"Hey, Fifth Hokage, you are the granddaughter of the First Hokage, Senju Hashirama, right?"

"You inherited the Will of Fire from the First Hokage, right?" Hana said calmly.

"So what?!" Tsunade shouted.

Hana's expression became sickly distorted, but still so pretty.

"Such a will only disgusts me, a group of people who only have a village but no home..."

"It just so happens that I'll start with you."

"It's common sense to kill the team's healing ninja..."

"We already know your plan, do you think you can easily succeed? Uchiha's brat." Terumi Mei taunted.

"Wrong, I never care whether the other party is a medical ninja when I kill people."

"Just because she inherited the Will of Fire, such a twisted concept.

"What will of fire, kill all those who inherit the will of fire, and there will be no more such an annoying will. ”

“Hashirama Senju is just a loser. He is the God of the First Hokage. He is just a useless person who puts the cart before the horse.”

Listening to Hanaon’s words, Madara laughed.

“Well said! But it’s a bit too much.”

“Shut up, old man Madara.” Hanaon stuck out her tongue at Madara.

“Old man Madara!” Madara’s forehead was sweating. This was a speechless expression. However, according to his age, he could indeed be her grandfather, so Madara would not care about this title.

“Kanaon, you little brat, you dare to call me old man Madara!”


Madara was helpless, just like a grandfather and a rebellious granddaughter.

“Okay, no more jokes.”

Hanaon turned around and continued to look at the Five Kage.

“My existence is to erase this will of fire that puts the cart before the horse. Hashirama Senju’s philosophy was originally wrong. ”

"Danzo, the old man Sandaime, both inherited the wrong will. These two people only disgust me in my eyes."

"Come on, Naruto, as his descendant, you don't know Wood Release, and your medical ninjutsu may even be worse than mine."

"What else can you do? !"

"In this world of the survival of the fittest, if you don't have strength, you will only be knocked down, kneel on the ground, and finally die humiliatingly at the hands of others."

"And you, who inherited the blood and will of Hashirama Senju, are weak!"

Listening to Hanane's ridicule, the Raikage refuted.

"Stop talking nonsense there."

But at this moment, Tsunade took a step forward.,

"It's true that I am the descendant of the first Hokage Hashirama Senju, but I really can't use Wood Release."

"The same is true for medical ninjutsu. Compared with the first generation who doesn't use hand seals, I'm nothing special. "

"That being said, the will I inherited is the will passed down from my ancestors. How can you, a kid who has lived for 15 years, understand this heavy accumulation!"

"This will to maintain the village and peace is my real power!"

Hanato listened to Tsunade's words with only disdain in her eyes.

"Oh? Your power?"

"Then I, as an Uchiha, will implement my ninja way and show my power!"

Tsunade sneered.

"Don't underestimate the will of fire, Uchiha kid!"

"People without strength can only talk about will." Hanato said lightly with her hands on her hips.

"Wrong! The will of the dead will inspire the living, and then manifest strength!"

"The medical ninjutsu I created was born from such a will."

As soon as these words came out, Hanato's expression changed, and gradually turned from a morbid smile to anger.

"Don't be so arrogant! Hokage! ”

“Only by living can you feel everything, not the cold tombstone and the illusory memories!”

“Stop showing off your theory that you only lived for 15 years. Don’t forget that you are only 15 years old and still a kid!” Tsunade roared, and the Yin seal on his forehead gradually lifted.

“It’s really funny. Do you only know how to take advantage of your age?” Madara crossed his arms and said with a cold expression.

But Hana didn’t care about Tsunade’s taking advantage of her age, just watching her face gradually getting bigger.

“The Hundred Healings Technique? I want to see it too.”

“You actually recognize this technique.” Tsunade was a little surprised.

“I recognize it, come on.” Hana laughed.

Tsunade took a step forward and punched Hana’s Susanoo.

Seeing that the skeleton was actually breaking, Hana raised the corner of her mouth slightly.

“Is this the strange power of the Hundred Healings Technique? It's really interesting."


Tsunade knocked Kanon's Susanoo away with one punch. To be more precise, Kanon deliberately retreated.

"Fire Style, Great Fireball Technique!"

A huge fireball flew over, and Mei Terumi ran forward and sprayed a huge water array from her mouth.

"Water Style, Water Array Pillar!"

But the nextAt that moment, a water dragon grabbed Hanako's Susanoo.

"Water Style, Water Dragon Bullet!" Mei Terumi shouted.

But the same voice as hers came out.

"Water Style, Water Dragon Bullet!"

"Damn, is this the copying ability of the Sharingan?!" Everyone looked at Hanako solemnly.

Mei Terumi was swallowed by the Water Dragon Bullet and smashed directly to the ground. Gaara caught Mei Terumi with sand, and a deep pit was formed where the Water Dragon Bullet fell.

Beside Hanako's Susanoo, Ohnoki and Ai attacked together.

"Heavy Rock!"

"Thunderbolt Horizontal Chiyo Mai!"

The two shouted, and a palm actually broke Hanako's Susanoo skeleton. Tsunade on the side kicked out, and Hanako's Susanoo broke, and the whole person flew out and smashed to the ground.

Seeing Hanako being shot down, the five Kage smiled. This was their victory.

"The medical ninja should have stayed behind. Since you are seeking death, the other Kages can't be alive."

Seeing Hanako so crazy, Madara, who was watching the show, raised his lips slightly: "If there is something that can be inherited, it is only hatred."

Sure enough, Tsunade had already punched Hanako's chest, but was penetrated, and her back was cut by Hanako's Kusanagi sword, leaving a terrible blood mark.

"You should have died a long time ago, so stop spreading hatred!" Tsunade roared, and the wound behind her healed instantly.

Suddenly, countless sands rushed towards Hanako, this was a sandstorm funeral.

Hanako waved one hand, and the fairy method, inorganic rebirth, Gaara's sand instantly dissipated.

Tsunade was panting heavily in the back, and the fatal knife wound on her back had been cured by the Hundred Healings Technique.

But at this moment, a terrifying red lightsaber pierced Tsunade's abdomen, and blood splattered.

"What's going on?" The other four Kages were shocked.

"Awesome, you dare to separate Susanoo from the main body!" Madara smiled excitedly.

That's right, at this moment, Kanon and Susanoo are acting together, just like Uchiha Itachi at that time.

Seeing Tsunade's pupils shrink suddenly and being provoked by Susanoo, Kanon just said disdainfully.

"Is it just this extent? I'm very disappointed."

"Anyone will be eclipsed in front of Uchiha."

Susanoo's big sword instantly lifted Tsunade in front of Kanon.

"You shouldn't die so quickly after opening the Hundred Healings Technique."

Sure enough, at this moment Tsunade roared and broke the chakra big sword with a punch.

She threw the big sword out from her abdomen and hit Kanon with a sword, but her body quickly became virtual and avoided the blow.

Susanoo disappeared, replaced by Chidori in Kanon's hand.

White lightning flashed, and in just a moment, Tsunade flew backwards, like an arrow from a bow, and hit a pile of boulders.

Seeing Tsunade's wounds gradually heal, even Madara, who was sitting in the distance, was a little surprised.

He originally thought that this woman was a weakling, but it seemed that this was not the case.

"A regenerated body without hand seals, is this your ability?" Madara said coldly.

"This is the Hundred Healings Technique." Kanon nodded slightly and approved of this technique.

"What about my technique?!" Ohnoki flew behind Kanon, and the light of Dust Release shone.

"The more you live, the more you go back, old Tsuchikage, have you lived too long and your brain is filled with water? I can also use Dust Release."

Kanon waved with one hand, and the white light of Dust Release instantly enveloped Ohnoki's Dust Release. Kanon's Dust Release became even more powerful, and in an instant, Ohnoki was blasted away.

"How is that possible? My previous Dust Release only neutralized yours. How can you have such a strong power?" Ohnoki shouted loudly with blood spurting from the corner of his mouth while flying backwards.

"That..." Kanon chuckled.

"That was the Dust Release I used with my index finger. It was much smaller than when I used my whole hand."

"I was just dealing with it casually, teasing you."

"What?!" Ohnoki was shocked.

"Then Uchiha Kanon, is it true that you were just beaten into the ground by the five of us?"

"That means you were also forced into a desperate situation by us, right?"

"Our joint attack is still effective, right?"

Kane looked at Tsunade, then glanced around, and saw the other four Kage surrounding her. She blinked at Tsunade and said with a very cute expression:

"After all, I'm fighting five people alone."

Mei Terumi looked at Kanon and said solemnly:

"Even if it's five to one, we must win. Don't say we are despicable. At least we acknowledge your strength in this way."

"After all, you are Uchiha Kanon who killed the Daimyo of the Five Nations."

"You really did a big thing, little Kanon. The Daimyo of the Five Nations all...Killed by you." Madara sneered. When he was still alive, he had never seen any Uchiha ninja dare to kill the daimyo.

"Despicable? It's okay. I've long been accustomed to using the majority to bully the minority." Hana said, clasping her hands together.

Suddenly, hundreds of Hana's shadow clones appeared. This is the technique of multiple shadow clones.

"However, I am usually the one who uses the majority to bully the minority..."

Hana sneered and said with a ferocious expression.

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