"Naruto! Naruto!" Kushina knocked on the door and shouted.

Naruto, who was lying in bed, opened his sleepy eyes, took off his hat and looked at the alarm clock.

The pointer on it had already pointed to eight o'clock.

"Hey! It's so late!" Naruto was shocked. His expression was very horrified. He supported the bed with his hands and jumped directly to the floor, and began to change clothes in a hurry.

After Naruto came out of the room, he hurriedly said to Kushina and Minato: "Good morning!"

Naruto picked up the bread and held it in his mouth, then jumped to the window. He whispered to Kushina and Minato behind him: "I'm leaving."

"Naruto! Chicken soup..."

"Drink it, I'm running out of time!"

Naruto jumped out of the window.

"Hey! How rude!" Kushina raised her hand and said dissatisfiedly.

"I'm almost late for the gathering time set by Kakashi-sensei."

Listening to Naruto's words, Minato said helplessly:

"He still has the same old problem."

Kuyukina looked at Minato with a hint of dissatisfaction, and then her hair stood up: "You've spoiled him too much, you should also put on a stern face and scold him a few words!"

"Okay... okay..." Minato buried his head in the newspaper. Even if he was the fourth Hokage, it was normal to be afraid of his wife.

Naruto ran on the roof of Konoha. As the son of the fourth Hokage, he was already very familiar with the buildings of Konoha Village.

"Very good, I will definitely receive an S-level mission today!"

The villagers saw Naruto running over the roof and whispered:

"Isn't that the Nine-Tails..."

"Shh... After all, he is the son of the Hokage, don't talk nonsense."

"Misfortune comes from the mouth, ah, be careful."

As he said that, Naruto jumped in front of the mask point in one step and looked at the mask today.

"Who is it? You scared me!" the mask shop owner yelled.

"Yo!" Naruto greeted the mask shop owner.

"Hey, isn't this Master Naruto?"

Naruto pointed to the fox mask and said, "Uncle, how much is this mask?"

"Look at what you said, how dare I take your money?"

"Hokage-sama will scold me." The mask shop uncle scratched his head and said, obviously, he was afraid of Naruto's identity.

"Here! You keep it." The mask shop owner handed the fox mask to Naruto.

Naruto on the side also found that there was no money in his wallet. He forgot to bring money today.

"Thank you, I'll buy it next time." Naruto said softly.

The mask shop owner stared at Naruto's back in a daze, but Naruto was a little unhappy. Everyone only knew Hokage-sama, Hokage-sama. Never regarded him, Naruto, as an independent person.

After watching Naruto walk away, he ordered his men, "Come on, sprinkle salt."

"Although the village keeps silent about him, everyone knows his true identity. If he wasn't the son of the Hokage, he would have been driven out of the village long ago."

When Naruto passed by the Uchiha clan, Hana was already cleaning the courtyard with Itachi.

"Brother Itachi, you must have practiced this sweeping technique a lot, don't the Anbu need to sweep the floor?"

"No, little sister, you are also very good at it." Itachi smiled gently and touched Hana's head.

"Hmph, Brother Itachi, since we have a day off today, I will show you the new ninjutsu I learned after our mission is over."

"What ninjutsu?" Itachi asked in confusion.

Of course it's "Wind Style: Fierce Wind Palm."

"Did Dad teach you all this trick?" Itachi was a little surprised.

Itachi also understood that his sister was the only one in the entire Uchiha clan who had five chakra attributes, and was a girl who was more talented than himself.

Hana put her head on Itachi's shoulder and whispered, "Itachi, you see that Izumi likes you so much, why do you stay at home and do things with the Anbu every day, you should go out for a date occasionally!"

"I also want to hug my nephew and niece!"

Hana wanted to continue talking, but was poked by Itachi.

"You're overthinking! I was wondering why she came to our house so many times recently. Little sister, tell me the truth, did you betray your big brother!"

"No! I won't tell Izumi that you like sweets and are a sister control."

"You guy!" Itachi shook his head helplessly. His sister was really a lively girl, and he had no choice.

However, although Hana was very talented, she still had no accomplishments in the Sharingan, and even only opened one magatama Sharingan.

Because Hana has always longed for the sun and has not experienced anything, she only has one magatama.

"By the way, Hana, what did you do out so early in the morning?" Itachi asked puzzledly."Send a portion of chicken soup to Naruto's family. After all, he is my best friend!" Hanako put her hands on her hips and showed a sunny smile.

Itachi also nodded slightly and poked Hanako's forehead again: "Go and wake up Sasuke, little sister."

"Okay!" As soon as Hanako turned her head, she saw Naruto's figure jumping down from the roof in the sky.

"Eh?! Hanako!" Naruto smiled and waved at Hanako.

"Hey! Good morning, Naruto!" Hanako also waved at Naruto.

Naruto landed and greeted Itachi beside him: "Good morning, Itachi brother."

"Good morning, Naruto!"

"Hanako, Itachi brother, where is Sasuke?" Naruto looked around and found that there was no sign of Sasuke.

Hanako took out a piece of croquette she made from the house and handed it to Naruto.

"You came in such a hurry, you must not have eaten, I made the croquette myself, take it and eat it." Hanako said with a smile.

"Wow! Thank you, Hanako." Naruto was somewhat grateful.

"Sorry, Naruto, I always trouble you to pick up my sister and brother." Itachi chuckled.

"My brother has a bad temper. It must be very tiring to get along with him."

Naruto smiled confidently, "Just leave it to me. I'll discipline him!"

"Really? We need to get along well." Itachi said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Naruto smiled.

At this moment, Sasuke, who was wearing blue clothes, stood behind Hanako and pointed at Naruto: "Who are you going to discipline?!"

"I haven't fallen to the point where I need a big fool like you to discipline me."

"What does it matter? Aren't we friends? Just like Hanako and I!" Naruto scratched his head.

"When did I become your friend? I don't need you to pick me up specially!" Sasuke said dissatisfiedly.

Then he turned around and said to Kanon who was beside Itachi: "Stay away from this guy in the future!"

Hearing Sasuke's dissatisfaction, Kanon, Itachi and Naruto were all laughing, nothing else, because this was already Sasuke's daily routine. He said this every day, and Naruto and Kanon's ears were about to grow calluses.

"I don't want to see your face except when you are on a mission."

Sasuke left with a dog beside him, and Naruto also took Kanon's hand and left with Sasuke.

"Here you go again, obviously very happy!" Naruto said with a smile.

"Naruto, let go, it hurts a little!" Kanon's face was slightly red.


Outside the gate of Konoha Village, Bingzu Leitong and Gang Zitie were looking at the gate of Konoha Village, and from the grassland outside the village, a ninja staggered out and fell to the ground.

"What's wrong with you?" Bingzu Leitong ran over and asked.

"Are you okay? Cheer up." Gang Zitie shouted.

The man had a painful expression, and he kept repeating: "Papilio..."

The Hero Monument of Konoha.

The four members of Team 7 came up.

"Teacher Kakashi, what is the new mission?" Naruto asked.

"Before that, I want to show you something." Kakashi led everyone to the Hero Monument.

"The names of the legendary heroes are engraved on it."

"Legendary heroes..." Sasuke was a little confused.

"Yes." Kakashi nodded slightly.

"Hahaha! In the future, I will be so powerful that I can engrave my name on it."

"Let's not do that." Hana pulled Naruto's hand.

"Huh? Why?"

"Because the people engraved on it are all martyrs who sacrificed for Konoha..."

"Because they are heroes, they have to die. There are no living heroes in this ninja world..." Hana murmured.

Listening to Hana's words, Kakashi also fell into despair. Living heroes, can Hokage really be considered a real hero? Those who died for Konoha are the greatest, and even surpass the position of Hokage in his heart.

Without the efforts of these people, there would be no village, and there would be no such people together.

So Kakashi agrees with what Hanane said, that this world needs heroes, but lacks heroes.

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