In a sewer, three ninjas kept running, all of them with terrified expressions.

Suddenly, three snakes wrapped around the three and bit them to death.

Kabuto's figure appeared again, but he was different at this time.

"I didn't expect that Xiao Hana was also practicing in the Sage Mode in Ryuchi Cave."

"After adapting to the power, the state is very good."

"Not bad... As a disciple of Ryuchi Cave, I will help you unconditionally."

"It's almost time to take action and find her by the way." Kabuto sneered. Since they are from the same school, he should follow the instructions of the White Snake Sage and assist Hana.


Hana wiped the cold sweat from her forehead and looked at Sasuke who was still unconscious, but the Eternal Mangekyō was indeed successfully transplanted.

As it was her first transplant, Hana was very careful. The masked man beside her looked at Sasuke, who was already wrapped in bandages, and whispered, "I didn't expect you to know how to transplant."

"It seems you have a lot of secrets."

"Same here." Hana didn't care about the masked man's teasing.

Looking at Sasuke, who was still sleeping in front of her, her only relative in the world, Hana stretched out her hand and slowly passed it across Sasuke's cheek.

"Anything can be cut off...only blood is thicker than water. Since you have inherited Itachi's will, you must be my enemy."

"But I won't kill you now. I will defeat you openly."

"Now you have the same eyes as me."

"Uchiha Sasuke, come and fight me. I will carry out my will to the end and destroy everything Itachi cherishes, including you..."

"Destroy it together!"

After the voice fell, Hana turned her head and looked at the door in the distance. The masked man also noticed some movement.

Outside the door in the distance, a shadow clone who looked exactly like Hanayon came back.

The two looked at each other, and the shadow clone in front of Hanayon suddenly disbanded.

"It seems that the last one has been solved." The masked man sneered.

"Yeah." Hanayon reached into the space with one hand, and the body of the Fire Country Daimyo was taken out by her.

It was placed together with the bodies of the other four Daimyo.

"Really efficient." The masked man nodded, and the masked man was very satisfied in his heart. Looking at Hanayon's efficiency, keeping this girl was definitely the most correct decision he had ever made.

"After killing the Daimyo of the Five Countries, those people should know that we are not just talking." Hanayon sneered.

"I have wanted to kill these guys for a long time, well done." The masked man sneered.

Hanayon turned her head and looked at Sasuke lying on the back.

"Let this guy rest for a while. There seems to be an uninvited guest outside."

"Uninvited guest?" The masked man was puzzled. After all, he was not a perception-type ninja. Hanako's perception was very strong, so he had already sensed Kabuto's breath at this time.

"Let's go out and take a look." Hanako walked outside, and the masked man followed her.

Sure enough, outside, Kabuto, wearing a cloak, saw the figures of Hanako and the masked man.

"Say hello first, A Fei."

"No, now it should be called Madara." Kabuto said lightly.

"It's a good thing you can find this place." The masked man smiled.

Seeing the attitude of the masked man, Kabuto's mouth corners slightly raised.

"As a spy, I travel between countries."

"I used to be a member of [Akatsuki]. It's best not to underestimate my intelligence network."

The masked man's expression became a little colder. Although it was covered by the mask, the cold feeling was irresistible.

"You were a spy for Scorpion, right? You are a traitor to Akatsuki."

The masked man immediately attacked Kabuto. The masked man jumped up, and Kabuto jumped back in sync with him. However, Kabuto's eyes moved away from the masked man and looked at Kanon behind him.

"I was entrusted by the White Snake Immortal to assist Kanon."

"In other words, my purpose is only to help Kanon."

"Wait!" Kanon called the masked man.

Hearing Kanon's voice, the masked man stopped.

Kanon looked at the cloak on Kabuto's body. Indeed, like her own Uchiha windbreaker, it had the logo of the Ryuchi Cave.

"Did Granny White Snake ask you to come?"

"Yes, it said I can help you."

Kabuto chuckled and reached out to Kanon.

"Although I joined later than you, I am older than you. The White Snake Immortal asked me to help you as a senior brother."

This time, Dou was very sincere. He was very grateful for the White Snake Immortal's teachings during this period. He and Hanayon were both transformed in the Longdi Cave. He had sublimated from a snake to a dragon.

"So... since you are already a fellow disciple of mine, then thank you." Hanayon shook hands with Dou.

"So, how are you going to help us?" The masked man said lightly.

"Who said I want to help you?? I only help my junior sister, Xiao Hanaon. "

"Tsk, helping her is helping me, isn't it?"

"That's different." Kabuto shook his head, he chuckled and looked at Hanaon.

"Xiao Hanaon, when I first met you, I wanted to ask a question."

"What question?" Hanaon was puzzled.

"Who do you think I am?" Kabuto, who asked this question, looked at the genius girl of the Uchiha clan, with an intoxicating face.

Suddenly, he thought of the orphanage in his mind. He could not forgive himself for killing Dean Yakushi Nono.

The last words of Yakushi Nono before his death now appeared in his mind.

The sentence "Who are you?" confused Kabuto for half his life. He asked questions to Sasuke, Orochimaru, and even Danzo, and they only gave him one answer.

"You are Kabuto Yakushi, a subordinate of Orochimaru. "

He has no bloodline, no family, and nothing to carry hopes and dreams. He has come all the way by relying on his own efforts.

The same is true for Hanako. Although she has talent, bloodline, and even hopes and dreams, she still relies on her own efforts like herself.

"In fact, you already have the answer in your heart." When Hanako said this, Dou was stunned.

Hanako's expression was no longer indifferent at this moment. She walked towards Dou, tiptoed, and gently straightened his glasses.

"Who you are, what does it matter? Even if you are no one, from the day you entered Longdi Cave, you are also a member of our Longdi Cave."

"Grandma White Snake told me that Longdi Cave is my eternal home, and I say this to you too."

"No matter how changeable your identity is, even if you are no longer called Dou, what can it do?"

Hanako turned halfway around and showed a sincere and beautiful smile.

"Because Longdi Cave will always be your home! ”

“Because you have a family, you have concerns. You are you. Don’t be entangled by the code name like a name.”

“Since you are the one who came out of Longdi Cave, you must be the one that Grandma White Snake cares about.”

Hana stretched out her fist, smiled gently at Kabuto and said:

“Let’s push away the past, usher in the real transformation, sublimate into a dragon, and welcome a new future. "

Kabuto stood here, his eyes passing through the cracks of time, and fixed on the warm smile of Uchiha Kanon.

Her long black straight hair fluttered gently, as if carrying a familiar fragrance, which made Kabuto's heart tremble involuntarily.

At that moment, Kabuto seemed to see the shadow of Dean Nono.

That was the most gentle shelter in his memory and his only support in the lonely world.

Dean Nono always looked at him with her loving eyes, stroked his hair with her warm hands, and told him that no matter how cruel the world was, there was always a place for him.

And now, when Kabuto stared at Kanon's smile, the long-lost warm feeling came to his heart again.

Kane's smile was like a spring breeze blowing across the frozen earth, melting the frost in his heart.

Her smile was so pure and healing, as if it could wash away all his sorrow and fatigue.

Kabuto felt that he 's eyes were moist. He had never thought that in this cold world, there could be someone who could make him feel such deep emotions, not even Orochimaru.

Hanako's smile was like a beacon, guiding him forward when he was lost.

He suddenly realized that there were people in this world who could give him warmth and care selflessly like Dean Nono.

Kabuto took a deep breath and tried to suppress his excitement.

He knew that this feeling was not only because of Hanako's smile, but also because he finally found the place that could comfort his soul.

Finally, he took off his glasses and began to wipe the tears from his eyes.

He already had the Sage Mode, and finally felt at home again after the orphanage.

Hanako took out a handkerchief from her pocket and looked into Kabuto's vertical snake pupils.

"Brother, take it."

"Thank you..."

Watching this scene, the masked man did not speak, but perhaps his heart was also touched a little.

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