Shikamaru and his companions were walking on the road when they saw a woman kneeling on the ground, seemingly praying.

"Huh?" Shikamaru was puzzled.

The woman knelt on the ground, clasped her hands together, prayed, and knelt down, while she was still muttering something.

"Mashima-sama, Mashima-sama! Please save my children..."

"Please... Please..."

"Please keep them safe."

As if she had noticed Shikamaru and his companions approaching, she also stood up.

"Sorry, I think I disturbed your prayer."

"We are just passing by. What is being worshipped here?"

Shikamaru's words were very polite, which made the woman relax a little.

"It's Mashima-sama. He lives underground in the village and protects the village by sleeping."

"Excuse me, is there anything wrong with the village?" Ino asked.

"In order not to wake up Master Majima, we have been living very quietly and cautiously."

"Who knew that just a while ago, a man suddenly came and said that the village might become a battlefield. He asked us to take refuge in a safe place temporarily."

"We were driven out of the village, but my daughter and son returned to the village."

"I wanted to chase them back, but my legs were not as strong as the children."

"In the end, we got separated from them."

"That's why I prayed to Master Majima that the children are safe."

Listening to the woman's words, Ino and Choji looked a little reluctant.

Shikamaru glanced at Master Majima and paid a little attention.


In the underground sewer.

Nagato, Konan and Yahiko looked forward solemnly.

"Here it comes!" Konan reminded.

"It's a big guy." Yahiko nodded.

But Nagato has the Samsara Eye, and it seems that he has seen something.

"This is..."

Sure enough, at this moment, a huge monster emerged. He looked a bit like a fish and a bit like a water monster.

The stone in front of them blocked the way of the three people.

"No, there is nowhere to hide!" Yahiko shouted solemnly.

The underground water became more and more urgent. In front of the three of them, a huge fish opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards the three people.

And Nagato reacted the fastest. He took out several kunai with both hands and threw them into the distance. Suddenly, a larger stream of water came from all directions and rushed the big fish monster into the distance.

The water receded, and Konan and Yahiko came out from the side; "We are saved, Nagato."

"Thank you..." Konan smiled.

"It was a close call... What was that just now!" Yahiko was puzzled.

"I don't know..." Nagato said softly.

"Anyway, we have to save the child quickly." As soon as Konan finished speaking, the scream of a child came from a distance.

"Go!" Yahiko gave the order, and the three immediately ran towards the source of the sound.


Team 7 of this generation.

The four people from Team 7 and the three people from Team 3 lined up on both sides and hid. Kanon's injuries were almost healed at this time. She frowned at the surging black ball outside.

"What is that?!" Rock Lee asked.

"I feel a lot of jonin's chakra! Kakashi-sensei and the others should be inside." Kanon gritted her teeth.

Sure enough, Kakashi and others appeared inside, which shocked the people in the two classes.

At this time, a voice came out: "Come here if you want to save people, otherwise they will be executed."

"Don't move!" Sasuke shouted.

But Tenten from Team 3 pulled Xiao Li hard: "Teacher Kai!"

"Calm down!" Tenten shouted.

Sasuke frowned and gave instructions to everyone.

"That's the other party's trap!"

"What we should do now is to convey the current situation to Konoha as soon as possible."

Listening to Sasuke's statement, Neji also nodded slightly.

"Well... do you want to split the troops into two groups, one team stays, and the other team goes back to inform Konoha?"

But Hana shook her head and refused.

"No, there may be an ambush on the way back."

"It's better not to disperse the combat power as much as possible."

And a voice in the distance came faintly.

"You must abide by the rules even if you watch your companions die. The essence of Konoha Village, have you young Genin learned it completely?"

Sasuke nodded slightly and looked at the three people behind him: "Yes, that's good. Although I don't know the other party's origin, he tried to provoke us to disperse our combat power."

But Naruto said faintly: "I... am different from you."

"I can't watch them die in vain!"

Sasuke frowned, but Hana smiled, because she thought so too.

Naruto rushed out immediately.

"Hey! Naruto!" Sasuke shouted.

"Come back soon!" Sakura yelled.

2Just as they were about to catch up, they were stopped by Kanon.

"I'll follow, brother. I'll leave it to you from now on!"

"Kanaon!" Sasuke shouted.

But Naruto and Kanon had already rushed in and disappeared into the black ball.


In the center of the sewer, the two children trembled and hugged each other.

"Brother... I'm scared..."

"Don't be afraid... Don't be afraid..."

"Brother, I don't know how Kenta is..."

"Let's look for him later."


But there was a huge shadow at the water's edge under their feet. It was the big fish monster that had just attacked Yahiko and others, also known as Majima-sama.

"Brother!" The sister hugged her brother tightly, but the brother was also scared.

"Brother, I'm so scared!"

"It's okay... I will protect you."

The big fish monster opened its bloody mouth and was about to swallow the two of them at a critical moment.

Both of them closed their eyes, but the feeling of being bitten to pieces did not come, instead, a sense of weightlessness was replaced.

The two came to their senses and found that Konan was spreading his paper wings and flying in the air with the two children.

The big fish monster behind him jumped up unwillingly and finally disappeared in the water, and Konan brought the two children to Nagato.

Nagato handed Kenta to the two of them, and the two children recognized Kenta instantly.

"Kenta!" The younger sister hugged the teddy bear named Kenta directly.

Seeing the children smile, Yahiko and others also smiled and nodded. The purpose of their efforts is to make these children who lost their families in the war smile again.

But the danger is not over yet. Konan, Yahiko and Nagato looked at the underwater. The behemoth was still wandering around, and it had to be solved.

Yahiko stood up first.

"Come on, cut you into three halves!"

Sure enough, the monster jumped out and drilled a hole in the wall.

"Nagato!" Yahiko shouted.

Hearing this, Nagato also used the Samsara Eye to find the location.

"Found it!" Nagato leaped into the air with one step, this is wind escape.

Yahiko came to Nagato's side and prepared.

"Here it comes!" Nagato shouted.

Sure enough, in front of him, the big fish monster broke out of the ground in an instant, opening its bloody mouth.

And behind them, another one broke out of the ground.

"What?! Another one?!" Yahiko was shocked.

Yahiko and Nagato were knocked out, and the other one crashed into Konan.

Konan frowned, looked at the behemoth, and protected the two children behind him.

In the hole in the sky, Shikamaru had discovered the secret of Majima-sama, which was indeed leading to the sewer. It was also at this critical moment that Choji fell and used the multiplication technique.

"The Technique of Multiplication! Human Bomb Chariot!"

The big fish was killed in an instant. Yahiko and Nagato went to save the children together. Nagato saved them, but Yahiko was in some danger. Just when the big fish monster was about to swallow the two, he was suddenly entangled by a huge force.

This was Shikamaru's Shadow Head Binding Technique. Such control gave Yahiko and others a chance to leave.

"Shadow Head Binding Technique, success!" Shikamaru smiled.

Yahiko and others looked at Shikamaru and nodded slightly.

"You guys are here after all..." Nagato nodded slightly and smiled.

"Go and save those children!" Shikamaru shouted.

Yahiko moved quickly, but the behemoth was faster and knocked Yahiko out in an instant.

Seeing that Yahiko's rescue failed, Shikamaru shouted:


Ino nodded, and her hands turned into a heart.

"Ninjutsu: Heart Turn Technique!"

The secret technique of the Yamanaka family instantly invaded Ino's soul into the brain of the big fish monster.

Then the big fish monster swallowed the child in a big mouthful.

Seeing this scene, Yahiko shouted: "Nagato! Find it! Find the monster quickly!"

Shikamaru shouted to everyone: "Look at her, her spirit has entered the child's body."

"Is this possible?" Yahiko was surprised.

Sure enough, a big fish monster jumped out of the water and bumped around everywhere.

Seeing this scene, Shikamaru nodded slightly: "Ino is dancing in its belly!"

Looking at the big fish monster struggling and the constant bumps in its belly, Shikamaru knew that it was successful.

"Konan!" Yahiko shouted.

Konan nodded, and behind her, countless white paper wings appeared, flying towards Yahiko, dragging Yahiko's waist, and rushing towards the big fish monster in the distance.

"Now!" Yahiko shouted, and he took out the ninja sword from his waist.


The ninja sword slashed across, and a huge bloody scar appeared on the belly of the big fish monster. After Ino controlled the child to run out, he also returned his spirit toThe real body.

Xiaonan brought the girl back to her brother.

The brother laughed and shouted, "Xiaodao!"


The two children hugged each other, making the others smile. Sure enough, the children's happiness was the most important.

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