Three days later!

In Konoha's hospital, Jiraiya, who had previously suffered a broken arm and was seriously injured, was now lying unconscious in the hospital ward!

Until three days later...

Jiraiya just slowly opened his eyes!

Then, he saw the person he wanted to see the most:



Jiraiya was in a trance for a moment, then he suddenly reacted and woke up, and immediately wanted to get up

"hiss...!"However, when he moved his right arm, he felt a lot of pain.

"Don't move. Your injury has just stabilized!"Tsunade sat by the side and looked at Jiraiya on the bed.

Hearing this, Jiraiya calmed down a little.

However, looking at his right arm that was gone,...

Jiraiya still couldn't help feeling bitter!

"Tsunade, Madara, he is to you....."

Afterwards, Jiraiya began to care about Tsunade's question again.

"Don't worry. He didn't do anything to me!"Tsunade shook her head calmly.

"But he didn't say that because you have excellent medical skills,..."Jiraiya, who had just woken up, was concerned about a lot of things.

In response, Tsunade remained calm, but a hint of helplessness appeared in her eyes:"That was three days ago."

"Three days ago?" Jiraiya was stunned, then he reacted and said:"I was actually unconscious for three days?"

"If I hadn't treated you, you would have probably been in a coma for seven days and seven nights."Tsunade smiled.

"Tsunade, how can you still laugh?...What exactly does he want you to do for him?" Jiraiya asked anxiously.

Tsunade sighed slightly, then said:"What I know is...He asked me to correct the incorrect eye meridians for his Sharingan......"

Princess Tsunade, hesitant to speak

"What else?" Jiraiya asked.

"Transplant two people's cells into his body!" Tsunade continued.

"Transplant two human cells?"Jiraiya was stunned for a moment.

"There is one, I am not sure. But if I am not mistaken, one of them...It should be the cells and flesh of my great grandfather!"

Tsunade suddenly said

"What? The cells of the first Hokage, Hashirama Senju?!!"Jiraiya was shocked.

"Hmm! I feel like that's my grandfather's cell!"Tsunade-ji also looked solemn at this moment.

"Is that guy Madara trying to obtain the legendary Wood Release power of the first Hokage?" Jiraiya began to speculate.

"There is another person's cell that you don't even know....To be favored by a guy like Madara, you must be extraordinary."

"The chakra contained in that piece of flesh and blood from an unknown person...The feeling is no less than that of my great grandfather, even...Stronger!"Tsunade-ji bowed her head and said

"What..."Jiraiya was shocked again and again.

At the same time, he couldn't help but blame:

"Tsunade, I'm not saying anything bad about you, but how could you....."

""Otoamagami!" Princess Tsunade said these three words directly with her eyes dimmed....

Jiraiya was stunned!

He immediately understood why Tsunade transplanted other people's cells into Madara.

"Madara, that bastard!!"

Jiraiya couldn't help but slam the bed with his only remaining left hand.......

On the other side!

In the 'Hokage Building', Chen Yiban had directly occupied this place for three days of seclusion.

As a result, Tsunade could only handle official business in a temporary office during these three days.

And today, in the slightly dim Hokage Building with the doors and windows closed:


A pair of eyes emitting charming lavender light and with circles of circular ripples opened at this moment.

It was as if it had just reached this state!

Open your eyes!

"My reincarnation eye...It's finally opened."

Chen Yiban, at this moment, had a grim smile on his face, unable to help showing his excitement.

At this moment, in his eyes, there was a pair of lavender...Samsara Eye!!

"Haha, hahaha....."

Chen Yiban, who possesses the power of one of the four Uchiha Laughing Heroes, laughed excitedly again at this moment.

"The Eyes..."

"That's right!!"

He couldn't help but touch his eyes with both hands, and the excitement on Chen Yiban's face could not be concealed.

"I didn't expect that the combined power of Otsutsuki Ashura and Hasirama would allow me to open my Samsara Eye in just three days."

"Compared to the dying Uchiha Madara in the original drama, he opened his eyes much, much faster."

"good, very good!"

"This pupil force..."

"No, my chakra has also been greatly enhanced."

"Ha ha ha ha....."

Chen Yiban felt his pupil power and chakra surge, and he became even more excited.

He laughed wildly!

The next moment:

"Wheel Tomb..."Bianyu!!"

Suddenly, Chen Yiban's pair of [Samsara Eyes] opened sharply.

He activated his own [Samsara Eyes·Pupil Technique]

, but it seemed that nothing happened.

However, in the case that it seemed that nothing happened,

Chen Yiban's pair of [Samsara Eyes] could clearly see...

Four [Wheel Grave·Shadows] appeared on both sides of him!

‘Is it really the prison beside the grave?’

‘It seems that it is because I got Uchiha Madara’s combat power template!’

‘But, it’s also good!

Chen Yiban smiled to himself.

"Oh, system, please integrate [Heavenly Hand Power] for me as well."

"Should it be okay?"

Thinking of something, Chen Yiban suddenly seemed to be talking to the air in the dim room of the Hokage Building.

【Yes. And we will make a perfect blend for you!】

【Now, the fusion begins! 】

In the void, there is only���The system response that only Yiban could hear and see appeared.

And with a clang,

Chen Yiban felt his pair of [Samsara Eyes] raging with pupil power the next second.

Soon, he felt that he had gained another pupil skill of the Samsara Eyes: Heavenly Hand Power!!

"This feeling..."

"so comfortable!"

"Hee, hee, hahahaha!!!

Chen Yiban was crazy....

An hour later! It was about noon, almost time for lunch.


The door of the Hokage's office in the Hokage Building was finally opened.

Then Chen Yiban slowly walked out!

At this moment, he had hidden his Samsara Eye, and his eyes had turned into the most normal black pupils. He had just opened the door of the Hokage's office that he had occupied for several days:


Chen Yiban immediately saw a small figure standing outside the door.

It seemed like he had been waiting for him!

"Senior Madara!"

Seeing Chen Yiban finally come out of the room, Uchiha Sasuke immediately couldn't help but take two steps forward with joy in his eyes.

Then he bowed to Chen Yiban in front of him!

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