Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 295: 2 front lines

(Chapter to)

"Is the condition proposed by your country to Prussia the same?" Francis I asked after listening to the conditions proposed by Akhenaten.

Akhenaten was taken aback, feeling something was wrong, but he still replied: "Yes, we are also responsible for 40% of Prussia's military expenditure."

"Hmph! How many legions does Prussia need to send to fight?" Francis I asked with a dark face.

"Five, at least five," Akhenaten replied. Only then did he know what the problem was. Austria's military strength is much stronger than that of Prussia. As far as it is concerned, Austria has 12 regular legions and 6 reserve legions. The British side asked Austria to send at least 8 legions, which is 3 more than Prussia. This will inevitably make Francis I feel at a disadvantage.

"That's right. Do you think it's appropriate for us to send so many troops to the war and your country only gives the same conditions as Prussia?" Francis I asked with narrowed eyes.

Akhenaten wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then said: "Your Majesty, although our economy is more developed than other European countries, it is already the limit of our finances to bear 40% of the military expenditure. The methods are increasing.”

"This is a matter of your country. By the way, Your Excellency may not know it. On February 4, the main force of the French Navy's Channel Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet attacked your country's Portsmouth Naval Port. Although your country's navy did not suffer much. loss, but Portsmouth Naval Port has become a ruin." Francis I said with a smile.

"What?" Akhenaten was very surprised. Since he was visiting other countries during this period, Akhenaten didn't know much about the domestic situation, and naturally he didn't know the news that Portsmouth was destroyed. Sweat dripped down his face, and Akhenaten now knew why Francis I dared to persecute him so repeatedly. It turned out that Britain needed their support to relieve the pressure. "Your Majesty, I really have no way to increase the military expenditure. You should think of other ways." Akhenaten said helplessly.

The hall fell silent, Francis I wanted to get the greatest benefit from Britain, in order to avenge the other party's refusal to send troops in 1814.

Suddenly, Grand Duke Charles said: "Your Excellency, I have a solution, I don't know if it is feasible or not?"

Akhenaten's eyes lit up, and he knew that things had turned around, so he quickly said, "Please tell me, Grand Duke."

"Among the countries in the world, only France has the most powerful weapons. It is already far ahead of us. This is an indisputable fact. This is why France's military strength greatly exceeds that of other countries. In the whole of Europe, except for France, only Only your country's weapons require more advanced weapons and equipment, so I hope your country can agree to export these technologies to our country. This will not only solve your country's problems, but also help our country improve its military strength, which will indirectly increase The strength of the anti-French alliance." Grand Duke Charles said. Although the new British rifles and artillery are far inferior to the French standard equipment, they are also much better than the Austrian equipment. With these technologies, Austria's military strength will surely rise to a higher level.

It turned out that it was the idea of ​​using our country's weapons, Akhenaten thought secretly. At the same time, he is also thinking about countermeasures. At present, the UK is mainly equipped with the "Mochiran" rifle, and its performance is very close to that of the French 1806 rifle. However, with the successful development of new explosives in artillery, the gap is gradually narrowing. Two months ago, Akhenaten had heard news from the Ministry of the Army that the Army would be reequipped this year with newly developed weapons. Then the Mochiren' rifle can be regarded as an outdated product. Therefore, Akhenaten agreed to Charlie's proposal: "I need to discuss this with the country, but it should not be a big problem. I can promise your country first." What he thought was that he could also use these technologies in exchange for The support of other European countries not only enhanced the strength of the anti-French alliance, but also maintained the balance of power in Europe.

After Austria agreed to send troops, Akhenaten rushed to the last stop, Moscow, the capital of Russia. The trip to Moscow was the smoothest stop for Akhenaten. When Akhenaten told Alexander that Britain was willing to bear 40% of the military expenditure of this war and was willing to provide the technology of British standard equipment to Russia free of charge, Alexander directly agreed to Akhenaten's request without thinking. . And promised to send 400,000 troops to attack France by then. Russia has always been a traditional military power in Europe. In the past, Russia has always relied on the number of troops to maintain this title. Due to the weak industrial base, the lack and backwardness of weapons have always been the bottleneck restricting the improvement of Russian military strength. If there is technology provided by the British side, then this will be greatly improved to a certain extent.

After successfully completing the mission, Akhenaten returned to England on February 26, and this move of Britain was fully informed by France.

"According to the latest information obtained, the UK has reached a secret agreement with the other six countries to exchange military expenditures and military technology for them to launch an attack on our country." Putting the information back on the table, Xiao Jie looked at the people who came to the meeting and said.

"So we are going to have land and sea wars at the same time?" Dougal said, frowning.

"We simply don't have the ability to deal with Britain in a short period of time. And Prussia and other countries have already begun to mobilize. It is estimated that within a month, the land war will start." Eck's face is also very ugly.

"Are all the legions in place now? What is the deployment of our enemy?" Xiao Jie asked.

"According to the pre-war plan, the Iberian 1st Army is currently deployed in northern Italy, responsible for defending and containing Italy. The Iberian 2nd Army is deployed in the Vosges Mountains, responsible for defending the possible anti-French alliance from the east. The French 1st Army is in the south of the Netherlands, and the French 2nd Army is in the Eifel Plateau. The other armies are on standby. On the anti-French alliance, except for Prussia, which has already begun to mobilize troops, other countries are still carrying out War mobilization. At present we are only facing the King of Holland in the north, about 1 legion. The King of Prussia, there were two legions before, and now there are two more legions. To the east is Turin One legion from the Kingdom of Root and one legion from the Kingdom of Bavaria. Italy has three legions from Austria." Eck quickly introduced the current situation.

"How many troops can we use at most? And how many troops does our opponent have?" Xiao Jie continued to ask.

"Now our army has 9 legions, with a total strength of about 1 million troops. In addition to the 89th Legion that is going to land in the UK, we still have 900,000 troops available. Our opponent, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, has only 1 legion with 40,000 troops. People. Prussia has 6 regular corps and 4 reserve corps, with a total of 400,000 people. Austria has 12 regular corps and 6 reserve corps, with a total of 720,000 people. Russia has 15 regular corps and 10 reserve corps, a total of 100 thousand Ten thousand people. The Kingdom of Bavaria has two regular legions and one reserve legion, with a total of 120,000 people. The Kingdom of Saxony has one regular legion and one reserve legion and three independent infantry brigades, with a total of 100,000 people. The Kingdom of Thuringia has 1 regular army and 1 reserve army, with a total of 80,000 people. In other words, apart from the UK, we are now fighting with 900,000 troops against 2.5 million people. It is almost a ratio of 1 to 3." Eck said indifferently Said. It seems that these huge gaps are not taken into account. Indeed, although the French army is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers, the French army is far ahead of the anti-French alliance in terms of the quality of soldiers, weapons, tactics, and logistical support. In war, the fight is not about the number of people, but the comprehensive national strength between countries.

"How many reserves are there in our country, and how many more troops can we form at most? What about the opponent?" Xiao Jie continued to ask.

"This is only a rough figure. According to estimates, our country can build another 1 million troops, which is our limit. And if the Anti-French Alliance recklessly expands its troops, they can at least arm 3 million troops~www. ~ Eck replied.

"If we start an all-out war with the Anti-French Alliance now, how sure are we of winning?" Xiao Jie asked. The others also looked at Eck to see how he would answer. This is what everyone cares about most.

After pondering for a while, Eke raised his head and said: "If there are no natural factors such as natural disasters and other factors, we have more than 50% hope of winning."

"Half chance." Xiao Jie said: "That's enough. With the power of our country against the whole of Europe, there is still such a big chance of winning. This is already very good."

"Perhaps we can take the lead in attacking. Currently, the opponent has deployed 10 legions and 400,000 people along the border. If we can eliminate or severely injure this part of the enemy, then our chances of winning will increase a lot." Davout suddenly suggested road.

"If we launch a sudden attack, how long will it take for our army to prepare?" For Davout's proposal, Xiao Jie was already very tempted. Launching an attack first can not only achieve the effect of surprise, but also lead the war to other countries. But in this case, the French army will have to attack the opponent's heavily fortified positions, but for the French army that has been armed to the teeth, this does not seem to be difficult.

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