Naruto stretched out his hand and looked at Obito who was still confused.

Looking at Naruto's resolute eyes, Obito looked at his hand again and gradually stretched it over, but Obito's hand pinched Naruto's neck.

Looking at Naruto's somewhat painful expression when he was pinched, Obito said lightly: "I can't go to your side."

"I don't regret the road I have walked!"

Naruto looked at Obito, his expression was a little ferocious but very firm.

"I said... I saw everything..."

"So, now..."

Naruto swung a punch and hit Obito's face directly.

"Why do you still imagine yourself as a Hokage!"

Obito staggered frantically and retreated dozens of steps. When he opened his eyes again.

At this time, Naruto was just like his former self. Deep in his heart, Obito still didn't want to abandon the memories of Minato's class and Konoha.

At this moment, Naruto looked at Obito's appearance, and his expression became complicated, and a memory came to him.

That was his memory when he was seven years old. Although it was plain, it was a memory that Naruto would never forget in his life.

That day, it was still the same as usual. He was only eight years old and walked alone on the road, but he rarely took the paint bucket anymore.

His figure was very long in the afterglow of the sunset. There were bustling shops and busy people on both sides of the street, but all this seemed to have nothing to do with him.

But Naruto was just walking on the street, and someone looked at him coldly.

"Hey, it's that kid, it's scary."

"Hey, don't play with him, God knows what he will do to you."

The voices of adults came from all directions, as if Naruto was the focus of the scene.

He lowered his head and walked forward. He ignored countless sarcasms, but how could Naruto not care?

He was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt of the Uzumaki clan that was a little yellowed after being washed, with his hands in his pockets, and his footsteps were slow and silent on the cold ground.

His hair was a little messy, and his big blue eyes looked forward, but there was no focus at all.

In the crowd around him, there were parents holding their children's hands, friends laughing and talking, and some people were sneering at him, but Naruto was only accompanied by his own shadow.

His eyes revealed an unspeakable loneliness and desolation, as if he was a forgotten child in this world.

He continued to walk, and his small figure seemed so small in the huge world. He knew that even if he returned to the so-called "home", it would still be empty.

Except for Hanako, no one was waiting for him, no one cared what he had eaten today, and no one asked him how he was doing at school.

He passed by Ichiraku Ramen and watched everyone in the ramen restaurant eating happily. He took out some money from his pocket and found that it was not enough for a meal.

So Naruto just wanted to escape from here. Hanako had just been discharged from the hospital in the past few months. As a friend, he should not disturb Hanako's recovery now.

She had just experienced the night of genocide not long ago, and her heart must be very confused now.

Naruto thought so, shook his head, and fled from Ichiraku Ramen.

So as Naruto ran, he arrived outside his house in a short while.

Looking at the door of his house that was even rusty day after day, Naruto swallowed his saliva.

Naruto fantasized that when he returned home, someone would be waiting for him, someone would say to him, welcome back, his heart was full of expectations, and the speed of his hands unconsciously accelerated.

However, the moment he opened the door, all his expectations turned into bubbles. What came into view was a messy room, an empty space, and the scattered cup noodle packages on the table.

Silent, there was no trace waiting for him, no greetings, no figures, only a suffocating loneliness.

He walked into the messy living room with loss, looking at the calendar on the table, which had a red circle on October 10th.

And today is October 10th. I don’t know when it started, the third generation Hokage told him that his birthday is October 10th.

So Naruto looks forward to this day every year, because only on his birthday is it the most memorable day for him.

His eyes began to search involuntarily, hoping to find a little detail that was overlooked, hoping that all this was a prank, hoping that someone would suddenly jump out and wish him a happy birthday with a smile.

But his search was in vain, the room was still deserted, and loneliness followed him like a shadow.

He slowly walked to the table and picked up a cup of noodles, his fingers trembling slightly. This is his daily routine. Whenever he thought he could change, reality always ruthlessly reminded him that he was alone.

No one cared whether he went home, no one cared what he ate, and even no one cared about his family.People remember his birthday.

Sitting at the messy table with his small body, Naruto's mood was so heavy that he almost dripped water.

He couldn't understand why he was always alone, why he was always forgotten, why no one played with him, and why he was ridiculed by adults.

He was just a seven-year-old child, eager for a little attention and love.

Naruto stretched his arms and lay on the bed. He finally closed his eyes, and his blue pupils were gradually moistened by tears. Two tears appeared in the corners of Naruto's eyes.

He was a little sad, but the third-generation grandfather said that he must be happy on his birthday.

Naruto looked at the paint bucket that was already covered with dust. He decided to take the paint bucket and make a big fuss.

Just as he got up and prepared to take the paint bucket, he suddenly noticed footsteps at the door, and then the door was knocked.

Naruto pushed the door open with some doubts, and his best friend Uchiha Kanon appeared at the door, holding a small birthday cake in one hand and a plastic bag in the other hand, with a warm smile on her face.

"Naruto, happy birthday!" Kanon's voice was like a spring breeze, blowing away the haze in the room.

She had black hair like a waterfall and wore a blue windbreaker, but there were still some bandages wrapped around her body.

"Kanaon..." Naruto's eyes were red and his nose was a little sour, but he forced himself to cheer up, turned his head, and said softly with a little arrogance.

"How old am I! It doesn't matter if it's not my birthday!"

As a result, a burst of fragrance hit Naruto's nose, because Kanon's face was very close to him at this moment, so close that he might even touch his lips if he got closer.

Looking at Kanon's extremely cute face and her pink lips, Naruto couldn't help blushing, and then stumbled back and jumped high like a frog.

"Ahh! Hana, why are you so close!"

"I'm just seeing if you're being stubborn."

Hana scratched her head and smiled, then said to Naruto;

"Can I come in?"

"Of course, please come in, it might be a little messy."

Hana walked in and looked around. She hadn't been to Naruto's house since the night of the genocide, and spent most of her time in the hospital.

But when she came today, she found that it had become so messy again. The table still had the leftover cup noodles that Naruto had eaten in the morning.

"Oh, you! You made the room so messy again!"

"What if the Sakura you mentioned comes here, she will dislike you."

"Ahahaha..." Naruto rubbed his nose awkwardly.

Hana walked into the room, put the cake on the table, and then carefully arranged it.

"I made this myself. I don't know if the sweetness is suitable for your taste, but you have eaten all the desserts I brought before, so it shouldn't be unpalatable to you."

"Of course! It suits my taste very well!" Naruto said, and was about to move forward, but was stopped by Hana.

"This is for dinner!" Hana put her hands on her hips and gestured to Naruto.

"Now... clean up! Then decorate the room!"

"This is the first birthday I celebrated for you!"

Listening to Hana's words and her sunny smile, Naruto felt warm in his heart, and he nodded happily.

"I'll take care of the windows and floors, Naruto, you can throw away the garbage and garbage bags!"

"I understand!" Naruto showed a beautiful smile, and the six whisker-like textures on his face shook.

From this time on, Naruto's family began to be busy. Although it was tiring, Naruto was very happy.

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