"You are under the control of my Impure World Reincarnation Technique, and your movements are restricted."

"If you want to go to the battlefield, finish your words first." Orochimaru said lightly.

"Let's talk later! Madara is resurrected, can't you tell the priorities of things?" Sarutobi Hiruzen shouted at Orochimaru.

"I listen to Sasuke. If he is not satisfied, I might control you to destroy the entire Konoha."

"At this critical moment."

"Well! This abominable ninjutsu!" Sarutobi Hiruzen is now incompetent and furious.

But at this moment, Senju Tobirama said lightly; "That Orochimaru, you misunderstood something."

"The accuracy of this Impure World Reincarnation is higher than last time, and you neglected this point."

"This time we reincarnate with a power very close to the original."

Suddenly, the wall exploded instantly, and dense cracks appeared.

"Your Impure World Reincarnation can't restrain me at all!"

"After all, I am the one who invented this ninjutsu! Big brother, there is no other way now!"

"I have to act!"

Immediately, Senju Tobirama felt that he couldn't move his body.

"Monkey, the ninja you trained is quite capable." Hashirama said with a smile.

"It is my honor to be praised by the God of Ninja." Orochimaru sneered softly, but cold sweat broke out on his forehead, because Hashirama couldn't control him at all, and he could kill all of them at any time.

"He added my cells into your body to strengthen the restraint." Hashirama said to Tobirama with a smile.

"Tobirama, your senses are a little dull."

Tobirama was helpless. He looked at Orochima solemnly, and then felt his body. Indeed, his body was almost full of Hashirama cells.

Hashirama looked at Orochimaru and said softly; "Next..."

"Don't worry about that Orochimaru. I'll help this child untie his knot first."

"I don't know what choice the Uchiha child will make after listening to me."

"If you ignore him again, he will become the next Madara in the future."

"Even if you end the war and win, it will be meaningless!"

Tobirama pouted unconvinced, but still looked at Hashirama.

"It's up to you, brother."

Next, Hashirama told everyone the truth of the year, the founding of Konoha, and the grievances between Uchiha and Senju.

In the last battle, Hashirama relied on the wooden clone to deceive Madara and killed him.

At the end, Hashirama lowered his head in shame: "Although I don't know how Madara was resurrected now."

"But I did kill my friends for the village."

"Yes, the so-called village, originally, Madara and I hoped to build a village that can connect families."

"It is the key to establishing order from chaos and maintaining it."

"It was once a place to protect children and avoid unnecessary disputes."

"A place used to achieve peace, but later it still bred the darkness that your brother Itachi carried and the pain that your sister endured."

"What Madara said may be right, he may have expected the current situation to happen."

"The ninja who caused this situation is me..."

"And the only ninja who acquiesced to all this is me."

"I said that ninjas should be people who endure humiliation to achieve their goals."

"But different goals will also create different ninjas, just like Madara and me."

Sa Sasuke looked at Hashirama and murmured:

"A ninja is someone who endures humiliation and bears heavy burdens."

"To achieve the goal... For me, the goal is to build a village."

Hashirama nodded and continued:

"But Madara seems to have found something else. Although what Orochimaru said just now, Madara resurrected the ninja who attempted to destroy this world, I don't know the details."

Sasuke whispered to Hashirama: "Infinite Tsukuyomi, whether it is the village, ninja, country or civilians."

"He and Kanon want to make everything fall into illusion and manipulate them at will."

"This will turn my brother, Madara's brother, and everything you want to protect into nothingness."

"That is to say, my brother, who never mentioned your will, silently inherited it."

"My brother endured humiliation and heavy burdens more than you, and died with the pride of being a Konoha ninja."

"The ninja who understands you the most is a Uchiha, how ironic." Sasuke sneered and mocked Hashirama.

The second Hokage Senju Tobirama also said softly: "Not only your brother, but among my subordinates, there is a man who looks very similar to your brother, named Uchiha Kagami."

"Second generation, don't you hate Uchiha?" Sasuke asked back.

"That's not the case. No matter which family, as long as it may threatenI will pay attention to everything in the village, that's all."

"The Uchiha back then really needed to be more vigilant in this regard."

"But precisely because the Uchiha family attaches great importance to feelings, there are many people like your brother and Uchiha Kagami who are willing to jump out of the limitations of the family and work hard for the village."

"My eldest brother believes that the meaning of the village is to eliminate the boundaries between families."

"But the fact is that it is not easy to do this."

"Brother Hashirama's naivety and Uchiha Madara's danger."

"Protect and consolidate the village while dealing with the two."

"That's my job as the Second Hokage."

The Third Hokage lowered his head and looked at Sasuke: "The descendant of Uchiha Kagami is Uchiha Shisui, who was once a good friend of your brother Itachi."

"Many people, including me, have inherited the will of fire from the First Hokage. "

"But, perhaps I am more naive than any other ninja. I failed to continue the governance policy of the second generation."

"That's why Danzo has to bear the darkness of the village."

At this point, Sasuke's face became even gloomier; "Because you indulged Danzo, Kanon suffered so much."

"Third generation, if you were not dead, I would kill you today."

"Your inaction and Danzo's oppression caused Kanon to betray the village and suffer from the age of six to now."

"Although you are not the mastermind, you have been corrupted. Your hesitation has led to the indulgence of Danzo. You are definitely not unrelated."

"Kanaon has killed Danzo. If you hadn't died earlier, you would be the next one. "Sasuke said coldly.

The Sandaime lowered his head and said helplessly; "It seems that I have accomplished nothing as a Hokage..."

"I have watched Uchiha Kanon grow up since she was born. When you brothers and sisters were just born, I went to Fugaku to express my condolences..."

"It's too late to say sorry to you now..."

"The situation has become like this, and the responsibility lies with me..."

But Namikaze Minato comforted the Sandaime: "No, it's not the fault of the Sandaime. You have given everything for the village and fulfilled your duties."

"I died when the Nine-Tails attacked the village."

"You asked me to succeed the Hokage and placed high hopes on me, but I disappointed you..."

Orochimaru looked at Minato with his head down and blamed himself. He said indifferently: "He even abandoned me in order to choose you. Everyone feels very sorry."

"Lord Orochimaru, are you a little unhappy?" Shuiyue asked.

"In front of the Sandaime, it is indeed a little... "Orochimaru nodded.

"If I were alive, I might be able to assist in the Uchiha coup plan." Minato said to Sasuke with self-blame, and felt a little guilty towards Kanon and Naruto.

If he hadn't died young, he should have been able to handle these things properly, not only giving Naruto and Kanon a wonderful childhood, but also making outstanding contributions to the village, but it's all too late.

"Okay, Sasuke, what are you going to do? Should we destroy the village, or..." Orochimaru asked.

Sasuke closed his eyes. At this moment, he finally understood that the successive Hokage and Itachi would protect the village at all costs.

It was for Sasuke, Kanon, and children like them, so that they would not have to experience the pain of war that they had experienced.

They burned the darkness with their own flames and left a bright world for future people.

When Sasuke opened his eyes, he was sublimated. He no longer focused on the ordinary feelings of revenge.

Standing on the shoulders of Itachi and Hashirama, Sasuke saw the history of ninjas and the entire ninja world.

Can't let Kanon destroy this ninja world, he has to carry out his own "revolution!" .

Sasuke looked at the four Hokage and Orochimaru here, and said seriously: "I can't let the village...let Itachi...disappear in vain."

"Kanaon, let me stop it."

Orochimaru looked at Sasuke and asked softly: "What if Kanon doesn't turn back? "

Sasuke's eyes trembled, but in his heart, the majestic images of Itachi and Hashirama emerged in his mind.

"Then I will personally...sever this only family relationship."

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