erina's eyes flashed with confusion.

"Because your ten massages haven't been completed yet?" Yang Ming laughed.

"Hey, Yang Ming." Nakiri Erina whispered, her eyes complicated and inexplicable.

"Senpai Gendan, you support first, I'll take Erina up first." Yang Ming shouted to Xiaolin Gendan.

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