The sky suddenly exploded, and the terrifying white chakra covered the entire scene. The huge explosion seemed to destroy everything around.

The clouds in the sky were shaken apart. Madara looked around and whispered, "The good show is still to come."

Behind Madara, the blue Susanoo appeared, and he began to prepare.

At this time, Kakashi looked at the Ten Tails. He must kill the Ten Tails this time.

At the moment when Kakashi was about to launch Kamui!


Obito actually caught Kakashi at this time.

"It seems that you are waiting for this opportunity, but so am I, Kakashi!"

At this moment, a space vortex appeared, and Obito actually wanted to suck Kakashi and himself into the Kamui space.

"Teacher Kakashi!" Naruto shouted at Kakashi.

"Naruto, I'll leave this to you!" Kakashi shouted at Naruto.

But Naruto's situation was even more difficult. At this moment, the Earth Changes exploded instantly, and the terrifying shock wave enveloped the entire battlefield.

Hana stood in place, and all the storms and gravel could not hurt her at all, and even the sound and groundwater could not shake her.

Uchiha Madara used Susanoo to resist the Earth Changes, while Hana sat on the shoulders of the Ten-Tails and looked down with pleasure.

The ninjas all wore the Nine-Tails outer garment. It was not so easy to die.

If they were naked, this move would definitely destroy everyone.

In this terrifying environment, Naruto actually distributed all his chakra to everyone, and even he withdrew from the Nine-Tails mode, with only a layer of tailed beast outer garment covering his body.

The Earth Changes were too terrifying, and even Naruto was seriously injured at this time.

The world was still collapsing, and the Ten-Tails' shouting seemed to blow up the entire area, and a scene of doomsday emerged.

"The battlefield should be cleaner now." Madara looked around.

"Who knows?" Hana jumped off the Ten-Tails' shoulder and looked at the Ninja Alliance.

As expected, the Ninja Alliance with the Tailed Beast Coat was not so easy to die. Many people lay on the ground. Although they were seriously injured, they were not dead.

Everyone understood that it was Naruto who protected them again. Even Hinata, who was pierced by Hana, recovered because of the Tailed Beast Coat.

Naruto covered his right hand, bleeding all over and said to the Ten-Tails with a big breath: "It's useless..."

As a result, the Ten-Tails on the opposite side put his hands together and began to guide. His body gradually became bigger and stronger, and the Tailed Beast Coat of the Ninja Alliance disappeared at this time.

"It seems that you have stopped here, Uzumaki Naruto." Hana stood there and said with a sarcastic expression.

Madara also spoke at this time: "You have finished this good show, and it's almost time for you to leave."

He was about to move, but found that countless people from the Ninja Alliance stood in front of Naruto.

"Everyone, work together!" Hinata and countless others stood in front of Naruto.

Naruto was also quite surprised to see Hinata boosting morale, and behind Naruto, Sakura began to treat him.

"You need to heal, Naruto."

Hana looked at a group of ninjas protecting Naruto behind her, and she also drew the Kusanagi sword.

"A bunch of rabble, don't waste your energy."


On the other side, Obito and Kakashi also entered the Kamui space.

Obito staggered and fell to the ground, and Kakashi seized the opportunity at this moment, and Raikiri rushed towards Obito.

The moment Raikiri was about to pierce Obito's head, he stopped, and the beautiful memories of being with Obito in his youth appeared in front of him again.

Looking at Obito at this time, he recalled the scene when his Chidori pierced Rin's chest.

Obito's appearance at this time made the guilt in his heart radiate from the inside out.

This made Kakashi stop his hand. Looking at Kakashi's hand stopped in front of him, Obito sneered.

"Humph, you are indeed hesitating in your heart, Kakashi."

"Before this, you clearly had the opportunity to kill me, but you still softened your hand."

Kakashi understood that Obito was talking about the scene when the Nine-Tails helped Kakashi enter the Kamui space to fight in two spaces.

"You are so cold and ruthless that you actually showed mercy to the enemy on the battlefield. What is the difference between us and Hanako and Naruto?"

"Hanako also had countless opportunities to kill Naruto, but still did not do it."

"She did it because of the bond, and what about you? Guilt?"

"Because you failed to protect Rin and violated the agreement with me, do you feel guilty?! Kakashi."

Listening to Obito's words, Kakashi was very silent. Indeed, he was shrouded in guilt for half his life. This is a scar he can't forget.

Facing Obito, facing Lin, even facing Sasuke and Kanon, he is not qualified.

He looked at Obito at this moment, and remembered that Kanon was covered with wounds when she defected. This was all his responsibility as a teacher because he did not protect his students well.

Kanon's words before defecting were like a knife cutting through Kakashi's heart.

Looking at Kakashi's expression, Obito said lightly:

"Do you want me to repent and reform?"

"Obito, stop..."

"Your dream was to become a Hokage, and Naruto is the same now."

"He said what you said before." Kakashi said with a trembling voice.

Kakashi thought of the current Naruto and the past Obito. They both had the same great dream, but why did Obito become like this now?

"Obito...Unconsciously, you overlapped your past self with your current Naruto."

"Subconsciously, you took Naruto's words as your past self."

"You want to be denied by your past self, don't you?"

"You can't not understand Naruto's feelings!"

"You can still turn back and become your past self again!"

But at this moment, listening to Kakashi's ridiculous words, Obito couldn't control his body and started laughing.


The Four Heroes of Crazy Laughter, Part Two

"You said that I understand Naruto's thoughts, but have you ever understood Kanon's thoughts?"

"Obito..." Kakashi lowered his head with some trembling.

"You know everything, right?"

"Why did Kanon defect, why did she become like this, what did Itachi do to her!"

"What did you do as a teacher? If you can't even protect your promise and students, don't talk nonsense here."

"It's because I understand Naruto's thoughts too well that I want to listen to everything he says and then deny it all."

"Kanaon, who is stronger than me, has denied it all. Her will is now stronger than anyone else."

Kakashi was about to speak, but was interrupted by Obito again.

"I'll tell you again, the fact that you feel guilty about me is ridiculous in itself."

"If you think that the reason I started the war is just because of you and Lin, and her revenge."

"You're totally wrong!" Obito's Samsara eye and Sharingan kept spinning, and his expression was very crazy.

At this moment, he launched an illusion, and Obito actually passed through Kakashi's Raikiri.

"I know everything!"

At this moment, Kakashi's thoughts returned to the past, and he turned back to the way he was then, but Lin was pierced by him with blood flowing from the corner of her mouth.

This is a fact he never wants to recall, because he is more afraid of facing Obito.

But Obito spoke at this time: "It was Lin who threw herself at your Chidori and chose to die."

"At that time, Lin was abducted by the Hidden Mist Village and forced to become the Three-Tails Jinchuriki."

"Although you successfully rescued Lin, this itself was also part of the Hidden Mist Village's plan."

"In order to drive you to Konoha Village, they even pretended to be in hot pursuit."

Kakashi's pupils shrank suddenly, and the three magatama were trembling.

" do you know."

Obito did not answer Kakashi, but continued to speak on his own: "The plan of the Hidden Mist Village is to wait for Lin to return to Konoha, so as to let the three-tail in her body run wild, and then attack Konoha."

"Rin knew this very well, so she took advantage of the Raikiri you released on the enemy and committed suicide."

"She was determined to die in the hands of her beloved! To protect Konoha."

"No matter what you say, you who failed to protect Lin are a fake to me."

"To me, Lin should not die."

"So the dead Lin is just a fake. Branded goods!"

"Only when Rin is alive is she the real Rin! It is the ninja system that has repeatedly led to this situation."

"It is the ninja system, the village, and the ninjas that have caused people like Hanako, who are kind to the core, to become a traitor and become what they are now!"

"What really makes me despair is this world itself!"

"There is no hope in this world!"

"Although I have traveled all over the ninja world under the name of Madara, what I have seen and heard has made me more convinced of this."

Obito thought of Nagato's story, the creation of Akatsuki, Hanako's story, and the truth about Uchiha Itachi.

At this moment, he shouted to Kakashi: "I am desperate for this fake world!"

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