Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 731 Kushina's Anger

Hearing that Kushina had made a decision.

At this time, Sasuke and Naruto stepped forward and each took out a white sphere.

"We also brought two people."

The two crushed the adult white sphere in their hands.

Two figures fell out of it.

Everyone stared at the two people who appeared.

Kushina stepped forward and poked the boy lying on the ground who looked very similar to her son, but the boy's hair color was the same golden color as Minato.

She reached out and touched the other's cheek.

"Wow, it looks like Naruto."

"He is me in that world." Naruto said helplessly.

"Eh! !?" Kushina looked at her son, and then at the unconscious 'Naruto'.

At this time, 'Naruto' had slowly opened his eyes and saw Kushina with a surprised face.

A strong sense of familiarity appeared in his heart.

He blurted out unconsciously.


Kushina looked down at a panicked and immediately alert 'Naruto'.

"To some extent, I am indeed your mother."

'Naruto': "???"

"Hey! You woman, what do you mean by saying you are indeed my mother?"

He didn't even know who his mother was.

Kushina also looked at her son, the black-haired Naruto, in confusion.

"Are the two worlds developing differently?"

"Although they are different, the relationship has not changed much."

Naruto said directly.

Kushina nodded and looked at 'Naruto' in front of her: "In that case, I am indeed your mother."

'Naruto' opened his mouth and looked at Kushina in front of him.

Suddenly, he couldn't say anything to refuse, and he felt a kind of intimacy when looking at Kushina.

It seemed that there was a voice in his heart telling him that what the other party said was the truth.

"He didn't live well there." Naruto said.

"The discrimination of the village, the domestication of the Konoha high-level officials, and Sarutobi Hiruzen training him in the way of training dogs."

Naruto simply told all his life as a body.

Kushina frowned deeply, and her clenched fists made a creaking sound.

"That damn old man."

She knew that there would be absolutely no problem in killing that damn old man.

Her son would end up like this.

"That bastard!!"

If it weren't for Uchiha Jin.

Kushina took a deep breath, why would she think of that bastard.

But there is really no comparison and no harm in this kind of thing. No matter how many bad things Uchiha Jin did, he really did not let her and Minato down.

But they are enemies after all.

Kushina gritted her teeth.

"Kushina." Tsunade stepped forward and patted Kushina's shoulder to comfort her.

If it were her, she would not be able to bear knowing that her son would become like this.

Senju Hashirama sighed.

"Did I do something wrong?"

Perhaps he shouldn't have used that idea to kill Uchiha Ban at that time.

Because this would really bring darkness to Konoha.

"Uchiha! Itachi!"

At this time, the unloved 'Sasuke' also woke up, and saw Uchiha Itachi standing there at a glance, took out a kunai and rushed up.

He wanted to kill the other party right here.

But Sasuke next to him didn't want to do it. He stood in front of Sasuke in a flash, grabbed the other party's arm, bent it back and pressed him under his knee.

"What do you want to do?" Sasuke asked in a deep voice.

"Kill him! Kill him! You are me! Then kill him!" Sasuke looked at Itachi in front of him with bloodshot eyes.

"He killed the entire Uchiha clan!"

With Sasuke's roar, many people who were working stopped.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Sasuke and kicked him out.

Uchiha Izumi stood in front of Sasuke, looking coldly at the silent Uchiha Itachi.

"It seems that you in that world have done those treasonous things."

The kaleidoscope in her pupils was spinning rapidly, and she looked like she was ready to take action at any time.

"Sister Izumi! That man has been killed by Brother Itachi!!" Sasuke fell to the ground and roared.

"It wasn't my brother who did it, why put all the blame on him."

Uchiha Izumi glanced at Sasuke coldly, and ignored what he said, just looking at Itachi in front of him calmly.

She pointed at 'Sasuke' behind her: "He is also from our Uchiha clan."

"Enough!!" Kushina roared, interrupting the farce in front of her.

"Do you think I, the Hokage, don't exist!!"

One by one, they suddenly started to act.

Everyone immediately half-knelt on the ground in front of Kushina.

"Hokage, we are just emotional for a while."

Uchiha Izumi explained.

The fifth generation Hokage treated their Uchiha clan well. Although there was no special care, he was extremely fair to them.

This is what the Uchiha clan wants.

"I don't want to manage the affairs of your Uchiha clan, but remember, you are Konoha's ninjas."

Kushina said angrily.

These Uchiha are good in every way, but they really can't tell the difference between the family and the village.

"Yes!" Several people could only agree.

Senju Hashirama rubbed his head. It was not appropriate for him to participate in such things.

"Okay, let's all go."

Hashirama Senju waved his hand, and everyone disappeared instantly.

Only Naruto remained.

"Mom, count me in as one of the people who want to contact Konoha."

"Get lost."

Kushina said impatiently.

Even the cold-blooded Naruto shut his mouth and disappeared.

Kushina looked at the remaining 'Naruto', as for 'Sasuke', he had been taken away by Uchiha Izumi.

She stepped forward and hugged 'Naruto'.

"Sorry, I made you suffer."

Naruto opened his mouth, he wanted to push the other person away, but he seemed to have lost his strength.

He just couldn't push the other person away.

Such a warm feeling.

But there was fire in Kushina's eyes.

The Six Paths Sage, who was thinking beside him, saw it.

So is there another self there?

Konoha Village in the parallel world.

Tsunade sat in the seat of the Hokage, and finally couldn't help but punched the table.

"These bastards!!"

Let her be the Hokage, but restrict her in every way.

Then why let her be the Hokage.

She glared at Jiraiya next to her.

"It's nothing to say that the survivors of the Uchiha clan were lost, but how come there is no Jinchūriki."

Tsunade had a headache, Konoha was really weak now.

And there were also the so-called elders who restricted her in various ways. The Hokage really made her desperate.

Why did she soft-heartedly agree to Jiraiya at that time.

Now I don't know if it's too late to leave.

At this moment, a blue light suddenly bloomed in front of her.

The hidden Anbu instantly appeared in front of Tsunade.

Everyone looked at the blue light in front of them.

A figure gradually gathered.

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