Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 401: bait

(Explain why the update has been relatively slow recently. Xiaoyu’s father is hospitalized again, so although it’s a holiday, Xiaoyu has to take care of his father in the hospital. Everyone knows that cerebral hemorrhage is a disease that recovers very slowly, so update The phenomenon of slowness will exist for a long time, I hope everyone can understand. Thank you!)

"General Paul, just now Martinique called, saying that at 3 o'clock this afternoon, they were again violently attacked by the US fleet and asked us for support." Clarence, chief of staff of the Mediterranean Fleet, reported to the commander of the Mediterranean Fleet, Paul.

"Oh. Americans are starting to toss again." Paul said indifferently. Prior to this, the US fleet had launched many attacks on Martinique, but they were all repelled by the defenders of Martinique. Martinique is a base for the French Navy's key construction, and the fortress of Fort-de-France was built extremely strong. With such a strong city, it is very difficult for the US fleet to capture Martinique. "I don't think it is necessary to send troops to support them. I think they should be able to repel the attack of the US fleet like the previous few times." Paul thought for a while and said.

"Your Excellency, Commander, I'm afraid this time it won't work. According to the call, the US fleet attacking Martinique this time is a complete fleet, with more than 40 warships, and the attack is also very violent. It seems that Martinique The prospects for the island are indeed not optimistic," Clarence said.

"So many? Is the U.S. 3rd Fleet going to do its best to take Martinique?" Paul questioned. He didn't know that the other two fleets of the US Navy had secretly arrived in the Caribbean. I thought there was only one U.S. 3rd Fleet operating in the Caribbean.

"It seems to be the case. After all, Martinique has become a thorn in the side of the U.S. Navy and a thorn in its flesh. If they don't take Martinique, they will not be able to continue going south," Clarence said.

"It seems that we have to send the fleet to support immediately. Otherwise, it will be very bad for us when the American Spire captures Martinique." Paul said.

"Actually, I think this may not be an opportunity for us." Clarence said suddenly.

"Oh. How?" Paul asked.

"We have exchanged fire with the U.S. 3rd Fleet many times, but we have not been able to find a chance for a decisive battle. Our strength is stronger than the U.S. 3rd Fleet. If we add part of the strength of the Atlantic Fleet, we will be able to match the U.S. 3rd Fleet. Fleet, we have an absolute advantage. In this way, we can use this plan to completely eliminate this powerful enemy, regain control of the Caribbean Sea, and pose a threat to them from the south of the United States. This can also effectively relieve the Central Atlantic theater. pressure," Clarence said. The Mediterranean Fleet has a total of 30 "Iberia" class warships, 10 "Bonaparte" class warships, 4 "pre-Dreadnought" class warships and 1 "Dreadnought" class warship. In terms of quantity, the numbers of both sides are similar, and the Mediterranean Fleet is slightly more, but in terms of long-term combat effectiveness, the Mediterranean Fleet is almost higher than the US 3rd Fleet. After all, the most powerful warship on the American side is the 7,000-ton "New York" class. Even though it has adopted a lot of new technologies, it is only stronger than the "Bonaparte" class warship on the French side. The "Dreadnought"-class battleships are still slightly insufficient, and compared with the "Dreadnought"-class battleships, the gap is much larger. In addition, the fleet deployed by the Atlantic Fleet in the southern Atlantic region also has two 'Pre-Dreadnought' class warships, 4 'Bonaparte' class warships and 10 'Iberia' class warships, and its strength should not be underestimated.

"Yes, since the U.S. 3rd Fleet wants to capture Martinique, we can use Martinique as bait to catch the big fish of the U.S. 3rd Fleet and solve the problem once and for all." Paul said excitedly.

"Okay, then I'll gather the troops right away and notify General Demps Gale of the Atlantic Fleet." Clarence also said excitedly. Being able to completely wipe out the opponent's fleet is definitely a very great feat.

While the French Mediterranean Fleet was gathering troops, American General Davis was also anxiously waiting for news. "Is there any change in the French Mediterranean Fleet?" Davis asked.

"Just got the news that the French Mediterranean Fleet has already begun to assemble. It will probably leave Paria Bay this evening, and it is predicted that it will arrive in Martinique around 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon." Aldridge said excitedly. Because it can be seen from these signs that the French Mediterranean Fleet has fallen into their trap. As long as the French Mediterranean Fleet reaches Martinique, it will be besieged by the three US fleets. At that time, the French Mediterranean Fleet will have difficulty flying with its wings.

"Great. Order the 5th Fleet to strengthen the attack on Martinique. At the same time, the landing force is also dispatched immediately, giving the French a feeling that Martinique is in danger and making them feel that we are really ready To take Martinique, strengthen their support determination." Davis ordered. He is well aware of the gap between the U.S. Navy and the French Navy, and knows that a fleet alone will never be an opponent of the French Mediterranean Fleet. His only chance is to use the three fleets in his hand to besiege the French Mediterranean Fleet together, so that they may gain victory.

"Okay, General." Aldrich said. In the confrontation with the French Mediterranean Fleet, his 3rd Fleet has repeatedly been at a disadvantage. This time he has the opportunity to annihilate the French Mediterranean Fleet in one fell swoop. Naturally, he worked very hard.

After receiving Davis's order, the U.S. 5th Fleet immediately stepped up its attack on Martinique, and the Marine Corps of the two regiments also began landing operations. Countless landing craft swarmed towards Martinique.

"General, it's not good, the Americans have started to land." A signal soldier quickly ran into the headquarters of the Fort de France, and reported to Brigadier General Elvis, the supreme commander of the entire Martinique island.

"Damn it. Colonel Ifly, take your men into position and drive those **** Yankees into the sea." Elvis ordered.

"Of order, General." Evelyn saluted Elvis and left the headquarters. Ifli is the head of the Marine Corps on the island. Now that the US troops have started to land, it is naturally up to them to perform.

"Colonel Gabriel, change the target, bombard the US landing ship, and reduce the pressure on Colonel Ifli." Elvis continued to give orders.

"Yes, General." Gabriel was the island's artillery commander. All artillery positions, including the fortress of Fort-de-France, were under his command. On the entire island of Martinique, in addition to the fortress of Fort de France, there are a total of 23 artillery positions, large and small. These artillery positions, together with the fortress of Fort de France as a support point, constitute the firepower system of Martinique. It was also these artillery positions that successfully repelled multiple attacks by the US military.

"Colonel, is your loss big now?" Elvis asked, it was already evening, and the battle had been going on for about 4 hours. In the fierce battle, the losses of both sides were undoubtedly very large.

Galibore smiled bitterly, and then said: "As far as the current situation is concerned, six artillery positions on the island have been completely destroyed, and other positions have also been damaged to some extent. The support point of the firepower system, especially the "care" of the US fleet, the entire fortress has already lost 30%, and the combat effectiveness has dropped by 40%. If the US military continues to attack so violently, I think we can at most It can last 10 hours."

"Don't worry, Colonel. It's going to be dark soon, and the accuracy of the shelling from both sides will be greatly reduced. At that time, it will be up to Colonel Ifli. As long as he can withstand the attack of the US Marine Corps, we will It won't fail." Elvis encouraged.

Gabriel nodded.

"By the way, what is our result? Is it clear?" Elvis asked.

"The data we got may not be accurate. It is conservatively estimated that so far, we have sunk 7 US warships, probably including 2 'Pennsylvania' class warships and 5 'Washington' class warships. In addition, we have also damaged 4 warships. U.S. warships, and one of them should be a 'New York' class warship, which should be certain, because she is a circle larger than the other warships." Gabriel said excitedly, and he was still very satisfied with the result of the battle of.

"The result is very good, it's bigger than our loss." Elvis also said happily. If calculated according to this if the U.S. military wants to occupy Martinique, it will definitely have to pay unbearable losses.

"General! Just received a telegram from General Paul." The communications soldier handed a telegram to Elvis.

"General Paul called and said that the Mediterranean Fleet has already set off and will arrive at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the latest. He asked us to try our best to drag this American fleet here and create a chance for the Mediterranean Fleet to wipe out the American fleet." Elvis said after reading the telegram.

"Great, these **** have been showing off for so long, it's time to let them know how powerful we are. Once the Mediterranean Fleet arrives, it will be their end." Gabriel shouted excitedly.

"But, have you ever thought about it, General Paul and the others will arrive at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and there are still nearly 20 hours from now, when we persist until then, how many people will be left in Martinique?" Elvis said sadly sometimes. Evidently, he was somewhat dissatisfied with his fate as bait to attract the American fleet.

Gabriel was also silent, but after a while, his eyes brightened: "General, this is war. For the sake of France, as long as the Mediterranean Fleet can finally wipe out the American Fleet, even if the troops are wiped out, I will Think it’s worth it too.”

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