Naruto followed Sasuke, and the two walked towards the rooftop together.

Looking at Sasuke's cold eyes, Naruto was also slightly startled in his heart.

He was also a little excited at this time, and even a little eager to try.

Looking at Naruto's smile, Sasuke was also a little confused.

"What's so funny?"

"It's not a smile, it's excitement!"

Naruto's expression gradually became excited. Looking at Sasuke who showed his Sharingan at this time, he said without hesitation: "Because I think I can finally defeat you here!"

Sasuke gritted his teeth hard. He has been feeling uneasy since the Chunin Exam, but that uneasiness finally became a reality at this moment.

"What? You dare to speak arrogantly when you are the last one?!"

"I won't be the last one all my life and get in your way!" Naruto said firmly.

Sasuke looked at Naruto's firm expression, and Uchiha Itachi's expression flashed in his mind again.

"I have no interest in you now..." What Uchiha Itachi said to him after defeating him.

Thinking of this, Sasuke's expression became furious again: "You bastard!"

"Don't get carried away by your mediocre talent!"

But Naruto was not afraid of Sasuke at all.

"Haha! You who have always been calm will also be so angry."

"It's really unlike you!"

"Are you afraid of fighting someone first, Sasuke!"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up." Sasuke is ready.

"Before that, put on your forehead protector first, I'll wait for you."

"I don't need that kind of thing." Sasuke looked at Naruto, and his expression gradually became arrogant.

"Stop talking nonsense, put it on!"

"You can't hurt my forehead at all." Sasuke pointed at himself and laughed confidently.

"No! This is proof that we are fighting on equal terms as Konoha ninjas!"

"That's why I said you're too arrogant! Do you think you're equal to me?!"

"Yeah! I've always thought so! Of course!"

"I've never felt that I'm inferior to you in any way."

Hearing this, Sasuke was on the verge of a rage.

"You're too annoying!"

"That's because you've always been so weak! Hana is a hundred times stronger than you!"

At this time, Sasuke couldn't help but hear the word Hana, and he flew into a rage.



The two immediately punched each other!


"Ah Qiu!!"

Hana was on her way at this time, and suddenly sneezed.

"What's wrong?" The voice of Xiaonin came from the inner world.

"I don't know if someone is scolding me." Hana pouted.

"Maybe. Don't think too much. We still have several days to go."

"I know!" Hana tapped her forehead and continued to sense the surroundings.

"Xiao Shinobu, there seems to be a bounty ninja ahead."

"Do you want to attack? The other party is a 15 million w Jonin from Rock Shadow Village."

"Lead the way." Hana didn't say much, just put her right hand behind her back and touched the Kusanagi sword.

Sure enough, the next moment, a black shadow flashed in front of Hana who was jumping. At the same moment, Hana kicked with one leg and burst out with amazing power.

Obviously, the Rock Shadow Village was also being hunted, so they didn't see Hana who attacked from the side.

When he found Hana's delicate face and the fox mask on her forehead, the Kusanagi sword had already crossed his abdomen.

A blood flower as long as a giant line passed by, causing the Jonin to stagger instantly, and he fell to the ground with a scream, and blood kept flowing out of his mouth.

He had no idea who this cute and lively little girl in front of him was, but it was this eleven-year-old girl who cut him down from the forest.

Seeing him dying, Hana didn't say anything. The Kusanagi sword had already pierced through his forehead, not even giving him a chance to breathe.

Hana was too decisive in killing. If someone were here, they would be shocked by her cold expression.

What happened that could make an eleven-year-old girl so cold and indifferent.

But it was too late. As Hana pierced through the person's forehead with the Kusanagi sword, the curtain had already fallen.

Just as Hana was about to put the body into the flower domain, a man's voice suddenly shouted from the woods in the distance.


Hana looked back indifferently in the direction of the sound. At this time, Kakuzu and Hidan, wearing red clouds and black robes, came out together.

"We picked this person first." Kakuzu scolded Hana.

Hidan on the side opened his mouth directly.Straight to the point.

"Hey! Are you Uchiha Itachi's sister?"

After seeing the two, Hanako said nothing and placed one hand on the body. In an instant, the vortex of space distortion hid the body in the flower domain.

"Hey!" Feiduan shouted.

"You recognized the wrong person. I don't have such a brother."

After the sound fell, Hanako left the place using the flower domain.

"Kakuzu, she said she wasn't." Feiduan muttered.

"Just because she said she wasn't, it doesn't mean she wasn't?"

"Are you a fool?" Kakuzu glanced at Feiduan speechlessly.

"You actually snatched the prey I liked." Kakuzu frowned.

"By the way, Kakuzu, how can you be so sure that she is that guy's sister."

Seeing that Feiduan was still a little confused, Kakuzu explained to his stupid head in a concise way.

"It is said that Konoha has a big war recently, and Uchiha Kanon is suspected to be missing."

"That kid has the Sharingan, and he looks so delicate. Who are the remaining Uchiha girls alive in the world now?"

After some suggestions from Kakuzu, Hidan immediately realized it.

"I see! I understand!"

"That guy is the only Uchiha girl who survived, so he must be Uchiha Kanon."

"Yes, yes, yes." Kakuzu looked at Hidan with a look of idiocy.

"What should we do, she seems to have left?"

"Depending on what the boss says, the matter of recruiting Uchiha Kanon may be done by the boss himself." Kakuzu said, and turned around to leave.

"Yeah, you're right." Hidan nodded lightly, and when he came to his senses, Kakuzu had already walked away.

"Hey! Kakuzu, wait for me!!"


After coming out of the gold exchange, Kanon chuckled.

"Now, I should have enough money."

She stretched.

"Xiao Shinobu, I'll buy some daily necessities these days."

"You don't need to report this to me, just decide for yourself."

Hearing Xiao Shinobu's words, Hana shook her head helplessly. Xiao Shinobu is definitely a tsundere.

This is Hana's evaluation of Xiao Shinobu since she was a child. She looks exactly like herself, and she is also a tsundere.

She obviously cares about herself, but she pretends to be indifferent. How cute!

Unknowingly, three days have passed. During this time, Hana has hidden all her daily necessities, some ninja tools and clothes in the flower domain space.

However, starting today, Hana is officially ready to set off. The journey to Ryuchi Cave has begun. If it is full speed, it will take at least more than 20 days, so along the way, Hana plans to kill more bounty ninjas.

For her, strength is not achieved overnight, but must be accumulated slowly through unremitting efforts.

After she becomes stronger, she must first kill the beast Uchiha Itachi. For Kanon, her parents, her clan, and everything belonging to Uchiha were destroyed by this man.

He even sent the mysterious masked man to kill her, which she absolutely cannot forgive. No matter what Uchiha Itachi does, it cannot change the fact that he killed her parents and the entire clan.

And that ridiculous and hateful old dog Danzo. Thinking of this, Kanon gritted her teeth, clenched her fist with one hand, and her nails pierced through her palm. Blood flowed from her hand, representing Kanon's anger at the moment.

She swore in her heart that she must kill the old dog Danzo!

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