Two hours passed unknowingly.

Watching the sun gradually set in the sky, Hana sat on a bench, looking at the scenery of Konoha, feeling the increasing number of Anbu around her, and she naturally understood.

She had already sensed all of these Anbu, and if she made any move, these Anbu would take action instantly.

The reason for not taking action was that this was a prosperous area of ​​Konoha, and she was afraid of implicating other people.

Hana stood up, stretched her waist, and was ready to leave. As a result, she just walked a few streets and saw Jiraiya and Tsunade walking out of an izakaya.

Jiraiya supported Tsunade and walked towards the park in the distance.

"This guy, it turns out that he went to drink with the Hokage." Hana's mouth twitched. Her cheap master was really not serious.


Time went back to two hours ago.

After Tsunade and Jiraiya left Hanane, Tsunade frowned and said, "I'm going to send a few Anbu to watch this guy."

"It's up to you, but don't alert the enemy." Jiraiya reminded.

"But what's the matter that can't be discussed here? Should we go back to the Hokage's office to discuss it?" Tsunade was puzzled.

"It's about the information of [Akatsuki]."

"What?!" Tsunade was shocked, and then looked at Hanane who was sitting on a bench in the distance with some caution, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then go back quickly."

"Okay." Tsunade nodded.

After arriving at the Hokage's office, Tsunade had just sat down when Jiraiya spoke: "I found out the hiding place of the leader of Akatsuki."

Tsunade was stunned, and even Shizune, who had just poured tea, stumbled and dropped the cup on the ground.


Tsunade was shocked, and then stood up. It turned out that what she wanted to talk about was the leader. There was currently a person from [Akatsuki] in Konoha Village.

But Jiraiya ordered not to act rashly, so as not to affect other villagers, so Tsunade had to send someone to monitor.

"Tell me the detailed information quickly." Tsunade said.

"Based on this information, formulate a surprise attack plan!" Shizune was excited.

Jiraiya helplessly spread his hands and said:

"Okay, don't be so anxious."

"It's not the sequel to your novel! How can you be so leisurely!" Tsunade gritted her teeth.

"It's not good to be so anxious, especially when you have to make a big bet."

"How about, let's go out for a drink for the first time in a long time, and talk while drinking."

"Asshole! I'm the Hokage, how can I drink in broad daylight!"

"Don't you feel sorry for those ninjas on the mission?! And Uchiha Kanon is still in the village! You idiot!" Tsunade rolled her eyes, pointed at Jiraiya and cursed wildly.

The scene changed.

In the izakaya, Tsunade burped.

"You... at least take some responsibility for what you said!"

"And he drank a whole bottle straight away. You're still the Hokage after all!"

Tsunade put the cup on the table and smiled.

"So, the leader of Akatsuki is in the Rain Village, right?" Tsunade wondered.

"Yes." Jiraiya nodded.

"However, the inspection of people entering and leaving the country, as well as the surveillance during the stay, are very strict there."

"Even the procedures for holding the joint Chunin exams are always difficult to handle. It's a very closed village."

"It shouldn't be a place where the leader of [Akatsuki] can move freely."

Jiraiya nodded slightly, agreeing with Tsunade's analysis.

"However, it is precisely because it is a very closed village that other countries are prevented from knowing the inside story and the shame is completely hidden."

"It seems that there was a civil war in that country a long time ago, and the village was also divided into two."

"The leader of one of the parties is said to be the leader of [Akatsuki]."

Tsunade thought about the terrain of the Rain Village and was also a little confused.

"That country is surrounded by the three great nations of earth, wind and fire, and has been a battlefield between the three nations since ancient times."

"Because of this, the internal affairs are not stable, and the number of refugees has been increasing."

Jiraiya understood what Tsunade meant: "So in short, in order to confirm whether the information is true, I will first infiltrate and investigate, and then talk about the battle plan."

Tsunade was shocked when she heard this.

"It's too dangerous for you to be alone!"

"I am one of the three ninjas of Konoha, you should also know the meaning of this!"

Listening to Jiraiya's affirmative words, Tsunade's face flushed, but her pupils were trembling.


"Every time you are the one who suffers."

Jiraiya laughed: "Hahaha, what's wrong with you all of a sudden."

"The person who should have become Hokage should be you!"

"The Sandaime also thinks that the next one should be you..." Tsunade didn't finish her words,Jiraiya interrupted him.

"I'm not cut out to be a Hokage."

"I'm more suited to being free."

But Tsunade exposed Jiraiya with one sentence: "You regret not being able to stop Orochimaru and Uchiha Kanon."

"So you're investigating their every move now."

Jiraiya lowered his head in silence, missing Orochimaru. As for Kanon, he just met her and it was okay.

"There's no need for that."

"This way, the sequel to the novel can be published as soon as possible."

Tsunade also sighed: "I didn't expect that guy to die."

"In the past, the three of us always followed the old man Sandaime..."

Jiraiya stared at Tsunade's chest, his eyes kept turning.

"The flat-chested Tsunade has now become a busty Hokage."

"Times are constantly changing. You, who were once beautiful, are now an old woman over 50 years old."

"It's really helpless to think that you have so many thoughts about the dead in your heart."

"However, this thought will become even more in the future."

"But if you think about it calmly, you will find that it is not the same."

"My mission is to be a role model for the next generation and help them."

"For this, I will bet my life with a smile. This is probably the coolness of the elders."

Time goes back to the present.

Hanane followed Tsunade and Jiraiya far behind, as if she wanted to hear what they were going to say, but was interrupted by the Anbu next to her.

Of course, Jiraiya and Tsunade had already discovered it, but the important things had been said, and the two were not afraid that Hanane would hear it.

So Jiraiya and Tsunade sat on a bench in the park, looking at the sunset at dusk and slightly stunned.


"It's impossible to guess how powerful the person who can command those guys is."

"Besides, you ran to the enemy to die."

Jiraiya chuckled and stood up slightly, holding up the scroll beside him and said.

"'s almost time to set off."

"You must come back alive..." Tsunade looked at Jiraiya's back, her voice choked a little, not knowing whether it was because of the wine or the drunkenness.

"If you die too...I..."

Jiraiya smiled and shouted:

"Will you cry for me? Then I will be very happy!"

"But you shouldn't be as sad as you were when you were with Dan."

"Idiot!" Tsunade was dissatisfied.

"Then use your favorite gambling game to make a bet."

"Just bet that I will die, anyway, you will lose every time you bet."

A breeze blew, blowing Jiraiya's white hair yellowed by the sunset. Under the sunset, his eyes still looked at Tsunade with such confidence: "But, when I come back alive..."

Tsunade was stunned, her cheeks flushed, her pupils constricted. As a Sannin from childhood to adulthood, she knew what Jiraiya wanted to say.

Seeing Tsunade's expression, Jiraiya laughed again.

"Just kidding, kidding! Thank you very much."

"Men will become strong after being dumped."

"If you don't have the courage to use being dumped as a joke after dinner, you won't be a man."

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya in confusion. As a woman, she naturally didn't understand why Jiraiya was so strong at this moment: "Do men have to be strong?"

"Almost, happiness should not be the pursuit of men."

The smile on Jiraiya's mouth never stopped.

Tsunade nodded gently.

"Hmph, why are you trying so hard to be cool? If you don't have a woman, you don't even have the right to be dumped."

Finally, Jiraiya was ready to leave.

"If anything happens, contact me with a toad!"

"I'll be there right away." Tsunade reminded.

"Don't worry about it. Don't leave the village. How can you go out and fight as a Hokage?"

"The village is now running around you."

"There are as many Hokage candidates as you want." Tsunade retorted.

"If you keep changing the village chief, the village will be unstable."

"There is no one in the village who is more suitable to be a Hokage than you!"

"Don't we have Kakashi?!" Tsunade was speechless.

"Besides, Naruto will have a chance sooner or later."

Jiraiya smiled: "You really think highly of Naruto."

"Although I understand you, your brother and lover are the same as Naruto, they are both men chasing the same dream."

"Let's not talk about Kakashi first, although you gave the necklace to Naruto, he is still far from it."

"Now he can only be killed instantly by Kanon, but Kanon doesn't want to kill him."

TsunadeNodding gently: "Didn't you spend a lot of effort on the two of them?"

"It's just that Uchiha Kanon defected."

"I taught them the Rasengan." Tsunade complained.

"It's true that I taught Naruto, but Kanon didn't. She just learned it after watching it once."

Tsunade was dumbfounded when she heard this.

"She learned it after watching it once...?"

"Yeah, looking at that little girl from the Uchiha family, I thought of the time when I taught Minato."

Tsunade whispered: "Namikaze Minato? They really look alike."

"Minato is an outstanding talent that is rarely seen in ten years. It is estimated that such a genius will hardly appear again. The only one who can give me the same feeling as Minato is Kanon."

Jiraiya thought of Minato again; "Although he is a very gentle man, his will is very strong. He soon became the fourth Hokage."

"I don't know clearly because I have never been a father, but if he is my child, I will definitely be very proud."

Tsunade chuckled: "If you say so, Naruto will not It ’s very much like him. Naruto, instead of being a proud son, is better to be troublesome." It is very much like my father, so I will see the shadow of the guy on Naruto and Huayin. "In my opinion, these two children feel like my grandchildren." "You can make your granddaughter look back well." Send it. "That's good."


Tsunade stood far away, quietly watching Jiraiya's back.

The man who always laughed frivolously and spoke unrestrainedly, now walked heavily, as if every step was stepping on her heart, making it difficult for her to breathe.

His figure stretched very long in the sunset, just like the words that had not been said between them, long and distant.

This time, he did not look back, Tsunade's heart was clenched into a ball, her eyes were full of tears, and the fist that had always been strong now fell weakly at her side.

Tsunade wanted to call, wanted to tell him not to go, but she knew it was in vain.

The only thing she could do was to pray silently in her heart, hoping that this was a safe journey, hoping that he could come back, back to the village he loved deeply, back to her side.

The wind blew gently, bringing up her hair.

The years were silent, but at this moment they seemed extremely heavy.

Jiraiya's figure gradually blurred until it disappeared at the end of the horizon, leaving behind only the deep longing and ominous premonition.

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