The preliminaries of the Chunin Exam are still in full swing. Although the duel between Sakura and Ino on the stage is not as amazing as that between Kanon and Sasuke, their performance in ninjutsu, taijutsu and chakra control has won the recognition of senior ninjas such as Kakashi.

"Kane, where do you think Sakura's advantage lies?" Kakashi asked.

"Her chakra control ability is better than my brother and I." Kanon gave this evaluation directly.

"Well, so in this battle, if Sakura can avoid the Yamanaka family's secret technique, the Heart Transfer Jutsu, the chance of winning should be quite good." Kakashi commented on the battle.

In the following battle, Sakura and Ino were evenly matched, and the process was exciting and intense. However, the battle between the two took a very long time, and they were eventually controlled by the Heart Transfer Jutsu, both lost consciousness, and were disqualified.

The next game was Temari vs. Tenten. Although Tenten is good at using various blades, Temari took advantage of the large-scale wind escape ninjutsu of the three-star fan and finally won the victory.

Then, Shikamaru outsmarted the Otonin Kintsuchi and won. When the duel between Kintsuchi and Shikamaru ended, the next duel displayed on the electronic board made Hana look at Naruto nervously.

Because the next challenger is——

Uzumaki Naruto VS Inuzuka Kiba!

"It's my turn! It's my turn! You've been waiting for a long time!" Naruto said excitedly.

Kiba was also full of fighting spirit. He even rubbed Akamaru's dog head and laughed loudly:

"So lucky, I will definitely win against that guy! Akamaru!"

"Hana, Sakura, I'm going!" Naruto said loudly to the two girls.

"Come on, Naruto!" Sakura also cheered Naruto who was about to go down.

Hana walked in front of him, raised her slender hand and clenched it into a fist.

Naruto also smiled when he saw this, and raised his fist to bump fists with Hana.

"Let me see the future Hokage!" Hana smiled.

"Leave it to me! Let's go!" Naruto shouted and jumped to the stage, and came to Inuzuka Kiba.

In this battle, many people still think of Naruto as the last one in the ninja school who could not even transform.

But Hana, Kakashi and Sakura all understand that Naruto has become much stronger these days, and is no longer the last one in the past.

Even Iruka on the stage shook his head helplessly at Naruto.

"Look at that guy's excitement..." Sakura, who was sitting on the stage, smiled helplessly and turned to look at Hana in front of her.

"Hana, why do you believe that Naruto will win so much?!"

Faced with Sakura's question, Hana nodded slightly, and then said softly:

"No reason, because he is my best friend."

This answer obviously stunned Sakura, and she also shouted at Naruto on the stage: "Naruto, don't lose to him!"

Kakashi also looked at Naruto on the stage.

"This guy finally got on stage..."

Looking at Kiba Inuzuka and Naruto in the audience, Kurenai Yuhi thought to herself;

"Naruto... I'm sorry."

"He can't beat Kiba, Kakashi."

Hinata wanted to cheer for Naruto, but she was in the same group with Kiba, and was trapped in this dilemma, so she finally chose to remain silent.

Kakashi walked to Hanane's side and asked calmly, "Hana, how do you think Naruto will win this duel?"

"Or, how would you win this duel if it were you?"

"The hearing and smell of the Inuzuka clan are much stronger than those of ordinary people. They are generally similar to canines, and their intuition is also higher than that of ordinary people."

"If you want to defeat the Inuzuka clan, you must suppress them in illusion or physical skills, or start with their sense of smell."

"If it were me, I could end this competition in an instant."

Hana's serious analysis, Sakura didn't understand much at all, but Might Guy and Kakashi beside her came over with interest.

"End in an instant? How did it end in an instant?" Might Guy asked directly.

Hanane just made a scissors gesture and whispered to Might Guy and Kakashi:

"Use the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique to force him to the center, and then the Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique to lock in the victory."

The two were stunned, and in their minds, they imagined dozens of Hanane surrounding Inuzuka Kiba and throwing shurikens at him desperately. Might Guy and Kakashi's mouths twitched slightly.

This is too cruel. If they are shot like this, they will probably die or be injured, and they will become a hornet's nest.

Listening to Hanane's analysis, the battle on the field has reached a white-hot stage.

Naruto and Kiba spit out blood one after another, and then Naruto accidentally fell to the ground after being hit by a Kiba.

Sakura feltWith a click, it felt half cold. Kakashi shook his head helplessly and accepted the fact that Naruto would lose. Naruto had to continue practicing. He had tried very hard in this battle.

Only Hana was still looking at Naruto lying on the ground calmly. Sakura and Kakashi looked at Hana with some confusion.

Because they saw the word "expectation" in Hana's expression, because at this moment, Hana was looking at Naruto lying on the ground and was actually laughing.

"Naruto! Stand up!" Hana shouted loudly to the people below.

Sure enough, with this shout, Naruto in the audience thought of his dream of becoming a Hokage, and Hana believed that he could become a Hokage.

He gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and his body was shaking.

"I am the one who wants to become a Hokage... I must not fall here!!!"

"You become a Hokage? You are obviously weaker than me. If you want to become a Hokage, let me be the one." Inuzuka Kiba laughed at Naruto lying on the ground.

Listening to Kiba Inuzuka's ridicule, Naruto also remembered how he was ridiculed by everyone in the ninja school. There was only one girl who was willing to believe that he could become Hokage, and she was the first person to recognize him.

Back to the present, Kiba Inuzuka also put his hands on his hips and shouted at Naruto who was lying on the ground:

"You know you can't be a Hokage, but you keep showing off! Hahahaha."

Just as Kiba was laughing, Naruto forced himself to stand up again.

"I won't fall down before I become a Hokage!!!"

Seeing Naruto stand up, Sakura also jumped up in surprise, and even Kakashi sighed in his heart.

"Is this your perseverance?! Naruto."

In the field, looking at Kiba's sneer, Naruto also decided to launch a new trick to win.

"Kiba, come on! No matter what, I will use my new trick!"

Naruto shouted at Kiba, whose laughter stopped abruptly in the distance, and was also motivating himself.

"Oh? Interesting, I won't let you succeed!" Ya said, covering his whole body with chakra, and rushed towards Naruto with his teeth and claws bared.

Seeing that Naruto was still preparing a new trick, Ya had already rushed in front of him, and he went around behind Naruto in an instant.

"Take it!"

When the ninja shows his back to the opponent, it is the moment to decide the outcome!

Sure enough, everyone held their breath at this moment, and even Naruto thought it was over, because Ya's appearance behind him at this moment was really an unexpected move.

In a hurry, he let out a stinky fart silently.

At this moment, Ya's sense of smell was extremely sensitive, and when this move was launched, he gathered chakra on his nose, making his sense of smell more acute.

As a result, the sudden smell of fart made his expression extremely painful, and the whole person covered his face in pain.

Hanako blushed and lowered her head. She thought Naruto's new skill was a big move, but this...

Sakura and others were dumbfounded. Kakashi also analyzed in a speechless voice; "Quick action, keen sense of smell, and the beast-like ninjutsu hurt him..."

"Although that fart was just an accident, he is indeed the ninja with the most accidents."

Hanako and Sakura also shouted at Naruto:

"Naruto's chance is here!"

"Go, Naruto!"

Ya had lost his defense ability in the field, and how could Naruto miss such an opportunity at this time.

"Next, it's time for you to taste my new trick!"

At this moment, Naruto also used his signature shadow clone technique and created 4 clones.

Five Naruto surrounded Ya with a painful expression.

One of the Naruto strode forward and punched Ya directly.

Naruto's main body stepped on the clone that had just punched and rolled up to the sky.

The other three clones kicked the flying Ya towards the sky.


Ya's body flew uncontrollably towards the sky, while Naruto's real body had been waiting in the sky for a long time!

He reversed and stopped, using inertia to kick his foot towards the sky, completing his new trick.

This heavy kick directly kicked Ya in the air to the ground, and Ya spit out a mouthful of blood and fainted.

"Naruto's continuous bomb!"

Shikamaru and other teammates were stunned, and Kanon smiled triumphantly, she always believed that Naruto would win.

Kakashi couldn't help but smile bitterly and exposed Naruto's so-called "new trick".

"New trick... Isn't it the trick that Sasuke used just now?"

"And even the name is plagiarized..."

Naruto on the stage looked down at Ya who had fainted on the ground, and his heart was full of mixed feelings.

Moonlight Gale quickly came on stage and officially announced the result of the game.

"The winner is Uzumaki Naruto!”

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