And by the way, she can also try whether her mental power illusion has any effect on the Samsara Eye.

There are not many opportunities to test this.

Now it seems that although it is a little useful, it is lucky to be able to control it for a few seconds.

This time, Nagato was caught off guard. If it happens again, it is estimated that it will be difficult to even successfully pull him into the illusion.

The Samsara Eye is indeed not comparable to the Mangekyō.

This is because Nagato is not a member of the Uchiha clan and is not proficient in the use of the Samsara Eye.

If it is Uchiha Madara.

With her current level of illusion, she may not have the opportunity to use her illusion on him.

A man who knows the times is a hero. If you don't admit defeat now, when will you?

Your life is important, and everything else is false.

Haruno Sakura suddenly felt that being a terrorist was not so difficult to accept.

Seeing Haruno Sakura admit defeat, White Zetsu was immediately confused.

"Hey, when did we start fighting? How did we lose?"

Black Zetsu said solemnly, "It seems that Haruno Sakura used an illusion on Pain, but failed."

However, she dared to use an illusion on Nagato who possessed the Samsara Eye. This Haruno Sakura is very brave!

Pain Tiandao retracted his hand.

"Very good, then from now on you are a member of the Akatsuki organization."

"As a new member, you need to report back to the Akatsuki organization base first so that other members can get to know you."

"I will make arrangements for your subsequent tasks later."

Haruno Sakura asked, "Then should I go with you?"

Haruno Sakura was also a little helpless. Are you so anxious? I thought it could be delayed.

"Zetu will take you with me. I have other things to do, so I won't go with you. We will leave first."

Pain Tiandao turned around and left with the fat man, leaving Haruno Sakura and Zetsu staring at each other.

Sensing that Nagato had gone far away, Haruno Sakura considered whether to use a genjutsu on Zetsu and then run away.

But after thinking it over carefully, she gave up.

If she ran away like this, she would probably be hunted down by the entire Akatsuki organization.

She was not afraid of the others. If she couldn't beat them, she could still use genjutsu to run away.

She was afraid that Nagato would be so angry that he would go out in person. She was no match for him at the moment.

Not only that, excluding Uchiha Itachi, she probably couldn't beat Obito either. She had better just admit defeat.

Haruno Sakura gave up the idea of ​​running away. She pulled up the corners of her mouth and forced a smile, looking at Zetsu.

"What do you say now? Should we set off directly? Can we rest for two days first?"

Black Zetsu said coldly: "The leader asked us to go back as soon as possible."

"Where is the base of Akatsuki?"

White Zetsu replied excitedly: "In Taki Country! We can see Uchiha Itachi when we return to the base. Aren't you happy?"

Haruno Sakura looked up at the sky speechlessly, "Not happy at all, then let's set off directly!"

To be honest, Uchiha Itachi is not a hot commodity, and there is no small amount of money to tempt him.

Although Itachi is her savior, it does not mean that she wants to chat about life with him in Akatsuki.

Unexpectedly, her great cause of saving money would collapse halfway, and there was such a big obstacle as Akatsuki.

Because she had no fixed residence, her things were all placed in the storage scroll and carried with her, so there was no need to pack her luggage.

So Haruno Sakura followed Zetsu and started to go to Taki Country.

Taki Country is located at the junction of Fire Country and Earth Country.

If you want to go from the Land of Water to the Land of Taki, you must first take a boat to the Land of Iron, and then pass through the Land of Fields and the Land of Frost.

However, after arriving at the Land of Iron, you can also directly pass through the Land of Fire.

In order to avoid trouble, Haruno Sakura did not choose this route.

Although I don’t know why she has never encountered the pursuit team of the Konoha Anbu, the people of the Root have never given up chasing her.

If she enters the Land of Fire, the pursuit of the Root will definitely be more intensive.

After several days of bumpy rides on the boat and several days of passing through the Land of Iron, Haruno Sakura and Zetsu finally arrived at the Land of Fields, not far from the Land of Taki.

The two of them walked on a country road in the Land of Fields.

White Zetsu excitedly told Haruno Sakura that their current location was relatively close to the Sound Village where Orochimaru, who had betrayed the Akatsuki organization, was located.

Haruno Sakura was quite curious about this, so she asked.

"Since Akatsuki knows the location of Orochimaru's lair, why don't they send people to eliminate him?"

A dark and deep voice suddenly sounded, and it was Black Zetsu who answered her.

"The organization's top priority now is to accumulate wealth, and Akatsuki is not suitable to appear in the eyes of various countries now, so he was temporarily let go."

Hearing him say this, Haruno Sakura immediately understood.

Akatsuki now wants to keep a low profile and make money, so it can't spare any effort for Orochimaru, a cunning guy.

And Orochimaru's Oto Village is in the open.Once they were destroyed by the Akatsuki organization, they would definitely be exposed to everyone and would not be able to grow in a low profile.

Haruno Sakura nodded to show her understanding.

Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of the familiar purple hemp rope bow from the corner of her eye.

The four people turned from the fork in the road next to them and walked towards the direction of Haruno Sakura and the others.

Haruno Sakura secretly looked at the people and recognized that the four people were the Sound Four.

I didn't expect to meet them here.

When the four people approached, Kidomaru, one of them, suddenly stopped.

He stared at Haruno Sakura and suddenly said, "I think I've seen you somewhere!"

The other three were stunned for a moment, and the only girl among them, Tayuya, was speechless.

"Your way of chatting up is really old-fashioned!"

Sakon sneered and teased, "I didn't expect that you, Kidomaru, would fall for beauty."

The head behind his neck was still sleeping, hanging behind his neck, making him look like a conjoined twin.

Haruno Sakura couldn't help but look at him more.

She was a little curious whether he and his brother had been like this since childhood, or whether they were transformed into this by Orochimaru.

Kidomaru was anxious when he heard them say this, "I'm serious, I must have seen her somewhere!"

Sakon looked at Haruno Sakura seriously for a few times, and apart from her good looks, he didn't see any familiarity.

So he said perfunctorily to Kidomaru, "Okay, don't worry about it, we still have a mission to do, let's hurry up!"

Kidomaru seemed to see Sakon's perfunctory attitude, although he was unwilling, but after looking at Haruno Sakura for several times, he still followed them away.

Haruno Sakura silently watched them go away.

Kidomaru probably saw her wanted poster, so he felt she was familiar.

But luckily he didn't remember it, otherwise there might be another fight.

She was at a disadvantage in a one-on-four situation, and Zetsu couldn't help.

Of course, it's better to resolve it peacefully than to fight.

After the episode of meeting the Sound Four, the rest of the journey was very smooth.

Although they encountered a wave of pursuit by the Root team, they were quickly resolved by Haruno Sakura.

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