"As expected of you, it’s red steam. Haha, you should be able to continue dancing, right?"

"Come on. Keep pleasing me!!"

After stabilizing the Susanoo's complete form, Chen Yiban's face was filled with a crazy fighting spirit.

At the same time, the part of the Susanoo's complete form that had just been kicked by Xi Xiang was quickly restored to its original shape by Chen Yiban's thoughts, chakra and pupil power.

"Damn it, he can't be killed even with this?"

At this moment, Tsunade was terrified. Might Guy had already opened all eight gates!

He still couldn't do anything to that bastard Uchiha Madara.

The legendary ninja, the former Shura of the Ninja World, Uchiha Madara, was actually so powerful and terrifying.

"What means and strength did the great grandfather use to suppress such a terrifying opponent?"

Tsunade felt powerless.

Facing the legendary ninja Uchiha Madara, even Tsunade, who was once known as the Three Ninjas of Konoha and has now become the fifth generation Hokage, felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Uchiha Madara, really...too strong!!

"Such a battle is simply....."On the side, Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, and Haruno Sakura were all surprised and shocked.

The battle between Chen Yiban and Eight Gates Kai was really shocking! Whether it was Chen Yiban's complete form of Susanoo or Eight Gates Kai's Evening Elephant...

The visual impact is top-notch among the top ones!!

Before this...

Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, and Haruno Sakura, the three Konoha Genin, couldn't even imagine that there was someone in this world who could possess such a strong ninja....Is it a power beyond that of a Hokage?

Too amazing!

However, this enemy is very likely the legendary Uchiha Madara. At this moment, he still looks unharmed and stands opposite the 100-meter-tall Susanoo in full form.

Giving everyone at the scene a sense of despair!

"The legendary ninja Uchiha Madara....."The head of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hiashi, looked at Chen Yiban who had instantly recovered his Susanoo form with amazement.

It is said that if all eight gates of the Eight Gates of the Ninjutsu are opened, one can instantly possess power that surpasses the Hokage.

But the opponent was still so safe and sound when facing Might Guy with all eight gates opened.

Strong! Too strong!

Such an enemy is simply not something they can contend with.

Even the Hyuga clan, who have the Byakugan, seem too insignificant at this moment.

"Sorry, Wind....I can't even avenge you."

At this time, Mao Yue Xi Yan couldn't help but kneel down and cry.

Chen Yiban was too strong!

Mao Yue Xi Yan knew that even if she tried her best to death, she would never have the strength to fight him.

Look at the posture of Susanoo's complete form....

It was simply: God!!

That was not a power that a mortal could possess.

Uzuki Yugao knew that she could not avenge the revenge of Moonlight Gale! Yuhi

Kurenai, Nara Shikamaru, Yamanaka Ino, and Akimichi Choji, who were watching Asuma's body not far away, had the same feeling.

Chen Yiban killed Yuan Fei Asuma first, and then killed Akimichi Choza, completely becoming a mortal enemy of the entire Konoha!!......

"If the evening elephant is useless, then I can only use the last trick."

Might Guy, who had all eight gates open, rested for more than ten seconds, then clenched his fists again and stood in front of Chen Yiban.

"Hahaha...!"In the complete form of Susanoo, Chen Yiban laughed wildly:"Good! Very good!"

At this moment, Chen Yiban seemed to be meeting an opponent for the first time in his life.

He showed a crazy fighting spirit!

"Kay....."Far behind, Kakashi looked at his best friend Might Guy with a worried look on his back, his body covered in blood-red steam. Kakashi knew that his best friend Might Guy was about to fight to the death....Akai's death was already destined!

"" Accumulate!!"

The next second, Might Guy's body was slightly bent.


A large amount of blood-red blood immediately emerged behind Bamen Kai.

It even quickly condensed into a huge blood-red dragon head!

"Teacher Akai....."Xiao Li looked at his mentor in shock.

"Eight Gates of Dunjia....

Ye Kai!!"The last roar of Ba Men Kai's life.———!!

Behind him, Ye Kai's blood-red dragon immediately opened its bloody mouth and roared to the sky.


The extremely strong aura impacted all directions around

"Is there a move more powerful than Xi Xiang?!!"Tsunade couldn't believe it.

"This power...Akai, this time, I lost."

Kakashi couldn't help but sigh sadly.

He knew in his heart that after this time, his best friend would definitely fall!

But seeing such a terrifying power, Akai fell...The legendary ninja Uchiha Madara definitely couldn't be alive.

Because this [Yekai] felt a hundred times stronger than the Xixiang just now!!

And the Xixiang just now almost completely broke the opponent's Susanoo complete form.

This time, he can definitely defeat the enemy!

"That guy Akai actually possesses such terrifying strength."At this time, Mitarashi Anko's face was full of amazement and admiration.

"Akai, please, kill that devil!!"Uzuki Yugao shouted

"Akai, today everyone in Konoha has seen your strongest power. The enemy in front of us...

Please!!"Tsunade-ji also stepped forward and shouted loudly.

"Drink!!!" Bamen Kai gathered all his blood and energy.


The blood-red dragon head, which was already extremely huge, actually grew to a higher level again.

"Roar!!!" The blood dragon roared even more powerfully.

At this time:

"This force..."

"Hahaha, I fully recognize your strength. Among all the opponents I have fought in my memory, I would like to call you the strongest in physical skills!!"

In the complete form of Susanoo, Chen Yiban felt a breath of death at this moment.

But Chen Yiban was not afraid, but crazy excited!

Because he knew: he could not die!!


The next second, the Eight Gates Kai and the blood-colored dragon head merged into one.

Then, carrying the huge blood-colored dragon head, it rushed towards Chen Yiban in the Susanoo complete form in front of it with surging and murderous aura.

Chen Yiban would not sit and wait for death.

He just wanted to swing the huge Susanoo sword, but he found that the entire Susanoo sword was stuck and difficult to drive.

"The space is distorted just like in the original drama?!!"

Chen Yiban took a look at the situation around him and saw that the space around the complete form of Susanoo was indeed distorted.

No wonder Susanoo had difficulty in making any moves!

"Roar!!!" At this moment, Ye Kai appeared in front of Susanoo's complete form.

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