Ningci thought victory was in sight, but Naruto suddenly burst out a huge amount of red chakra.

His wounds were instantly healed, his acupuncture points were opened, and he was instantly revived with full blood.

The audience in the stands were shocked by his amazing chakra.

The Sandaime stared, and he didn't expect Naruto to be able to use the power of the Nine-Tails.

Naruto rushed towards Ningci instantly, and his speed increased by more than one level at this time.

Ningci had no power to resist, and could only use the Kaiten defense continuously.

Seeing that he couldn't attack for a long time, Naruto directly increased his horsepower and punched Ningci's Kaiten with an overwhelming offensive.

In an instant, there was a loud noise, and dust flew up, covering the figures of the two.

The audience didn't know what happened, and stretched their necks to see the scene inside clearly.

When the dust cleared, everyone could see the situation on the field clearly.

They both fell to the ground, and two huge deep pits were smashed on the ground by the two people.

After a moment, Neji stood up staggeringly, walked to where Naruto was lying, and smiled self-deprecatingly.

"It's a pity to be the last one, this is reality. Now you really..."

Before Neji finished speaking, Naruto's fist suddenly broke through the ground under Neji's feet.

He broke out of the ground and punched Neji's chin, knocking Neji into the sky.

The Naruto that Neji had seen before turned into smoke and dissipated with a bang.

It turned out that the lying Naruto was his shadow clone, and he dug a hole in the ground, waiting for the opportunity.

After being knocked away, Neji rolled to the ground in a parabola.

He had exhausted his chakra just now to defend against Naruto's attack.

Now his body was covered with scars and could no longer move.

After Naruto jumped up and punched Neji, he landed steadily on the ground. He looked at Neji who was lying on the ground.

"Although I don't know what happened between your main family and branch family."

"But I will never forgive a bastard who always calls others the last."

Although Neji was defeated, he was deeply shocked.

I don't know what Naruto's words touched him, Neji took off the forehead protector on his head.

For the first time, he showed the seal of the caged bird in front of everyone, and also talked about the grievances between the main family and the branch family.

Haruno Sakura found that he seemed to look at her.

After listening, Naruto was shocked. Although he didn't know how to get rid of the shackles of the caged bird, his eyes were firm.

"Don't think that you are the only one who is special. Hinata is also suffering as much as you."

"When I become Hokage, I will definitely help you change the fate of the Hyuga clan."

Ningji stopped talking, and the medical team waiting on the side came forward to carry Neji away.

After Shiranui Genma announced Naruto's victory, deafening applause and cheers came from the stands instantly.

Naruto woke up from a dream, and he was overjoyed to see so many people cheering for him.

He grinned and made a V sign to Haruno Sakura and the others.

Haruno Sakura couldn't help laughing as she watched Naruto running around excitedly on the field.

Naruto is getting better and better.

Naruto ran to the stairs of the stands, quickly went upstairs and rushed to Haruno Sakura, unable to resist showing off his treasures.

"Sakura-chan, you must have seen my handsome and heroic appearance, right? How about it? I performed well, didn't I?"

Haruno Sakura couldn't help but reach out and touch his head, the soft touch was really good.

He looked quite serious when he was fighting, but he was still a child.

"Hey, he's so handsome!"

Naruto felt a little embarrassed when he heard Haruno Sakura praising him like this.

Next, because Sasuke hadn't arrived yet, his match was postponed, and now it was Kankuro and Shino's turn.

However, Kankuro wanted to preserve his strength, so he chose to give up and admit defeat, and Shino won without a fight.

When Shiranui Genma announced that Kankuro gave up, there was a burst of boos and complaints from the stands.

Next was Temari vs. Shikamaru.

Seeing that the audience was a little excited, Temari didn't want to give up, so she opened the three-star fan in her hand and landed steadily on the field with the fan.

The audience saw this move by Temari and suddenly quieted down, and began to look forward to the next game.

Haruno Sakura saw that Shikamaru didn't move for a long time, so she knew that he must be afraid of trouble and didn't want to go down.

"Shikamaru, you don't want to give up, do you?"

Shikamaru was caught in the act by Haruno Sakura and scratched his head.

"Ah, you see it, it's really troublesome, I'd better give up."

Naruto looked at Shikamaru in confusion, not understanding why he was always so unmotivated, and ran over.

"Shikamaru, go down and compete."

He said as he pushed him down with one hand.

Haruno Sakura saw Shikamaru being pushed down and fell flat on his face.

Seeing Shikamaru who seemed to have lost hope in life, she couldn't help but shed a few tears of sympathy for him.

Seeing that Shikamaru had no desire to fight, Temari couldn't bear it anymore and directly opened the three-star fan in her hand and used a wind escape on him.

Shikamaru, who was unprepared, took the blow and felt even more hopeless.

He looked at the white clouds floating in the sky and couldn't help showing an envious expression.

At this time, Haruno Sakura suddenly sensed that Sasuke and Kakashi were rushing towards this side. It seemed that they were finally coming.

Sure enough, after a while, Sasuke and Kakashi appeared next to Haruno Sakura and Naruto.

Haruno Sakura hugged her arms in front of her chest and looked at the two and said, "You are really late!"

This is no longer a matter of timing.

Kakashi said, "Ah, I'm late, I'm so sorry!"

Naruto was a little surprised and shouted to Sasuke, "Sasuke, you're finally here, I thought you didn't dare to come!"

Sasuke looked at Naruto and asked, "Did you win the first match?"

Naruto looked proud and raised his head high, "Of course."

Sasuke chuckled, "Don't be too proud, big idiot."

Haruno Sakura looked at the two "brothers and brothers", and was really relieved!

She looked at Kakashi with some disdain, "So your habit of being late is contagious?"

Kakashi touched his head embarrassedly and smiled awkwardly.

"Ahaha, Sasuke's match won't be cancelled, right?"

Sasuke also looked at Haruno Sakura, he was also quite concerned.

So Haruno Sakura said, "Don't worry, your match has been postponed, it should be your next match."

And she was the last match, so she probably didn't have a chance to play.

It was a pity that her opponent Rock Lee, who escaped the crisis of being eliminated by Gaara, still had no chance to perform in the third exam.

Sasuke heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this.

A few people were about to continue watching the competition between Temari and Shikamaru, when suddenly goose feathers fell from the sky.

After a while, everyone beside them fell down except Sasuke and Kakashi.

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