Konoha Village.

Hokage's office.

Tsunade bit her finger nervously at this moment, and Shizune beside her was also slightly solemn, because they had already learned that Asuma's team was fighting with two people from Akatsuki.

"I'm very concerned..." Tsunade gritted her teeth.

"Tsunade-sama... what did you say?!"

"I said, I'm very concerned about the battle situation. Is Naruto not ready yet?!"

"It should be soon. Once Naruto learns the new technique, we will immediately reinforce him."

At this moment, another ninja from the intelligence department pushed the door and entered the Hokage's office.

Seeing that the situation was absolutely urgent, Tsunade did not blame him.

"What's wrong?!"

"Coordinates XXX, a member of [Akatsuki] appeared, and our team has already fought with her!"

"What!" Tsunade stood up directly, and Shizune asked in shock.

"Who is it?! Did you find out his identity?"

"The other party did not hide his identity. It was Uchiha Kanon!"

"That bastard Uchiha brat!" Tsunade almost gnashed her teeth.

"Gather all the teams near the gold exchange station to reinforce, and the teams far away go to support Asuma's team." Tsunade ordered loudly.


Watching this person leave, Tsunade's expression was solemn, which reminded her of the scene of her direct confrontation with Kanon at that time. Her ability is still a mystery to this day.

Although her fighting style is more positive, her fighting details and mastered ninjutsu are not inferior to her brother Uchiha Sasuke.

"Damn..." Tsunade gritted her teeth. If it weren't for Danzo, Konoha would never have lost such a genius, but Danzo had already faded from the Hokage's assistant and had not appeared in the world for a long time, so she couldn't pursue anything.

It's not like she would fight to the death with Danzo and kill Danzo and his roots. Danzo is still more meritorious than detrimental to Konoha.

"Uchiha..." Tsunade murmured, and her impression of Uchiha was even worse.


Change the gold.

Two of the four ninjas had already fallen to the ground without a sound, and there was a blood mark on their throats.

Hanaine wiped the blood off the Kusanagi sword with her Akatsuki robe, sat on the shoulder of a ninja who had his hands cut off while kneeling on the ground, and looked at the last trembling person with a slight smile.

"You should have information."

"I..." He gritted his teeth. As a ninja, he must not tell the information to others.

While he was still hesitating, the Kusanagi sword had already stabbed through his mouth and pierced through the man's head.

"Then don't say it again."

Hanaine put away the sword, and then kicked back. The neck of the man kneeling on the ground was instantly broken by Hanaine's kick. The four teams composed of jonin and chunin all died here.

"Since you want to kill me, isn't it natural for me to kill you?" Hana showed a rather morbid expression, and then turned on her perception.

"Really, where are Kakuzu and Hidan?"

Suddenly, a huge explosion was heard in the distance, and such a movement caught Hana's attention as she just turned on her perception.

"It seems to be there." Just as Hana was about to turn around, a black knife slashed at her.

Hana turned sideways, causing the man's sneak attack to fail. At this moment, Hana raised her leg and hit the man in the abdomen with a knee strike.

The timing was just right, and the man was instantly knocked into a shrimp by the knee strike, but this was not over yet. Facing such a sneak attack, and the attack was a killing move, Hana would naturally not let him go.

At the moment when he was still flying backwards, Hana's right hand turned a sword flower and stabbed backwards.

A shrill scream resounded throughout the gold exchange area, and then the man fell down in a mess, spitting blood and twitching on the ground.

"Kusuda!" Yamashiro Aoba, who was standing on the eaves and making hand seals to summon crows, roared, but soon, the Chunin named Hisuda had lost his life.

The other ambushed ninjas jumped out instantly, and a team of nearly ten Chunins and Jonins surrounded Hana.

"Uchiha Hana, who belongs to [Akatsuki], you dare to kill people in front of me!"

"Kill me, so what can you do? Bite me!"

Half a head shorter than everyone else, Hana stuck out her tongue at everyone, like a beautiful and energetic little girl who was still trying to get ahead of herself after doing something wrong.

Hana's taunting directly angered everyone.

"Go! Go together!"

Yamashiro Aoba, who was standing on the eaves, commanded the crows. He was the eleventh person, responsible for long-distance support.

Seeing that the ten ninjas had already started and started to make hand seals, Hana laughed softly.

"It's not good for you to hit me alone with so many of you!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she made a cross with her hands.

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

Instantly, the white smoke dissipated, and hundreds of Hanane appeared here, surrounding the ten ninjas.

"Come on,Now it's fair."

As he spoke, hundreds of Hana-in began to make seals with their hands, and Yamashiro Aoba soon knew what the seal was.

"It's the Great Fireball Technique, everyone hide quickly!"

Unfortunately, even if he saw it, it was too late, because he was surrounded by Hana-in at this moment. It was even more difficult to break through Hana-in than to fight Tsunade alone.

A dazzling flash of fire, a huge explosion occurred in this area.

The eleven ninjas in the middle all turned into a charred state, and eleven people died instantly.

And Hana-in's shadow clone faded away, and her original body adjusted her mask, and looked at Yamashiro Aoba again. Seeing his horrified expression, Hana-in also took a step forward.

She was very fast, and directly collided with Yamashiro Aoba's physical skills. Under Hana-in's violent attack, Yamashiro Aoba retreated step by step.

"You guy... are so strong..." Yamashiro Aoba's mouth was bleeding, He looked at Hanako. If the information was correct, the girl in front of him was only 15 years old!

At the age of 15, she had the strength to crush him, and she also joined Akatsuki.

But it was also his daze that gave Hanako a chance to attack.

In her palm, the light of Chidori flashed, and in just a moment, it had penetrated the right chest of Yamashiro Aoba.

This made him sweat coldly and his body was paralyzed, but it was not over yet. Hanako's Chidori sharp spear was nearly 100 meters long.

In just a moment, Hanako's Chidori sharp spear pushed Yamashiro Aoba hundreds of meters away along the ground and broke several large trees.

After Hanako took back the Chidori sharp spear, she raised the corner of her mouth slightly.

"As expected of a jonin, you are very smart. "

Yamashiro Aoba actually forced a seal in the paralysis, allowing him to use the Crow Substitution Technique and avoid Hanane's terrifying attack.

When the smoke and dust cleared, Yamashiro Aoba's body had long disappeared, leaving only a large pool of blood on the ground.

Yes, he escaped with serious injuries, but he was already at the end of his strength and could not escape far.

If it were the past, Hanane would definitely chase him and kill him, but this time she had more important things to do, which was to reinforce Hidan and Kakuzu.

And letting this man go back was equivalent to an invisible mockery of Konoha and Tsunade's incompetence. If he was killed here, Tsunade might not receive the news for several days.

Having said that, Hanane also rushed to the distant battlefield.


One hour later.

Konoha Village.

"Tsunade-sama, Naruto has already gone to the front battlefield." Shizune said in surprise.

"Good! "Tsunade, who finally heard the good news, stood up excitedly.

But at this moment, another person from the intelligence department rushed in.

"What happened again? !"

"Yamashiro Aoba of the gold exchange was seriously injured and has been sent for emergency treatment!"

Hearing this, Shizune and Tsunade were stunned. Wasn't Yamashiro Aoba a senior ninja sent to reinforce? How could he be seriously injured? There was only Uchiha Kanon there!

The next moment, another thunderous news came out, causing Tsunade and Shizune's pupils to shrink suddenly.

"Among the three teams sent to reinforce nearby, Yamashiro Aoba is the only surviving ninja..."

This news was like a blade, destroying all the defenses in Tsunade's heart. She staggered and almost collapsed.

"Lady Tsunade! "Shizune quickly supported Tsunade, but her body was also shaking.

"How is it possible... There was only one person, and she was just a 15-year-old girl..." Tsunade muttered, but the facts could not be changed.

Uchiha Kanon defeated four elite special classes of Konoha by herself.

This made Tsunade, the Hokage, tremble in her pupils, and even Shizune was stunned on the spot. She couldn't believe that Uchiha Kanon was so strong.

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