Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 370: The 'Right Hook' plan (Part 2)

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The fighting in Vienna is still going on, and the atmosphere of the General Staff in Paris, France is also somewhat depressed. Russia once again increased its troops to the front, causing the situation in Poland to gradually tilt towards the balance of power again. Although the French army withstood the attack of 900,000 Russian troops, it was still impossible to launch a large-scale counterattack. Although the French army has more than 500,000 troops in Poland, including the 88th Army, but the real combat effectiveness is that apart from the Polish and Prussian troops, only France has less than 400,000 troops. The Russian army is twice as large as the French army. In this case, if the French army launches a counterattack, although it is likely to succeed, it will definitely pay an unimaginable price. Therefore, Xiao Jie denied the plan to launch a counterattack against the Russian army from Poland. In his words, if you can't guarantee victory at a very small cost, then don't take risks.

At this time, the staff came up with another plan, the one named 'Right Uppercut'.

"Your Majesty, the prerequisite for the implementation of the 'Right Uppercut' plan is that we can achieve a complete victory in Vienna. According to the plan of the General Staff, after the victory in the Battle of Vienna, the main force of the Iberian 1st Army, the Iberian 2nd Army All the legions, all the Iberian 3rd Army, took the initiative to launch a devastating blow to the Russian Southwest Front Army. After winning the victory, they set out from Hungary, crossed the Alpathian Mountains, and attacked the Russian Ukrainian region. The Ukrainian region is the largest in Russia. An important food base, as long as we attack this area, Russia will be in chaos, and they will definitely transfer troops from other areas to Ukraine. And now 70% of Russia's troops are concentrated in Poland, as long as we eliminate the Russian army Southwest Front Army, then the Russian Army will only be left with the Southern Front Army and the Asian Front Army. Not to mention that the Asian Front Army must defend against the threat from the Persian Empire. Similarly, they want to resist the threat of Turkey. Although their relationship with Turkey has improved to some extent in recent years, and Turkey is in the midst of our offensive. But Russia also has to consider whether a southern front army is as strong as our army Then, it is inevitable for the Russian army to draw troops from Poland. At that time, our troops stationed in Poland will be able to cooperate with the three legions attacking Ukraine to fight a beautiful counterattack.” Eke stated to Xiao Jie.

Xiao Jie lowered his head and thought for a while, he had to admit that this plan is definitely the best plan now, giving Russia a powerful right uppercut can at least make Russia vomit blood. But this plan also has many restrictions. For example, the French army must win the Battle of Vienna, there is also the need to annihilate the Russian Southwest Front Army, and the exhaustion and supply issues of the soldiers. However, Xiao Jie finally agreed to the plan.

"Okay. I agree with this plan, and the staff can start preparations." Xiao Jie said. Because if this plan is successful, the effect it will bring is too great, and Xiao Jie cannot refuse it.

"Your Majesty, one more thing is that the Mediterranean Fleet is now preparing to launch an attack on the Canakkale Strait, enter the Sea of ​​Marmara, and threaten Istanbul, the capital of the Turkish Empire. Do we approve their battle plan?" Eck asked.

"Where is the coalition forces of our country and the Jewish state now?" Xiao Jie asked instead of answering.

"Currently, the United has captured Manisa and is attacking the Istanbul area." Eck replied.

"Well, I agree with their plan. At the same time, tell them to cooperate with the coalition forces to occupy Istanbul. Also, I think we should make some changes in our strategy towards Turkey now. It is not necessary to destroy the Turkish Empire, as long as they admit defeat and submit to the We can just bow our heads. Of course, various compensations are indispensable. What’s more, we must be allowed to station our troops in the Turkish Strait and allow our navy to pass through the Turkish Strait.” Xiao Jie said. Now, in order to cooperate with the "right hook" plan, another plan against Russia must be implemented in advance.

"You mean to launch an attack on the Russian Black Sea Fleet in advance?" Eck asked, and he had figured out what he meant from Xiao Jie's words.

"Yes, I think the guys in the Navy who have been idle for so long will be very happy. However, to deal with a small Black Sea Fleet, a Mediterranean Fleet should be able to solve the problem." Xiao Jie said with a smile.

"Yes. The Russian Black Sea Fleet has always been the main fleet built by the Russian Navy, but compared with our country's Mediterranean Fleet, the gap is still very large." Eck agreed.

"That's good. After forcing Turkey to surrender, the Mediterranean Fleet can launch an attack on the Russian Black Sea Fleet. At the same time, order the Marine Corps to prepare to land on the Crimea Peninsula and drive a nail in the heart of Russia. I I'd like to see it very much." Xiao Jie said with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

"The topography of the Crimea Peninsula is very good, easy to defend and difficult to attack. As long as we occupy the peninsula, station a certain amount of troops on the peninsula, and supplement it with some warships, then Russia will have no chance to retake the Crimea Peninsula. Yes. Occupying the Crimea Peninsula, we can attack and defend. I believe this will make Nicholas sleepless." Eke also said with a smile, smiling very happily. He has also seen what kind of effect it can bring to France when the Crimea Peninsula is occupied by the French army. At that time, France's influence in the Black Sea and even the Balkans will greatly increase.

"Okay, you go to prepare, but you must keep it secret, and don't let this plan leak out." Xiao Jie said.

Eck nodded, and then went back to the staff to make arrangements. At the same time, stern telegrams were sent to the armies attacking Vienna, demanding that they take Vienna as soon as possible and eliminate the Austrian army. And sent the content of the 'right uppercut' plan.

Seeing the importance, the commanders of the 3 Iberian Legions and the 2nd French Army knew that they had a heavy burden on their shoulders, and at the same time understood the importance of the Battle of Vienna to the entire battle situation.

After that, at the request of several legion commanders, the attack on Vienna became more intense. The artillery of the French army even sent shells towards Vienna as if they didn't want money, almost turning the entire city into ruins.

On the other hand, due to the damage to the main force, it was even more difficult for the Austrian army to resist the attack of the French army. On April 20th, the French army advanced 6 kilometers to the center of Vienna and wiped out nearly 100,000 Austrian troops. As the French army attacked more and more violently, the Austrian army gradually couldn't support it. By April 22, the French army had occupied 70 percent of Vienna.

"Damn it, why did the French army's attack become so violent all of a sudden? Why haven't the Russian army arrived yet?" Grand Duke Charles roared angrily. Because of his anger, his face became a little distorted, looking very hideous.

"Grand Duke, now is not the time to talk about this. We are almost unable to withstand the attack of the French army. Do you think we should continue to defend or break through?" A general asked eagerly, obviously he did not want to wait here to die.

"Breakthrough? Do you think we can successfully break through under such circumstances?" Grand Duke Charlie said with a wry smile. Breaking out is still feasible if the battle is just beginning. But now, the French army has surrounded the Austrian army, and the living space of the Austrian army has been compressed by the French army to be very small. Now there is no possibility of success at all.

"Then what should we do?" asked another general. Now, most people have seen the reality clearly and are desperate. They know that it is impossible for the Austrian army to resist the attack of the French army now, and it is impossible to delay the arrival of the Russian army. If they continue to resist, their ending can be imagined. Many people are already planning their retreat. Grand Duke Charles saw all this, but he didn't say anything. Because he knew that he had no right to let them accompany him to die for Austria.

On April 23, part of the Austrian army revolted and surrendered to the French army. With their help, the French army quickly occupied Vienna and wiped out those who continued to resist. And Grand Duke Charles committed suicide by swallowing a gun in his Afterwards, the French army blocked the news that Vienna was occupied, and waited for the arrival of the Russian Southwest Front Army, ready to wait for work and destroy the Russian army.

On April 26, the Russian Southwestern Front, who had no idea that Vienna had been occupied by the French army, resisted Vienna, but they did not receive the warm welcome of the Austrian army. What they waited for was ruthless shells and bullets from the French army. Under the fierce attack of hundreds of thousands of French troops, the resistance of the Russian Southwest Front Army was quickly disintegrated, and the entire Front Army was severely damaged. Helpless, Mijanovich, commander of the Russian Southwest Front, had to order a retreat.

However, the French Iberian 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Legions launched a fierce pursuit of them, while the French 1st Legion and other vassal armies began to rest, because they were about to go to Poland to cooperate with the "right uppercut" plan implementation.

The French army pursued from Vienna to Hungary, and finally wiped out the Russian army in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, and appended some members of the Austrian royal family who had no time to escape. fled to Russia.

After that, the three Iberian legions got a one-week rest time, and at the same time, various combat materials were also being prepared. A week later, more than 200,000 people from the three Iberian legions invaded Ukraine and started the "right hook" plan.

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