In the hospital, Sasuke sat in front of the bed, looking at his sister who was wrapped in bandages.

Hanako risked her life in the battle with the masked man, and she survived in the end.

But Sasuke didn't know how dangerous this battle was.

If Hanako had been distracted for a moment, she would have been killed by the masked man.

Seeing his only sister wrapped in bandages, and even with some blood on her body, Sasuke felt like a knife was cutting his heart.

In the whole family, only he and Hanako were left.

As for Uchiha Itachi, the traitor who killed the whole family had long been excluded from their family by Sasuke, and this sin was unforgivable.

However, seeing that Hanako was still alive, Sasuke felt heartbroken, but also a little fortunate, because there was nothing else, Hanako was his only relative.

Sasuke recalled everything Itachi said to him on the night of the genocide, and his expression was so cold and his eyes were so crazy.

How could such a bastard be his brother? Thinking of the scene where his father Uchiha Fugaku and his mother Uchiha Mikoto fell in a pool of blood, tears flowed from Sasuke's eyes.

Drops of tears flowed down Sasuke's cheeks and fell on Hana's bed. He lay beside Hana's bed, and the flame of revenge in his heart became more and more vigorous.


Another day passed, and Hana still did not wake up. Her injuries were too serious. Even the attending doctors of Konoha Hospital were a little scared, thinking of the "torn" scars on Hana's body.

What kind of cruel battle did a 6-year-old girl suffer to end up like this.

Ninja school.

Uchiha Sasuke sat alone on the wooden table, and people around him were talking.

Sitting in the front, Choji and Shikamaru seemed to be talking about going to the snack shop.

From outside the classroom, Naruto walked in. He noticed that the atmosphere in the classroom was a little weird early in the morning.

"Do you know? The Uchiha clan seems to have been exterminated."

"I heard it, I heard it, my father said so too."

"It seems that the only survivor is the guy in front of me."

Naruto stood aside, completely dumbfounded.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and looking at Sasuke sitting there alone, Naruto's body began to tremble.

It seemed that someone noticed Naruto's abnormality and hurriedly moved away from him.

"The demon fox is coming out! Everyone run!"

"The evil demon fox is going to appear in the school!"

Many people turned their heads immediately, only Sasuke was motionless, as if he had been numb to such a farce.

Naruto supported himself on the ground with his hands and knelt on his knees. Many people threw pencils and books at him, but he did not react at all.

At this time, Naruto's mind was the girl in a blue windbreaker with black hair like a waterfall.

The first girl who recognized him and became his first friend.

The girl who invited him to watch the moon and gave him tricolor dumplings a few days ago.

His best friend and the first girl who believed that she could become Hokage.

The wind outside the window blew in. The wind in the morning was still a bit biting, but it was not as cold as the coldness in Naruto's heart at this moment.

Books and stationery were constantly thrown at him, but Naruto just looked at the ground helplessly at this moment, with tears in his blue eyes.

"Uchiha Hana...dead?" Naruto whispered softly. He really couldn't believe it was true, but the facts could not be wrong.

He remembered that girl, with a smile brighter than the sun, her dark and smart eyes, always flashing with determination and hope.

It was Hana who gave him strength in the dark moments. She once said: It is a beautiful thing to live with faith in your heart.

She also said that she would always believe in herself and cheer for her dream of becoming Hokage.

But now, her light has gone out, swallowed by the ruthless fate, and died in the rebellion.

Naruto felt a light before dawn, which only appeared for a moment before being swallowed up by the endless darkness.

This suffocating feeling made him almost unable to breathe. With the arrival of the teacher, he was carried to the hospital.

Naruto closed his eyes, and his mind kept replaying the lovely and gentle smile of Uchiha Kanon, and the beautiful figure who had once chatted together on the grass beside the cliff.

Memories kept flashing in Naruto's mind, making him feel like two knives were pulling through his heart.

Just like that, Naruto fainted, and he seemed to be back on the grass beside the cliff.

The girl in the blue windbreaker and black and shiny long hair was still sitting quietly beside him, smiling at him, listening to him talk about the unhappiness of school and the tediousness of life.Their eyes were looking at the Konoha Village under the cliff. The girl handed him an extra lunch box she brought with her, telling him that it was her own meal, so that Naruto could supplement some nutrition.

Scene after scene flashed through his mind. They were all scenes of chatting with Hanako. It was also because Hanako brought her own meals from time to time that Naruto saved a sum of money and subsidized the family expenses.

Naruto's thoughts returned to that night. If he went to watch the moon with Hanako, would he be able to protect her and save her life?

Thinking of this, Naruto felt a strong sense of regret in his heart.

In his inner world, there was a blocked cell, and in that cell, a voice came out.

"You killed her."

"No! I didn't know this would happen!"

"If you went there, she wouldn't have died." The voice was ethereal and steady, piercing Naruto's heart.

"It's all your fault. You obviously have the ability to protect her!"

"Hana... I'm sorry, it's all my fault..."

"You still have a chance to make amends. Come, come, unlock this seal, and I will help you revive her."

Naruto was stunned, cold sweat on his head, looking at the dark corner of his inner world.

The next moment, he woke up, and Naruto was lying on the hospital bed, and next to him, a familiar figure appeared.


"Naruto, how are you?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked with concern when he noticed Naruto waking up.

"I... I'm fine." Naruto sat up, but tears kept flowing in his eyes.

"I saw you just kept saying Hana Hana, are you talking about Uchiha Sasuke's sister, Uchiha Hana?" Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of his pipe and looked at the lost Naruto.


"But she is no longer here..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to understand when he saw Naruto say this.

"Naruto, if you're looking for Uchiha Kanon, she's not dead."

"Grandpa, you don't need to comfort her..."

"Eh?!" Naruto looked up suddenly and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen who was smiling at him.

"Grandpa, you didn't lie to me, did you?!"

"How could I lie to you?"

Suddenly, Naruto was filled with joy. Is his friend really not dead? !

He jumped off the bed and said to Sarutobi Hiruzen excitedly, "Where's Kanon?"

"Come with grandpa." Sarutobi Hiruzen took Naruto out of the ward.

Naruto didn't care about anything. He kept urging Sarutobi Hiruzen to walk faster.

"Hahaha... Okay, Naruto, don't push grandpa. We're about to get to her ward."

This is the leftmost room on the fourth floor of Konoha Hospital. The patient's name is written on the door card outside the room.

Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Kanon.

The two names were written on a piece of paper outside this room.

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