"This is... the Jinchūriki of the Ten-Tails!" Naruto pointed at Obito and shouted.

"The Ten-Tails disappeared..." Sai said in shock.

"Hinata, did you see everything?" Sakura asked Hinata.


"What happened, can you explain it?"

Hinata said with some trembling: "The Ten-Tails was completely absorbed by that person, judging from the chakra..."

Sure enough, at this moment, Obito in the form of the Six Paths appeared in a piece of broken glass.

He was wearing the robe of the Six Paths Sage, with six magatama in front of him, the left eye Samsara eye, and the right eye Sharingan.

But at this moment, he was very calm. Seeing this scene, Nagato and others were a little horrified.

Feiduan said in surprise: "Could it be that Ah Fei was borrowed by Sandwich-Sama?!"

"Oh! My Sandwich-Sama, you are too strong."

Deidara shook his head, his expression was a little surprised, because Obito was really artistic at this moment.

Nagato frowned, and said to Kanon beside him with some doubt: "This form is very strong. If he attacks us, then we are in danger."

Because the distance is too close, almost next to Obito, if he really attacks, [Akatsuki] will be hurt.

"Should we stay away from him?" Kisame asked Kanon standing beside him.

"From his current state, it seems that he has not suppressed the Ten-Tails yet, and it is very likely that his consciousness will be swallowed by the Ten-Tails."

"In this case, the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki will go berserk. Brother, you stay away first, don't worry about me." Kanon said, and asked everyone in Akatsuki to hold hands.

"Then you be careful." Nagato patted Kanon's shoulder.

"Trust me." Kanon said, and used the Flying Thunder God Technique to send everyone in Akatsuki to a far place outside the battlefield.

On the battlefield, Senju Tobirama looked at Obito and was a little confused: "What...what's going on?"

"Not good, it's actually Jinchūriki." Hashirama thought so and began to observe Obito inside.

"It's getting more disgusting." Naruto's expression was cold.

"Obito..." Minato frowned.

Then Naruto explained to Sasuke why he knew it was the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki.

Others didn't dare to act rashly when watching this scene. Sure enough, the first person to take action appeared in the field.

Above the sky, a huge Myojin Gate pressed down and directly pressed Obito to the ground.

Then several Myojin Gates continued to press down, and Hashirama's expression was calm. He thought that even if Obito became a Jinchūriki, the Myojin Gate could continue to suppress him.

But unfortunately, Hashirama's Myojin Gate cracked instantly. This was the power of the Six Paths, and the Myojin Gate could not suppress it at all.

Not far from Hanane, Obito was burning with red flames and stood up lightly.

He looked at Senju Hashirama with a somewhat angry expression, and the Myojinmon behind him exploded instantly.

The whole audience was shocked. At this moment, Obito could actually break free from the fairy seal that suppressed the Ten-Tails, which made the four Hokage present feel pressured.

"You should still know what to do." Hana asked lightly.

Obito did not respond to Hana. The flames burning on his back instantly turned into five chakra hands and began to tear the Four Red Yang Formation.

At this moment, the Four Red Yang Formation was actually broken by Obito, and the barriers of the four Hokage were actually torn apart by Obito's bare hands.

Now Obito is more powerful than the Ten-Tails itself. After becoming a Jinchūriki, it can be said that he is the second Six Paths in the world and the only one now.

Seeing that no one dared to act rashly, Hashirama shouted to everyone at this moment: "Don't let your guard down! The enemy who intends to take the power of the Ten-Tails for himself has appeared."

"I don't know what he wants to do, but his barrier has been destroyed!"

As soon as Hashirama's voice fell, a figure jumped out of the smoke and came to the vicinity of Naruto and Sasuke in one step.

"Stop, Obito, stop it!" Namikaze Minato shouted.

Sure enough, Obito was silent at this time. Sure enough, his consciousness was a little out of control at this time and was pulled wildly.

It was also at this moment that the first generation Hokage Senju Hashirama, the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, and the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen jumped to the center of the battlefield.

"I'll be frank, that guy is stronger than me now." Hashirama sighed.

"I'm sorry, it seems to be true." Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded.

"Your clone that almost disappeared is no match for him, big brother."

"I know, but..."

While Hashirama and others were still exchanging information, a rose vortex appeared next to Obito, and Kanon stood next to him. At this moment, her height of 165 cm seemed a little short standing next to Obito.

Here comes a little Kanon

But Kanon stoodHere, no one dared not to pay attention to her, just because she was Uchiha Kanon, one of the initiators of this war.

Kanon stood beside Obito, looking at the three Hokage with a calm expression, her red windbreaker fluttering in the wind.

"Go, I'll deal with these three Hokage for you."

Hashirama, Tobirama and Hiruzen looked at Kanon, their expressions gradually became solemn. Hashirama knew Kanon's hollowness, although Kanon might not be as good as Hashirama in terms of recovery and strength.

But her mechanism and speed were stronger than Hashirama's.

The Ten-Tails was a little afraid of Kanon, and when Kanon stood beside him, Obito's consciousness recovered a little.

He nodded and rushed towards the Hokage and others.

Madara, who was far away, also stood up at this moment. Looking at Hanako facing the three Hokage alone, he said lightly:

"Although I am very happy to see the Hokage shrinking, but little Hanako, I can't wait any longer."

He looked at Obito who had become the Six Paths Sage at this moment. Before he could use his trump card, it was very likely that Obito would get there first. Even if Hanako helped him, he was still a little worried.

After all, Hanako was still young. If he had been taught by himself before, he would have waited with peace of mind, but Hanako was only fifteen years old after all.

As a result, Madara said this, his pupils shrank suddenly, because Hashirama Senju's neck had been twisted by Hanako, and Tobirama Senju was even worse. He and Sarutobi Hiruzen were both wrapped in Dust Release.

The huge block instantly broke the two into atoms.

If the three were alive, Hanako would have killed the three Hokage instantly.

But unfortunately, this was a body of the Impure World Reincarnation.

"Really amazing, Hanako." Madara laughed loudly, which was a recognition of the younger generation.

"But did you find that guy's detonating tag?"

At the same time, three detonating tags appeared beside Hanako.


Endless smoke and dust sounded in the chain explosions.

The bodies of Tobirama, Hashirama and Hiruzen gradually recovered.

Naruto and others were a little surprised when they saw Hanako, especially Sasuke. After experiencing the battle in Ryuchi Cave, he was more certain that Hanako had never used her full strength.

Now she used her full strength to kill three Hokage in an instant. Such strength made him, as a brother, feel a little ashamed.

In the explosion, Hanako's body became empty and walked out indifferently.

Sure enough, at this moment, Hashirama's body turned into wood and was about to entangle Hanako. Seeing that Hanako was entangled, Sarutobi Hiruzen shouted to Minato: "Minato, run!"

"Second generation is so fast, Flying Thunder God Technique!" Minato led Naruto and others away in an instant.

At this time, Tobirama walked in front of Hanane: "Uchiha brat, I came to the battlefield as you wished."

"I invented the Impure World Reincarnation, and the corresponding tactics, but this is the first time I have personally tested it."

He just looked at Hanane who was entangled by Hashirama, and Tobirama was secretly surprised in his heart, why could she still look at him calmly in this situation.

"Multiplying Detonating Talisman! Let you taste this!" The second generation threw several detonating talismans in his hand and floated towards Hanane, but the next moment, a Kusanagi sword penetrated through the entangled wood and directly cut Tobirama in half.

"What?!" The other three Hokage, Naruto and Sasuke, and even Madara were a little surprised.

Hanane slowly walked out of Hashirama's Wood Release, which was the ability of the flower domain. She turned the sword flower in her hand, and then put the Kusanagi sword back into the sheath.

"You've been so arrogant for so long, but it turns out you're just throwing explosive tags."

"I thought you were going to do something big, old Senju." As she said that, Hanane's ninja boots stepped on the upper body of Tobirama, whose head was cut off.

"Don't underestimate me, Uchiha brat." Although Senju Tobirama was stepped on, a smile appeared on his lips.

Because there were more and more multiplication explosive tags behind, the talismans were constantly summoned and exploded. This was a continuous peak-concentrated explosion!

Hanane looked at the multiplication explosive tags, and her lips slightly raised: "You gave me a good idea. The explosive tags are infinite summoning explosive tags. Can you replace the large number with trillions?"

The entire space was replaced by the explosion. Senju Tobirama was a filthy-earth body, but Hanane was not.

Such chain explosions continued to bombard the battlefield, and Obito and Hanane were affected.

Seeing this scene, Naruto and Sasuke didn't laugh happily. One was their own sister and the other was their best friend. They wouldn't laugh when Kanon was in such danger.

Explosions continued, and white light continued to be emitted from the battlefield. Such explosions caused black fog to cover the sky, which lasted for several minutes before stopping.

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