"Yeah, it tastes good."

Not long after, Chen Yiban finished a big bowl of Ichiraku Ramen, then put down his bowl and chopsticks and smiled faintly.

On the side, after Chen Yiban finished eating, Uchiha Sasuke also hurriedly ate up the ramen in the bowl.

"Humph, the culprit who caused Naruto to be unconscious in the hospital and killed so many people in Konoha."

At this moment, Ayame was still staring at Chen Yiban indignantly.

In response:

"You are very brave!"

Chen Yiban inexplicably gave Chang Pu a compliment.

"Humph, are you mocking me?" Chang Pu pouted.

""Acorus, shut up!" Uncle Yile picked up a stick and was about to teach his ignorant daughter a lesson.

"Naruto...Is it the yellow-haired kid who was the original Nine-Tails Jinchuriki?"

At this time, Chen Yiban suddenly asked this question.

Hearing this, Uncle Yile stopped threatening his daughter.

"Yes, Senior Madara. That guy was my teammate before!"

Uchiha Sasuke at the side spoke up at the right time to explain to Chen Yiban.

In fact, Chen Yiban certainly knew the information about Uzumaki Naruto.

It's just:

"That kid is still alive?"

Chen Yiban was a little curious and surprised.

The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox in Uzumaki Naruto's body was forcibly taken away by him, Chen Yiban, but the other party was still alive?

Could it be that at this time, Uzumaki Naruto could still see the soul of the dead old man [Six Paths Sage] and then obtain the power of the old man of Six Paths?

Thinking of this, Chen Yiban's eyes condensed slightly!

"Sasuke, huh? Take me to see that brat!"

"And one more thing..."

"Pay the money for the noodles!"...

Hospital, a ward!———

Uchiha Sasuke hesitated for a moment, but finally went forward and knocked on the door.

Soon, the door of the ward was opened.


It was Haruno Sakura who opened the door. Seeing that it was Nijiru who knocked on the door, she was immediately surprised.


"Yu...Uchiha Madara...Uchiha....."

The next second, Haruno Sakura's face turned horrified, as if she had seen the most terrifying thing in the world!

"Sakura, what's wrong?"Inside the ward, Tsunade's voice rang out.

"Hokage-sama, yes...Uchiha Madara."At the door, Haruno Sakura took several steps back in doubt, and then pointed at the road outside the door.

"What?!!" ×In the ward

, three voices of doubt and uncertainty were heard in succession.

They were: Jiraiya, Kakashi, and Tsunade!

Then: tut!———clatter————

Following a few footsteps, Chen Yiban, wearing red armor and with waist-length hair, walked into the ward from outside.

"Uchiha Mada!!" Suddenly, Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Kakashi in the ward immediately felt like they were facing a great enemy.

Haruno Sakura was so scared that she dared not speak!

"Madara, what are you doing here?"Jiraiya, covering his right side which was heavily bandaged, looked extremely alert.

Meanwhile, Tsunade and Kakashi were ready to attack at any time.

In response:

"Don't waste your energy. If I really want to do something, do you think you can stop me?"

Chen Yiban glanced at the three of them with disdain.

Hearing this, the three of them were angry and helpless.

Because what Chen Yiban said was true!

Obviously, two of the three of them were two of the famous three ninjas in the ninja world, and Kakashi was also known as the copy ninja.

They are all famous strong men!

But at this moment, in front of the man in red armor,...

The three of them seemed really weak and timid!...There is a hint of inexplicable funny

"Damn it!"Jiraiya, with a look of resignation

"Motor..."Princess Tsunade wanted to say something.


"Don't worry, I'm just here to take a look...How can a Jinchūriki still be alive after losing the tailed beast in his body?"

Chen Yiban said this directly.

As he spoke, he walked straight forward and walked towards the bed blocked by three people behind him.

During this time,

Jiraiya, Tsunade and Kakashi tried to stop Chen Yiban.


Without saying anything, Chen Yiban's terrifying chakra exploded and pressed down on the three of them!

As for Haruno Sakura, Chen Yiban almost ignored her from beginning to end.

"Um..."Instantly, Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Kakashi felt as if a huge mountain had appeared on their bodies and pressed them down. They were unable to move for a moment!

In these few seconds,

Chen Yiban had come to the bedside and saw Uzumaki Naruto lying on the bed.


The Sharingan, which was already able to open and close freely, was directly opened to the [Eternal Mangekyo] posture.

Then, the powerful insight and slight perspective ability were activated....Begin to analyze the situation inside Uzumaki Naruto's body

"There is still hope."

Soon after, Chen Yiban closed the 'Eternal Mangekyō', with a hint of surprise on his face.

Uzumaki Naruto is really not in danger of death!

Is it really the protagonist's halo?

During this period,

Chen Yiban also lifted the chakra suppression on Tsunade and the other three at the right time.

Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Kakashi immediately felt relieved.

After reacting, the three looked at Chen Yiban behind them with doubtful eyes....

‘His power seems to have become even stronger!! '

The three of them exclaimed in their hearts.

Chen Yiban now has the power of [Otsutsuki Ashura, Senju Hashirama] and even has the [Samsara Eye] opened!

The gap between him and Tsunade, Jiraiya, Kakashi and others is already a world of difference.

If Chen Yiban wanted to, he could kill the three of them instantly!!

"Madara Senior..."

At this time, when Uchiha Sasuke saw Chen Yiban approaching Uzumaki Naruto, he couldn't help but suddenly spoke

"Are you worried about him?" Chen Yiban looked at the unconscious Uzumaki Naruto on the bed, then looked at Uchiha Sasuke next to him.

"I..."Erzhuzi was a little reluctant to admit it.

Seeing this, Chen Yiban retracted his gaze.


‘System, what will happen if I kill the protagonist Uzumaki Naruto? '

Chen Yiban, secretly contacted in his heart' Achievement Sign-in System’

【If you don't want to leave this world immediately, it is recommended to keep him alive for now. Killing the protagonist of the world will have unpredictable consequences.】

‘Is that so?

Chen Yiban took one last look at Uzumaki Naruto lying on the bed:

‘I hope you won't get in my way next time.’

‘Otherwise, I won't care whether you are the protagonist of the world or not. '

The next moment, under the gazes of Tsunade, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Haruno Sakura, and Nibashi,

Chen Yiban turned around and slowly walked out of the ward!



Jiraiya, Tsunade, Kakashi, Haruno Sakura and the others all breathed a sigh of relief.

Damn, when that guy was around, it felt like even breathing was extremely difficult!

Especially Haruno Sakura, who was the weakest, the fear of Chen Yiban in her heart was simply indescribable.

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