On the other side, Jiraiya came to an underground place.

"You are hiding in such a place..."

"Long time no see, Orochimaru..."

Jiraiya walked into the house, which was Orochimaru's secret base.

"It's still so dark." Jiraiya said calmly.

Then he pushed open the door inside and saw a person standing there.


Seeing the disappearance of Naruto and Hana, Sasuke and others gathered together and began to analyze: "Where did Hana and Naruto go?" Xiao Li asked.

"What was that just now?" Tiantian was puzzled.

"It looks like it was some kind of space-time ninjutsu." Neji analyzed.

"But who can use such a high-level space-time ninjutsu?" Sakura asked.

Sasuke took out a kunai with flowers engraved on it.

"This is Hana's kunai. If she comes out, she will bring that guy to our side in an instant."

"Damn... Because that guy is nosy, it made me waste time."

And in the black ball.

Naruto was lying next to Hanako, who was using the Sage Mode to sense the surroundings. This space was really a bit strange.

After a while, Naruto woke up.

"Hanako... where is this place?" Naruto rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"Naruto, it's time to get up. It's not very safe here." Hanako pulled Naruto up.

At the moment they stood up, the space in the distance suddenly changed, and a masked man appeared here.

"Are you the mastermind behind this incident?!" Hanako held a kunai in her hand, standing with Naruto on the left and right, looking at the masked man vigilantly.

"Asshole! Return Kakashi and Konoha's people."

"Otherwise, you will be in trouble!" Naruto walked up to the masked man and threatened.

The masked man didn't react at all, as if he noticed something was wrong with him. Hana said solemnly, "Naruto, stay away from that guy."

"Hana, don't bother me, I'm negotiating with this guy now."

"Look at his eyes, Naruto!" Hana frowned, because the eyes in the mask were actually Byakugan.

"Byakugan..." Naruto frowned and retreated to Hana's side.

"Naruto... Although I know you are strong, you may not be his opponent now."

"Who are you?!" Hana said this, but she had already started to think about it in her heart.

With Byakugan, he must be from Konoha, but she didn't know much about the Hyuga family.

"Why do you have Byakugan of the Hyuga family!" In Hana's eyes, a magatama Sharingan reappeared, she raised a kunai, staring at the masked man in front of her.

"Are you related to the Hyuga family?!"

Faced with Hana's questioning, the masked man simply said:

"Look at the flying dust."

"That's the crime your companions committed in this village."

"What did you say?!" Hana frowned, and pink eyeshadow appeared at the corners of her eyes.

The masked man said indifferently:

"They ignored the lives of the children in this village and chose to abide by your own rules."

"Konoha Village is still the same as before, without any changes."

Listening to the masked man's words, Hana frowned, but Naruto on the side interrupted him: "What are you talking about, you don't understand Konoha Village at all!"

"Of course I understand, at least more than you present."

"Come with me, the two of you." The masked man with white eyes left this sentence and walked away.

"If you two want to know the truth that Konoha Village has concealed until now."

Naruto and Hana frowned, what on earth is this guy talking about.

But the two of them still followed the mask and walked forward. Gradually, a big door appeared in the mist.

This door looked very simple and the pattern on it was very mysterious. In the confusion of Hana and Naruto, the door opened by itself.

"Come on, follow me in."

"If you want to know the essence of Konoha Village." The masked man with white eyes said lightly.

Naruto and Hana looked at each other, and he stretched out his hand to Hana. At this moment, Naruto was like a brother.

"Hana, don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Hana blushed when she heard it: "How am I afraid..."

But she still stretched out her hand and was held by Naruto.

In this way, Naruto took Hana's hand and entered the door together.

Naruto and Hana frowned, because there were many Konoha ninjas inside. They were all under their feet.

Hana frowned and looked down with Naruto. Naruto was confused: "What's going on? Third generation grandfather, and...""Why are these people down there?!"

"Hana, let me ask..."

Naruto turned around and found that Hana was also frowning. Obviously, she didn't know what happened.

"This is just a past event that happened in Konoha Village." The masked man with white eyes said lightly.

Sure enough, it was just like a video below.

"Hyuga Hiashi... the head of the Hyuga family?" Hana muttered.

"The head of the Hyuga family?"

"It's Hinata's father."

After Hana explained this, Naruto understood.

While they were mumbling, the video below was also playing.

"There is no way, if my life alone can save the village." Hyuga Hiashi said.

"Hiashi, don't worry." An older Hyuga elder said.

"Hyuga's bloodline limit is an important trump card for the village."

"The mission of the main family is to protect it forever."

Hiashi was also stunned when he heard this: "However, we can't let such a mission drag the village into a desperate war."

"I understand." The former head of the Hyuga family sighed.

"Isn't the branch family for this purpose? You can only hand over Hizashi's body as your substitute..."

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was standing aside, did not show any fluctuations in his expression. He was extremely calm.

Because it was him who made such a decision, and Hizashi Hizashi on the other side, who was Neji's father, raised his head.

"Who is that person? Hanane, do you know him?"

"Ningji's father, Hizashi Hizashi..." Hanane's voice trembled a little.

She already understood what the scene was. This was not a multiple-choice question at all. In Hanane's eyes, no matter who it was, they were all important people, and no one could be a victim.

This kind of behavior of hurting relatives because of the village was a choice she would never understand.

If it were her, she would rather protect important people until she died in battle than sacrifice important people in exchange for such a cowardly peace.

This is really unfair to her family. In her heart, Konoha exists to protect her loved ones. Abandoning her loved ones for the village is the real putting the cart before the horse.

Just as Hana frowned and gritted her teeth, the image below continued.

"Where is that tough-minded Lord Hiashi?" Hyuga Hiashi smiled.

"Such a big thing has never happened before. It can't be easy." Hiashi was about to speak when he was punched in the abdomen by Hiashi.


"Please let me go."

"You...you still have a son like Neji..."

The two looked at this scene, Naruto was shocked, and Hana looked a little angry.

This anger was dissatisfaction with the Hokage. The third generation grandfather was right next to him. How could he be so calm in the face of this situation!

"Why, you choose to die for the main family..." Hiashi shouted.

Hiashi smiled faintly:

"You are wrong. I have always hated the main family and still hate it until now, so..."

"I am not dying for the main family, but to protect you as my brother. I am willing to die."

"For me, this is the first time I have the freedom to make a choice."

"My image in front of Neji has always been ugly, so please tell him so."

"I was not killed to protect the main family, but to protect my brothers, family, Neji, and the village. I chose to die by my own will."

"Is choosing to die by my own will freedom?" Hiashi gritted his teeth.

"Brother... I just want to resist the fate of Hinata."

"Even once, that's all."

As the image disappeared, Naruto trembled because he knew what would happen next.

"This..." Naruto was about to speak, but found that his hand hurt. He turned around and found that Kanon was holding it tightly, and tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.


"What is the Third Grandpa doing..."

"Naruto, there shouldn't be such a choice, right..."

Looking at Hana's expression, Naruto was also trembling. After all, he was Neji's father. He was a scapegoat. It was really heartbreaking.

"The village exists to maintain peace between families and protect the lives of relatives...just like the flower field in my heart."

"Why didn't the Third Grandpa say a word...Isn't he the Hokage...How did he make such a choice!!!"

Hana grabbed Naruto's collar. Hana, who had longed for a peaceful flower field since she was a child, didn't understand after seeing the darkness of the village.

Naruto looked at Hana like this and bowed his head.He nodded and patted her back.

"Naruto... I'm a little doubtful now, what exactly are we fighting for..."

The moment Hana said this, Naruto was startled, because she saw the second magatama slowly taking shape in Hana's eyes.

That's right, because of the inaction of the Third Generation, and because of the strong conflict with her own beliefs and ideas, Hana's Sharingan changed from one magatama to two magatama at this moment.

That's right, this is because of love that she opened her eyes.

"Hana... are you okay..."

"I'm fine..."

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