Note: The plot setting does not follow the"Bo》......

Konoha, outside the gate: click———! clatter———!

The sound of slow footsteps, one step at a time, came from not far away...

Step by step, he approached the gate of Konoha.

He saw a tall figure wearing red armor, black ninja boots, black gloves, and long hair that reached his waist.

If the first Hokage, Hashirama Senju, was here, he would definitely recognize this figure as his former best friend.


Hashirama Senju was dead, so at this moment, no one could recognize this figure in red armor....

Who is it ?———clatter————

The tall figure was still slowly walking towards the gate of Konoha from a distance, step by step.

During this time, the gentle breeze kept blowing the long black hair, and the long hair could not help but sway in the wind.

It seemed to foreshadow that everything that was going to happen next would break all the peace of the past few decades!...

"Wait, who are you? You're not from Konoha, right?"

"Please register your personal information!"

When the tall figure in red armor arrived at the gate of Konoha...

The two great gate gods of Konoha: Gang Zi Tie and Shen Yue Zu Yun!!

Regarding this:

"" Ha!"

The tall figure in red armor lowered his head slightly, looking a little gloomy. After hearing their words, he sneered contemptuously.

Then, under the somewhat inexplicable gazes of Gang Zitie and Shen Yue Chuyun:

———The other party raised his head slightly, and instantly revealed a pair of three-magatama scarlet pupils....

The moment they came into contact with that pair of scarlet eyes, Gang Zitie and Shen Yue Chu Yun were immediately stunned, and they were both stunned on the spot!


The figure in red armor ignored the two gate gods and continued to walk towards Konoha and the village step by step without any hurry!

After he completely walked into Konoha, the two people behind him woke up as if they had just woken up from a dream.



"How do we get out?"

Gang Zitie and Shen Yue Chuyun looked at each other in confusion. They both looked confused!

Obviously, they had completely forgotten what had just happened!

So, they didn't know...There are already unregistered people who have entered Konoha......

At this moment!

It seems to be noon, time for people to have lunch.

It can be seen that in Konoha, there are more or less quite a few diners in the barbecue restaurants and other restaurants.

Outside the store, there are also people coming and going between civilians and ninjas!

It symbolizes the prosperity of Konoha!

However, in this prosperous scene, there is a lonely figure, walking slowly step by step on the wide road.

During this time, his pair of deep black pupils consciously or unconsciously observed the coming and going of people around him, as well as the prosperity of the entire Konoha.

He is the man in red armor who just came in from the outside of the Konoha gate!

At this moment, he has completely arrived in Konoha Village!

Then, looking at the scenes around him:


"What a familiar yet strange place."

Chen Yiban looked at the scene that appeared in his memory and now appeared in front of him.

He couldn't help but sigh with a smile.

Chen Yiban was originally from another world.

Born in an orphanage, he relied on the help of caring people in the society....

He studied till high school!

But he was not good at studying, so he dropped out of school and went out to work in the society.

But, how could he find a good job without finishing high school?

In the few years after Chen Yiban came to that world, he gloriously became a delivery man serving the people!

And the reason why he appeared in this world at this moment and even became a powerful being was because of this....

It was because he was delivering food and was not paying attention to the passing vehicles while looking at his phone, which led to a serious car accident.

Chen Yiban died in the car accident, but was accidentally tied to an incredible and mysterious thing called the"Achievement Sign-in System".

Before the half-dead Chen Yiban could figure out what was going on,...

The sign-in system directly performed a free first sign-in for him!

However, he signed in unexpectedly: [Founder of Konoha·Uchiha Madara·Combat Power Template].

Since Chen Yiban was dying at the time and couldn't answer anything, the system directly applied the combat power template of [Founder of Konoha·Uchiha Madara] to him. Even

Chen Yiban's appearance was directly transformed into that of Uchiha Madara.

Finally, the dead Chen Yiban was brought from his original world to this ninja world....

This is why Chen Yiban would stand on the bustling streets of Konoha, watching the people coming and going!

During this period,

Chen Yiban actually didn't care who he turned into.

This power surprised Chen Yiban after he woke up and understood everything. Chen Yiban spent a few days initially receiving so many extra memories and combat experiences in his mind, and after he had become familiar with his current body. He also figured out what the so-called"achievement sign-in system" was: it allows Chen Yiban to sign in once a day.

The things signed in could be anything!

There is no level limit!

It might allow Chen Yiban to ascend to the sky in one step, or it might be possible to sign in for something like a pack of tissues.

In the past few days, Chen Yiban has signed in for something that makes people's eyes twitch, such as"a pack of tissues".

However, in addition to the basic daily sign-in...

Achieve some kind of achievement!

For example: defeat, kill or subdue some strong people.

These can also allow Chen Yiban to increase the number of additional sign-in opportunities.

So, he came to Konoha!

Start...Want to do something, make trouble!!


Konoha is just the beginning.

Chen Yiban, who has now become Uchiha Madara and possesses all the power of Uchiha Madara in the Valley of the End...

In his heart, a man's greed for power is growing uncontrollably!!

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