Naruto shouted outside, and the Nine-Tails shouted to the other tailed beasts: "You think so too!"

"Naruto belongs to the old man..."

The five tailed beasts all responded to the Nine-Tails' words!

At this moment, Naruto canceled the Nine-Tails link mode and returned to his original form. He smiled with Kakashi and Might Guy and looked forward.

Even Kanon, who was confronting the Eight-Tails, showed a slight arc at the corner of her mouth. Although Naruto was a big obstacle to her, she was also somewhat relieved to see him grow to this point.

"The stinky boy who always needed to be taken care of before has finally become a golden flash that protects others."

"'s impossible that you are the only one who will grow up." Kanon said lightly.

The masked man stood on the Outer Path Demon Statue and looked at Naruto. He was also a little surprised: "It can completely control the Nine-Tails, but it seems that it can't last too long."

"Then it will be the same as before."

Sure enough, five chains appeared from the mouth of the Outer Path Demon Statue, and then all five tailed beasts were swallowed into its mouth.

Naruto looked at the masked man, and his mouth corners slightly raised:

"How can it be the same as before."

"Someone told me a lot of hard-to-remember names at once!"

Seeing this, the masked man also looked at Naruto, Kakashi and others.

"In that case, I will do it myself."

As he said this, the Outer Path Demon Statue behind him rushed forward towards Kai, Kakashi and Naruto.

The Eight-Tails also rushed towards Naruto. Seeing this, Hana didn't chase the Eight-Tails, but returned to the side of the masked man.

"Look, what a beautiful scene this is." The masked man pointed to the Outer Path Demon Statue in the distance.

"I think it's good-looking but useless." Hana said softly.

"Really? Then wait for the strength of the Outer Path Demon Statue."

Just as the two were talking and laughing, the Outer Path Demon Statue had already grabbed all five Jinchūriki in its hands.

At this time, white light began to appear on the Jinchūriki, which was a sign that the Impure World Reincarnation was unlocked.

Kirabi and others also noticed this scene.

"Naruto, the Jinchūriki is about to disappear."

"Itachi seems to have succeeded." Kirabi said.

Naruto looked at the Outer Path Demon Statue and looked at the masked man opposite with a firm expression.

"We still have to fight for a while here." Kirabi said to Naruto.

"Don't be long-winded, we have to make a quick decision." Naruto said thinking of Tsunade and others.

"Grandma and other old shadows are fighting together. We must race against time! They will definitely win!"

The masked man saw this situation and whispered to Hanako around him: "Has the Impure World Reincarnation been lifted?"

"Well, if there is no control, they are just a bunch of people who work but don't work hard. There is no need to keep them." Hanako said lightly.

"That's right." The masked man nodded.

The Outer Path Demon rushed towards Naruto, but Kakashi, who rushed to the front first, used Raiden to cut the Outer Path Demon's hand, while Kai on the other side kicked the Outer Path Demon's toes.

The Outer Path Demon staggered, and Naruto and the Eight-Tails punched out and directly knocked the Outer Path Demon away.

The masked man and Hanako watched the Outer Path Demon fall beside them, and didn't say much.

At this moment, Naruto was shining with golden light and confronted the masked man: "Your expression is painful."

"What do you mean?" The masked man asked.

"Because you covered your face, I can think whatever I want."

"Take off the mask if you don't agree, let me see how calm you are, idiot!" Naruto pointed at the masked man and taunted.

"Well said! Naruto!" Kai praised Naruto.

"Didn't I tell you not to provoke your opponent..." Kakashi was helpless.

"No other way, I'll go?" Hana took a step forward and looked at Naruto, Kakashi and others.

As soon as Hana stepped out, Kai, Kakashi, and even Naruto changed their expressions. If there was anyone Naruto didn't want to fight the most in this battle, it was Hana.

Although this was just a shadow clone, Naruto still had a complicated expression.

"No need." The masked man stretched out his hand to stop Hana.

"Are you going to use that trick?" Hana looked at the masked man in surprise.

"Well, there's no other way, I can only take action!"

"Don't you want to wait for my real body?" Hana asked.

"No time." The masked man summoned the Six Paths Weapons, the Amber Bottle and the Octopus Horn.

"That's it!" Kakashi recognized it at a glance.

"I was planning to revive it in its complete form..." The masked man said, and the Outer Path Demon Statue had already swallowed the Octopus Horn and the Amber Bottle.

"However, even if only a part of it is left, its power will not be affected."

That's right, the masked man decided to revive the Ten-Tails immediately.

"It's too late, the agreed time has come, the Ten-TailsResurrection, and the beginning of the end of the world!"

Countless flying stones surged around the Outer Path Demon Statue. The masked man put his hands together, and Hanako crossed his arms and looked at Kakashi and others in front of him.

"I see, that means the demon statue is the body of the Ten-Tails."

"What is the Ten-Tails?!" Naruto was a little confused.

Kakashi was lost in thought.

"What is going on? If it is as stated when the war was declared in the Five Kage Conference, isn't this a war to seize the Nine-Tails Chakra needed for the Ten-Tails' resurrection?"

"The recovery of the Eight-Tails and the Nine-Tails has not been completed. Is it a bluff?"

As if seeing Kakashi's worries, Hanako answered this doubt.

"Didn't I say it? Even if there are only fragments, its power will not be affected? The Nine-Tails Chakra on the Octopus Legs and the Gold and Silver Horns brought back by Uchiha Sasuke is enough."

Listening to Hanako's answer, Kakashi was shocked: "That means only a part of the tailed beast is needed? ! "

The Nine-Tails also successfully deduced the deep-seated purpose of this war, and the doubts about why the masked man and Hana appeared on the battlefield of the First Unit were also resolved.

The purpose was to recover the chakra of Kinkaku and Yinkaku.

The masked man looked at Kakashi at this time, his expression a little gloomy:

"Kakashi, you said it so lightly."

"A life full of regrets really suits you."

Gai looked at the masked man and said solemnly; "Who are you?"

"You can't even remember other people's faces, what's the point of telling you!"

Hana turned to look at the masked man and suddenly whispered four words.

"Obito, right?"

Her voice was just like Lin had called her before, which made the masked man stunned. The Lin in his eyes overlapped with Hana's face at this time.

"Lin..." The masked man's voice trembled a little.

"It's really this identity."

The masked man shook his head slightly: "Whatever you call me, I have no interest in this code name at all. "

"We have to do it now, before the Ten-Tails is resurrected!" Kyuubi said to everyone.

"Old man Six Paths said that the day the Ten-Tails is fully resurrected is the day the world ends."

Then Kyuubi explained to everyone what the Ten-Tails is. Everyone else was stunned when they heard what Kyuubi said.

"To be honest, I am not strong enough to fight it alone."

"But the chakras of the Eight-Tails and I are already strong. Now it only has a small part of it. Maybe it's worth a try." Kyuubi finally gave this answer.

"You are all wrong. For me and Hanako, there is no need for the Ten-Tails to be resurrected in its full form!" The masked man said lightly.

Naruto and others looked at the masked man and Hanako beside him in surprise.

"My goal is nothing more than the Great Illusion, Infinite Moon Reading!"

"Let all humans on this planet fall into the same illusion and create a unified world for some individuals."

"A perfect world without war and grudges! Only in the single consciousness that abandons the individual can we find the truth of existence. "

"This world no longer needs hope, future, and famous heroes!"

"Even if the Ten-Tails is resurrected in an incomplete form, I can perform infinite Tsukuyomi, and then reality will end."

"The only thing left is the endless, never-ending dream!"

Hearing this, Naruto and the Nine-Tails exchanged consciousness again.

Naruto looked at Kanon, who was silent, and the masked man with his hands raised in front of him, and he said indifferently;

"I... have a father, a mother, a lustful sage, and you, Kanon!"

"Children will admire heroes, so I can rush forward without confusion. I want to become a more powerful Hokage than all the previous generations!"

"Kane, you understand, this is my dream!"

Hearing Naruto's words, Kanon said indifferently; "Who asked you? "

After Hanako's words, Naruto was speechless for a moment, but the others were already excited by what Naruto said.

"Although I don't want my youth to end, there will always be a day when dreams wake up."

"Yes, dreams are meant to be realized." Kai and Kakashi nodded.

Listening to Kakashi and others' words, Hanako's expression gradually became gloomy and said:

"What dreams will wake up, dreams are meant to be realized, it's just wishful thinking on your part."

"If you don't dare to resist someone stronger than you, and can't become stronger, what dreams are you talking about..."

"In the end, you will just be knocked down and kneel on the ground crying."

"Your so-called dreams are simply illusory. Without strength, you can't protect anything."

The masked man nodded: "Individuals will make the truth blurred, so only my words are from the truth of the world."Naruto immediately entered the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, holding the Rasengan and blasting towards the Outer Path Statue.

But the next moment, another Rasengan came at him. It was Kanon. Her Rasengan countered Naruto's Rasengan and blasted him away.

Kane jumped back and flipped over the head of the Outer Path Statue.

"Kane! Let me pass!"

"Then kill me." Kanon drew out the Kusanagi sword and looked at Naruto coldly.

"And me." The masked man appeared beside Kanon.

"Let's break your mask first." Naruto said lightly.

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