
Suddenly, a voice came.

It interrupted Karin's "invasion" of Hana.

"Sakura?" Hana stood up. Although she was a little disheveled, her expression was very indifferent at the moment.

Hana looked at Karin behind her and said, "You go find Suigetsu and Jūgo. I have some personal matters to deal with here." Hana looked at Sakura and smiled coldly. A murderous intent made Sakura beside her shudder.

This feeling was completely different from the past Hana. Is she really Hana? The question arose in Sakura's heart.

"What do you want to do when you come to me? Are you waiting for me to kill you?"

"Where's Sasuke?! I'm here to find Sasuke. I want to go with him and leave Konoha!"

"Really? Unfortunately, he has left." Hana said lightly, looking at Sakura calmly.


In a snowy field, Naruto ran quickly on the snow.

"Sexy Immortal, I am indeed a big fool... I will not give up Sasuke."

"Kane, I now know the feeling of losing my bond,"

"As long as I see you... I feel I can find the answer when I see you all."

After Kakashi got information about Sakura from Kiba, he put the two of them in a safe place and left to continue chasing Sakura.

He understood that Sakura wanted to kill Sasuke alone, but with her strength, could she really do it?

Kanane might not be able to win even now, and Kakashi also understood that his Mangekyō ability was not as good as Kanane's.


Sakura walked to a place not far in front of Kanane in a few steps. Seeing Sakura approaching her, Kanane said to Karin indifferently: "Let's go, we'll talk about the future later."

"I understand." Karin also understood that this was not the time to be willful.

"Find Suigetsu and Jūgo, and then go with them. I don't want you to die." Kanane's voice came from behind Karin, and a warm feeling flowed through Karin's heart.

Indeed, now that Suigetsu and Jūgo are still alive or dead, they can only rely on themselves to find them.

Watching Karin leave, Kanon looked at Sakura in front of her. The two girls from the former Team 7, one with a solemn expression, and the other with no joy or sadness.

"Sakura, what are your intentions? Do you want to follow that guy?" Kanon asked indifferently.

"I don't have any intentions. After you and your brother left Konoha, I always regretted not going with you!"

"Enough! Stop talking nonsense like this." Kanon took a step forward and punched Sakura in front of her.

Sakura's pupils shrank suddenly. She really didn't expect Kanon to attack her directly. Kanon was not like this before. At least as a gentle and kind girl from Team 7, she would never attack her former companions.


Sakura blocked with both hands, but Kanon's punch was indeed merciless. Sakura was directly blown away hundreds of meters by the impact, and a gully was cut on the bridge in the distance.

Looking at Sakura spitting blood in the deep pit, Hanane felt mocking. She had clearly attacked her before, so why could she forgive this guy at that time?

Hanane raised her left hand, and lightning bolts gathered on it. It was Chidori.

Sakura staggered in the deep pit, watching Hanane looking at her coldly and ruthlessly, holding Chidori in her hand. Her pupils shrank suddenly. If Chidori fell, she would definitely die.

"I don't care anymore. Die." The three magatama in Hanane's eyes rotated, and Chidori fell down.


At this critical moment, Kakashi appeared in an instant and slapped Hanane's hand with Raikiri.

At this moment, Kakashi observed Hanane's eyes, serious killing intent, and acted quickly and terribly.

"You have fallen! Hanane!" Kakashi said angrily.

At this moment, Hanane attacked with a reverse side kick, and Kakashi also dodged in one step, but Hanane's hand was already on the ground at this time.

"What?!" Kakashi was shocked, because at this moment, Hanako's body actually spun with her hands, and her other leg directly kicked Kakashi away.

In terms of the details of the physical technique, Kakashi was actually one step behind, which surprised Sakura. Hanako, who stabilized her body, took a step back, and the red skeleton behind her directly smashed towards Sakura, who was already unable to move.

"Damn Hanako, you have too much combat experience!" Kakashi threw out the steel cable on the way back, piercing Sakura's hand.

Sakura groaned and was pulled in a direction by Kakashi. The huge skeleton's hand smashed down, and the whole ground exploded. The huge vibration made Kakashi and Sakura look slightly stunned.

If Kakashi hadn't acted quickly just now, Sakura might have become a meat paste at this time. In the smoke and dust, a redSusanoo's hand ejected Hanako.

"Tsk, is it still a little slow?" Hanako snorted.

Kakashi looked at Hanako solemnly and said to Sakura beside him: "Sakura, you are going to kill Hanako and Sasuke alone."

"You don't have to bear this burden. As the teacher of Team 7, I am useless and it's all my fault for letting you fall apart."

"Sakura, to reassure you..." Kakashi raised a kunai to Hanako.

"I said something irresponsible."

"Hanako! Don't be blinded by the darkness of the world. There is still a chance to turn back."

Hearing Kakashi's ridiculous words, Hanako's body was shaking. She laughed in anger:

"Hahahahaha! Kakashi, turn back?"

"What are you kidding!" Hanako roared, and a strong murderous intent came out.

At this moment, Hana thought of her parents falling under the moonlight, Izumi's head being pierced, and she remembered being assassinated by Konoha again and again.

Jiraiya's pierced appearance before his death still echoed in front of her eyes, as if it was yesterday, Uchiha Itachi touched her forehead with both hands and whispered to her:

"Forgive me, Hana, this is the last time."

Then the picture in her mind turned again, that was Sasuke pointing a sword at her throat under the sunset at the seaside.

Finally, it was Tayuya's concern for her coffee, Jirobo's honest smile, the Akatsuki robe that she repaired for Sakon and Ukon all night, and Kidomaru's broken and rotten arm.

At this moment, Hana's eyes were full of bloodshot, which was despair, anger, and even madness.

Looking at Hana's bloodshot appearance, Kakashi also became alert.

"Hana, don't be blinded by revenge! There are still many heartwarming moments in the world!" Kakashi roared at Hana.

"Give me back my parents, my people, my companions, my village, everything I lost! Give me back everything! Then I will give up revenge!"

"You are just a good-mouthed loser! Stop preaching to me here!"

Looking at Hanako's crazy and angry look, Sakura and Kakashi turned pale. Now Hanako has fallen into darkness, and there is no light in her eyes.

The little girl who longed for a peaceful flower field will never come back.

Since she can't come back, she will do it herself. Kakashi thought so and became serious, looking at Hanako.

"I don't want to kill you."

"Are you trying to make me laugh? Kakashi, do you mean you can kill me at any time?!"

"Don't always pretend to be a teacher and preach to me. You don't deserve it at all!"

"Now I really want to kill you, Kakashi!"

Looking at this crazy scene of Hanako, Kakashi slowly pulled up his left eye protection and revealed his Sharingan.

He just sighed slightly when he saw Hanane's current appearance. That gentle, kind-hearted, passionate girl was actually affected by Madara to this extent...

"Sakura, you leave here. I will take over your heavy determination. This is also my mission."

"Okay, let's go." Kakashi smiled and looked at Sakura.

Sakura nodded slightly and also retreated to the back.

Looking at Sakura's back as she left, Kakashi also turned his head to look at Hanane and took off his white robe with one hand.

"As the monitor of Team 7, let's end everything here!"

"I said, don't act like a teacher and order me! You don't deserve it at all!"

"No matter who falls, I still think the old Orochimaru is cuter." Kakashi said indifferently.

"Sandaime Hokage, even if you have trained many disciples, facing such a situation, you have to fight with your beloved disciples in order to protect the village."

"I understand a little bit."

"I feel the same way as Sandaime Hokage at that time."

"Then you will die here like the old Sandaime!"

After the words fell, the two turned into afterimages and rushed towards each other!

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