Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 366: Quick win

"How about this. Immediately transfer the 1st Army Corps to the north and build a second line of defense with the 15th Army Corps. At the same time, the Guards Corps is also ready to go out at any time. In addition, the formation of the new Legion must also be accelerated, and the scale is still large. It has to be expanded, from the previous 5 legions to 10 legions. In the end, we must contact Russia as soon as possible, explain the relationship with them, let them send troops as soon as possible, and relieve our pressure." Grand Duke Charles said.

Francis I nodded and said, "I will leave it to you to deal with military matters. For Russia, it will be handled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Now that the empire has reached the most critical moment, I hope everyone can contribute to the empire. Get through this. God is with us!"

"God is with us!" Grand Duke Charles and Prince von Metternich also said loudly.

On March 19, the United Jewish State of France declared war on Turkey, and 300,000 coalition troops from the two countries marched from the northern part of the Jewish State to the Asia Minor peninsula. Turkey has also been prepared for war long ago. Before France declared war on Turkey, Turkey mobilized 500,000 troops to the upper reaches of the Jordan River and the Golan Heights.

On March 20, Turkey declared war on France, and sent people to contact Austria and Russia, suggesting the formation of a new anti-French alliance. At the same time, Austria also accused France of serving the strong and bullying the weak, saying that it would fight France to the end.

On March 21, the coalition forces of France and the Jewish State fought against the Turkish army in the Golan Heights. Although the Turkish army has an absolute advantage in strength, its weapons and equipment and the quality of its soldiers are far from the opponents of the French and Jewish troops. The two sides fought fiercely around the Golan Heights for a week. In the end, the Turkish army had more than half of its casualties and had to start retreating. The coalition forces of France and the Jewish State also lost nearly 50,000 people, most of whom were Jews, and the losses of the French army were minimal.

After the basic Turkish army, the coalition forces of France and the Jewish State continued to march into the hinterland of Turkey, threatening the center of Turkey's rule, the Asia Minor peninsula.

When the Turkish army was defeated, the fighting between France and Austria in southern Bohemia also entered a fierce stage. On March 22, the French 2nd Army and the Saxon Army attacked Brno, an important town in southern Bohemia. The Austrian Army assembled the 3rd and 7th Army here, while the Prussian Army and the Bohemian 1st Army were in charge. Contain the remnants of the 2nd Army and the 9th Army of the Austrian Army. Create an opportunity for the French army to annihilate the Austrian army in Brno. If the French army can successfully annihilate the Austrian 3rd and 7th armies, it will basically establish the victory of the northern battlefield.

The Austrian army also understands the importance of Brno to them. If the French army is allowed to occupy here, then the French army can take advantage of the situation and approach Vienna, the capital of the Austrian Empire, so their resistance is also extremely fierce. At the same time, Grand Duke Charles also realized the importance of Brno and urgently ordered the 15th Army in Hollabrun to go north for support.

On March 25th, after three days of fierce fighting, the French army successfully occupied Brno. The Austrian army broke through after the city was broken, but only less than 30,000 of the nearly 80,000 troops broke through successfully, and the remaining 50,000 Many people have either died in battle or become appendices to the French army. In this battle, the French army also suffered nearly 10,000 casualties. In addition, the assisted Saxon Army also suffered heavy losses, with more than 10,000 casualties. The Prussian Army and the Bohemian 1st Army, which were responsible for containing the Austrian 2nd Army and 9th Army, also lost nearly 10,000 people each. Generally speaking, the difference in casualties between the two sides is not very big, and the reason is very simple. The combat effectiveness of the Austrian army is obviously much higher than that of the French slave state.

After the Battle of Brno, the Austrian army retreated in a large scale, withdrawing from Bohemia to northern Austria. The French North Army also began to attack the Austrian mainland.

During this period, the offensive of the other two armies of the French army also improved. First of all, on the line of the Enns River, the French Air Force arrived at the front line and launched a fierce air decisive battle with the Austrian airship troops. No matter in terms of airship combat effectiveness or soldier training, the Austrian airship force is much worse than the French Air Force. Therefore, in air combat, there is basically a one-sided trend. It often takes 5 to 6 Austrian airships to replace a French airship. Austria can't afford such a battle loss rate at all. The air battle lasted only 3 days, and the Austrian airship force lost more than 100 airships, while the French army lost no more than 20 airships, and most of the air force airship soldiers died. They jumped out of the parachute before being shot down. Except for a very small number of people who fell into the Austrian occupied area and were killed by the Austrian army to vent their anger, the others were rescued and escaped. The French army did not really lose many people. The results of the air battle greatly improved the morale of the French army, while the Austrian army was greatly affected. With the help of the air force, the French army once again launched a fierce attack on the Enns River defense line of the Austrian army. Under the air and land attacks of the French army, the Austrian Army's Enns River defense line became precarious, and it was only a matter of time before the French army broke through.

The greatest progress was made by the troops on the southern front of the French Army. Although their number is only a little over 160,000, their combat effectiveness is the strongest among the 3rd Route Army. On the 3rd and 24th, after continuous fierce fighting, the French Iberian 2nd Army successfully broke through the Austrian defense line in the Kranj area in the middle and upper reaches of the Sava River. It was completely torn apart, causing the complete collapse of the Austrian defense line.

On March 26, all the French troops on the South Road crossed the Sava River and launched a fierce pursuit of the Austrian army. The Austrian army whose line of defense was breached was no match for the French army at all. In the battle, they were basically defeated at the touch of a button. The French army easily pushed the front line to the northern part of Slovenia, threatening the Austrian mainland from the south. In the battle on the front line of the Sava River, the French army also suffered great losses, almost losing more than 20,000 people, most of whom were lost while crossing the river. Of course, compared with the French army, the losses of the Austrian army were even greater. The Austrian 10th Army defending the Kranj area was defeated across the board, with more than half the casualties, almost on the verge of collapse. The 6th Army of the Austrian Army was surrounded in the Celje area. Although it succeeded in breaking through, the Army also lost more than 20,000 people. The losses of the 11th and 13th Army Corps of the Austrian Army were very large, with casualties of about 30%.

"Your Majesty, this is the battle situation for the past two days." Eke handed the battle report to Xiao Jie.

"Yes, great progress has been made in the past few days. All the armies have achieved good results. It seems that the Austrian army's defense line is about to collapse." Xiao Jie said happily.

"Yes, Your Majesty. The Northern Army has already begun to attack the Austrian mainland. Now, the Austrian Army has concentrated the 2nd and 15th Legions and the remnants of the 2nd, 3rd, 7th, and 9th Legions in northern Austria, with a total strength of 170,000. About 200,000 troops are now in the north of our army, and there is no advantage in terms of strength, and a large part of it is the army of the slave country. Therefore, the strength of our army and the Austrian army in northern Austria It is basically the same, and it may be very difficult for the army of the North Road to make another breakthrough." Eke said with some concern.

"It seems that we have to put our hopes on West Road and South Road." Xiao Jie also said with a sigh. Since Russia was still eyeing one side, it directly caused France to be unable to deploy too many troops for the war against Austria. Now, the French 1st, 4th, and 4th armies are all assembled in Poland, and the 3 Polish armies and 1 Prussian army are all on combat readiness, but the pressure on the French army is still very high. Since the combat effectiveness of the 89th Army and the French 1st Army has not yet recovered, and the newly recruited soldiers are undergoing training, Xiao Jie had to send the 88th Army to Prussia, preparing to enter Poland for support as soon as the war with Russia begins . You must know that Russia has gathered more than 600,000 troops in the border area with Poland, and it is still increasing, so Xiao Jie and the others have to act cautiously.

"The possibility of breaking through the west route is not very If our army's west route army breaks through the Austrian Army's Enns River defense line, the last remaining Austrian army, the Austrian Guards, will definitely catch up immediately To support. The Austrian Guards has a total of 100,000 people, which are drawn from various Austrian armies. Its combat effectiveness is very strong, comparable to that of our regular army. At that time, the Iberian Second Army will not be able to take advantage. So , our hope can only be placed on the South Road Army. To be precise, the South Road Army is the strongest line among the three-way army this time, and I believe they will definitely bring us surprises." Eck analyzed .

Xiao Jie nodded, and he also agreed with Eck's analysis: "Give general Mike a power, explain to him the dilemma we are facing now, and ask him to break through the Austrian defense line in northern Slovenia as soon as possible. We can fight the Austrian war. It’s up to them if they can’t fight quickly at a very small price.”

On March 28, the French army on the west road successfully broke through the Austrian Enns River defense line, severely damaged the main force of the Austrian army in the Steyr area, and marched towards Vienna along the Danube River. In order to restore the decline, the Austrian army sent their last trump card, the Austrian Guards, to western Austria to stop the French army. The combat effectiveness of the Austrian Guards is comparable to that of the Iberian 2nd Army, while the troops from the Kingdom of Bavaria and the Kingdom of Thuringia are not the opponents of the Austrian Army. Therefore, in western Austria, the offensive momentum of the French army was stopped by the Austrian army, and it was even slightly disadvantaged in the confrontation with the Austrian army.

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