Hinata also raised her hand. Seeing Naruto who had lost his will, Hinata remembered what Hanako once said to her:

"Because in this cruel and dark ninja world, you are my only faith now."

At this moment, her faith is Naruto. How could Hinata let his will continue to be depressed?

But Naruto grabbed Hinata's palm and raised his head to look at Obito.

"You are the only one who is recognized by no one, Obito!"

"The people around you have always recognized me!"

Naruto stood up, and his mind recalled the time when they were six years old and sitting in front of the cliff.

"Do you really believe that I will become Hokage?"

"Of course I believe you! And I will always cheer for you!"

This conversation appeared in Naruto's mind, as well as what Hanako said to him in his inner world before his chakra disappeared:

"Come on, Naruto, let me see how handsome you are when you become Hokage!"

It is precisely because Hanako is still here that he will not be touched by Obito's words!

Naruto is more willing to listen to Kanon than Obito.

Indeed, at this moment, Kanon said to Obito calmly: "It's you who can't stand loneliness. If you are like this, my presence will only make him more determined."

Sure enough, in the inner world, the Nine-Tailed Fox in Naruto shouted to Naruto: "You have more than one life! In addition to Neji, there is Kanon in your dreams! Don't forget me!"

At this moment, Naruto nodded, and he shouted to Kurama: "My companion, I absolutely don't want to abandon you!"

"But Neji..."

"Try to say one more word! Believe it or not, I will beat you down this time and take away your body, bastard!" The Nine-Tailed Fox shouted.

"It's just that Neji died in front of you, have you forgotten all this?!"

At this moment, the image of the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze and Naruto's mother Kushina appeared in Naruto's eyes.

"Your parents did the same thing as Neji right after you were born!"

"They also sealed me, your enemy, inside you!"

"From the moment you were born, your life has been closely connected to two lives!"

Madara and Kanon looked at Obito next to them calmly. Their wills would not waver at all. Only Obito was wavering all the time, but Madara also saw that Kanon's relationship with Naruto was like his relationship with Hashirama.

Sure enough, at this moment, Obito raised his hand and shouted at Naruto: "Enough!"

Sure enough, countless arms blocked the Ten-Tails.

"Don't be impatient, this will not only hurt the Ten-Tails, but also you..."

"A little bit won't hurt, the Ten-Tails' skin is hard!"

Obito didn't understand why Naruto could stand up step by step when he suffered such pain! Was the despair not deep enough? So he wanted to see what Naruto would choose when he encountered the same pain as himself.

Sure enough, at this moment, the Ten-Tails charged up the Tailed Beast Ball and blasted towards the coalition forces under his feet.

At this moment, Sai brought Killer Bee to the sky above the Ten-Tails.

Killer Bee instantly summoned the Eight-Tails, and the Eight-Tails pushed the Tailed Beast Ball into the Ten-Tails' mouth.

"Try this!" The Eight-Tails' Tailed Beast Ball collided with the Ten-Tails' Tailed Beast Ball, and the Ten-Tails produced a huge explosion.

The Eight-Tails' tentacles were also broken by the Tailed Beast Ball, and even smoked all over.

It was also because of this that Naruto had time to turn into the Nine-Tails Chakra Link Mode!

At this moment, Naruto held Hinata's hand and looked at Kanon, Obito, and Madara firmly.

"Go, Hinata!" Suddenly, the Nine-Tails Chakra appeared on Hinata.

Kanon saw Naruto holding Hinata's hand and looking at her firmly, and she also showed a beautiful arc at the corner of her mouth.

"It seems that you chose them."

"Kanaon! You are wrong!" Naruto shouted.

He didn't care at all. What did it mean for Hanane to hold Hinata's hand in front of him? The last rope called friendship bond was completely broken, and it disappeared along with Naruto's action at this time.

Hanane closed her eyes. All the memories of Naruto in her heart were disappearing. What best friend... In the end, he still chose Hinata and the coalition.

At this moment, she gave up, gave up the choice of pulling Naruto to create a beautiful flower field together.

Along with the previous expectations and longings, as well as the longing and heart were broken.

Hanane no longer smiled at Naruto, and her expression gradually became indifferent. She didn't care about Naruto passing his nine-tailed mode chakra to everyone.

She walked behind Obito and Madara lightly: "Whatever you want."

On the other side, the ninja coalition passed chakra through Naruto's shadow clone, gradually lettingOn the battlefield, many people have the Nine-Tails Chakra.

"Is Naruto spreading the Nine-Tails Chakra?" Madara said lightly.

"I don't want to play anymore, old man Madara, let's make a quick decision, if it doesn't work, I'll do it."

In one part of the battlefield, Rock Lee was holding Neji in pain, he hated Kanon, Obito and Madara.

"Little Lee, don't cry!"

"Little Lee, as long as we don't abandon Neji's will, Neji will still be with us and live in our hearts." Kai pointed to his heart.

Suddenly, Obito spoke: "I'm here to tell you a good news."

Everyone turned to look at Obito.

"It is this so-called bond of yours that made me who I am today."

"Remember, it is also a powerful curse!"

Looking at Obito and Madara walking in front, Kanon sat beside them with her back to them. She lowered her head and hugged her knees without saying a word. Kakashi, who saw this scene on the other side, said softly; "Naruto, I told you."

"Never let your companions be killed..."

"This is also the admonition I use to remind myself."

"There are too many companions along the way."

"That's why I warn myself to protect them next time."

"But every time, it makes me face the fact that I failed to protect my companions. ”

“This means that I have to face this scar for the rest of my life.”

Naruto nodded slightly, he seemed to understand:

“That’s why I endured it... Aren’t we ninjas?”

“How can I forget that scar? Isn’t that proof that my companions live in my heart? !”

“In a dream, the companions I created who would not hurt me are all fake, which means erasing my real companions...”

“No matter if it’s a curse or something else, I have to keep the real Neji in my heart!”

At this moment, Naruto connected his chakra with many people, and even Might Guy and Rock Lee had red chakra on their bodies.

Kurama looked at Naruto in his inner world. He sneered at this moment and thought to himself:

"It's almost finished. Did you get what you wanted? Fourth Hokage."

"This kid has surpassed you a long time ago. The amount of chakra connected and transmitted is much larger than yours."

"Kukina, Minato, you are ashamed that you lost to Naruto."

"But this is... the power you want Naruto to inherit."

Bandar looked at Obito who was gritting his teeth and Kanon who was facing away from the ninja alliance with a very silent expression.

"Little Kanon, is this all your will?"

"Then I will also help you."

Bandar was about to move, but Kanon opened her hand and stopped him.

At this moment, Madara's expression was a little surprised, because he could see from Kanon's needle-like Mangekyō Sharingan how much her emotions fluctuated at this moment.

"It seems that Naruto is the last straw that broke your back." Madara crossed his arms and nodded slightly.

"Let me see how powerful the strongest Uchiha, who is at the forefront of this era, will be."

But the next moment, Madara and Obito were startled, because Kanon actually stumbled and fell from the head of the Ten-Tails, and her body fell to the ground like a cannonball.

Countless smoke and dust sounded, and such a movement made Naruto and others look over.

Naruto was shocked, because Kanon was lying in a deep pit at this moment, without a trace of light in her eyes, as if she was dead.

"Kanaon! What's going on?!"

"Kill her!" Kakashi shouted, and immediately gathered Raikiri in his hand to blast Kanon.

The rest of the ninjas did the same, nothing else, just because Kanon revealed a huge flaw at this moment.

That's right, her heart was completely dead at this moment. Originally, the bond between Naruto and her could be said to be the only thread that kept Kanon's lonely heart.

But this time, Naruto took Hinata's hand and led the ninja coalition to reject her idea. At this moment, Kanon realized how heartbreaking it was to break this last line.

The tragic death of the tribe, the massacre of the eldest brother, the bodies of the parents, the last words of the master, the destruction of [Hua], the truth of the extermination of the tribe, and the betrayal of the brother. Kanon, who had experienced all this, thought that Naruto might really understand her and stand on her side.

But in the end, all she saw was Naruto holding Hinata's hand and firmly opposing her with the ninja coalition.

Kanon, who was in the deep pit, had her pupils completely swallowed by the darkness, and the desire to pull Naruto to act with her also dissipated at this moment.

"That's enough, Naruto..."

"What best friend! Uzumaki Naruto, it turns out that I'm nothing at all..."

Around the worldDuring the attack, Hana finally fell down. She lost her mind among the ninja coalition and her former friends.

At this moment, Hana fell into the deep pit and lost consciousness.

But in the flower area, the red-clothed figure sitting cross-legged opened her eyes, and the 24 magatama samsara eyes gradually rotated in her eyes.

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