Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 281: war in italy

(Chapter to)

"Your Majesty, please see the special envoy of Governor Eugene." Murat's secretary hurriedly ran into Murat's study, and then backed out quickly, because he saw something he shouldn't have seen.

"Damn it, Toms, didn't I tell you to knock before you come in?" came Murat's growling voice from inside. He was having some adult games with a beautiful female officer, but was interrupted by Toms. Since his wife Caroline's affair with Prince von Metternich became known to the whole upper class society, he has become more and more dissolute, often using his power to seduce some noble ladies and such.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. This time I'm bothering you because of a very urgent matter." Toms said with trepidation.

Murat still knew that Thomas would not easily make such a mistake. If he was so out of order today, he must have encountered something serious? Could it be that Andresi's navy is coming? Naples is a coastal city, if Xiao Jie wants to take revenge on Murat, he can completely turn Naples into ruins with only the power of the navy. Thinking of this, Murat was also startled into a cold sweat, and the erection in her lower body froze. "Go down," Murat said to the officer. The female officer gave Murat a strange look, but said nothing, straightened her clothes and left.

"Thomas, let's talk about something important. How did Eugene think of sending a special envoy?" Murat asked suspiciously.

"Your Majesty, it's like this. Governor Eugene's special envoy told us that the Austrian army has begun to gather at the border, and their target is likely to be Austria, so Governor Eugene hopes that we can join forces to deal with Austria." Toms said.

"What? Go to war with Austria! Eugene thinks too much of me!" Murat said in surprise. Compared with northern Italy, the Kingdom of Naples is simply poor. Murat didn't know how much effort he had spent, and he was arming an army of more than 80,000 people from two legions. But with the addition of the Italian army, there are only 5 legions and 200,000 people, and how much Austria has, even after the trauma of the war, they now definitely have an army of more than 10 legions. Going to war with Austria, isn't this hitting a stone with a pebble? Murat's first thought was to reject Eugene's request.

"Your Majesty, I think Governor Eugene came to beg us because he really had no choice. His strength is stronger than ours, and even he has to ask us for advice, which shows the strength of Austria." Thomas also sighed. road. A strong country is a strong country, but it is not comparable to a small country like them.

Murat wasn't a fool, or he wouldn't have insisted on marrying Caroline after knowing she was a good bitch, or he wouldn't have been able to hug Napoleon's thick legs, and he wouldn't have There may be such an achievement today. His Kingdom of Naples and Eugene's country are both on the Apennine Peninsula. If Austria eliminates Eugene, then his fate can be imagined. "Hey, **** Francis I, why did he focus on Italy?" Murat complained with some annoyance.

"Probably due to the Austrian victory in the Balkans," Thomas guessed. "Your Majesty, Austria attacked the Balkans under the banner of helping Russia, but what about attacking Italy? Wouldn't it be treating us as a vassal state of the French Empire and wanting to go to war with the French Empire in an all-round way? If that's the case, we seem to be able to Ask Paris for advice. Although you and His Majesty Andresi have had conflicts before, you are his elder after all. As long as we recognize the leadership of the French Empire over the Kingdom of Naples and Italy, I think Andresi Your Highness will not sit back and watch us be annexed by Austria." Thomas said after thinking for a while.

Murat nodded, but Thomas' idea is not applicable now, because the current Kingdom of Naples has not reached the final step. If it really reaches that step, Murat will definitely ask Xiao Jie for help. At that time, the so-called Dignity and honor can only let him go to hell. "Thomas, if Francis I wants to do something to us, it will be very easy to find excuses. Don't look at my nephew, the son of His Majesty Napoleon, His Highness the great "Roman King" François is now in Vienna , and unfortunately his grandson. He can completely attack Italy under the banner of restoring the country for his grandson." Murat looked very helpless.

"Then what should we do? Should we accept His Highness Eugene's request or immediately rescue Paris?" Thomas asked anxiously.

"It's not too busy to ask Paris for help now, but we must make preparations first. Due to the current situation, we must agree to Eugene's request and unite to deal with Austria. If we lose on the battlefield, we must immediately report to the Paris asks for help. In addition, we have to prepare for the retreat. Immediately start transferring some important supplies to Sicily. In case the Apennine Peninsula falls, we can escape to Sicily. The Austrian navy is very weak, so we should threaten It's up to us." Murat gave several orders in a row, making perfect plans.

"Okay, Your Majesty the King. I'll do it right away. Also, do you want to meet the special envoy of His Royal Highness Eugene?" Thomas asked.

"Let him in," said Murat. Now that he and Ou Ren are grasshoppers tied together, it is natural to make a good impression on Ou Ren's side.

In the following time, Murat enthusiastically received Eugene's special envoy and promised to assist Eugene in resisting the Austrian attack. After receiving Murat's assurance, the special envoy happily returned to Milan to return to his command.

On June 4, 1814, Francis I expressed in Austria that he hoped that Eugene and Murat could leave Italy. If they did not listen to the country, in order to help his grandson, "Roman King" Francois regained his Territory, Austria will send troops to attack Italy.

Regarding Francis I's speech, Eugene and Murat expressed a strong response, saying that they would never compromise with Austria. Eugene transferred all his three legions to the east and north to build a line of defense, preparing to resist the upcoming Austrian attack. And Murat also personally led his most elite 1st Army to northern Italy, expressing that he would fight Austria to the end.

On June 15, after persuasion to no avail, Francis I issued an order to attack Italy. Austrian Field Marshal Hillier, as the commander-in-chief of the battle, was responsible for directing the offensive of the three corps on the front line. The three armies of the Austrian Army were the 4th Army, the 7th Army and the 10th Army from west to east. Among them, the 4th Army will cross the Brennanello Pass, attack along the tributaries of the Po River to Lake Garda, and then march towards Milan. The 7th Army crossed the Pleken Pass, attacked the Po River Plain, and then went up the river, the goal was still Milan. The 10th Army attacked along the Gulf of Venice, and then marched south. Their goal was the entire central and southern part of the Apings Peninsula.

Under the command of Hillier, the three legions launched a fierce attack on the Italian army. Although the Brennanello Pass and the Pleken Pass were in the hands of the Austrians after the fall of the French Empire, due to the steep terrain and rugged roads, it is completely easy to defend and difficult to attack, so the Austrians on the offensive side The army suffered a lot from this. Although the quality of their soldiers was much higher than that of the Italian army, they still couldn't attack for a long time. Therefore, Hillier put his main goal on the eastern front again, hoping that the 10th Army could open up the situation. However, since the offensive launched on the 15th, the 10th Army launched countless attacks on the Italian defense line, but they were unable to break through the opponent's defense line. It made Hillier very passive, and the Italian 1st Army was indeed Eugene's elite troops. On June 21, Murat's Naples 1st Army suddenly joined the battlefield and assisted the Italian 1st Army in launching a fierce attack on the Austrian 10th Army. The Austrian 10th Army was caught off guard, losing tens of thousands of people, and had to retreat back to Ljubljana. The Italian 1st Army and the Naples 1st Army took advantage of the situation and approached Ljubljana. At the beginning of the war the Italian side actually gained an advantage.

"Haha, I really didn't expect that we would defeat the Austrian army and even approach their southern important town, Ljubljana." Murat laughed proudly. He is now even wondering whether he has overestimated the strength of Austria. It seemed that all the preparations he had made before were unnecessary.

"His Royal Highness, the war has just begun. Our two legions defeated one other legion. This is not something to brag about." Ou Ren said coldly. He wasn't trying to knock Murat down, to pour cold water on him, but to state the facts. This time it was obvious that Austria did not think carefully. They underestimated the combat effectiveness of the Italian army. At the same time, they did not expect that Naples would send troops. Once they reacted and sent new reinforcements, it would be the Italian army that failed.

Murat shrugged indifferently, and didn't listen to Eugene's words.

Sure enough, Francis I was very angry after learning that the frontline attack failed, but he did not punish Hillier because he knew it was not his fault. Instead, he encouraged Hillier and sent two more legions Reinforcements come for reinforcements. Hillier placed both legions on the Eastern Front, so Eugene's Murat was in danger. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in to .QDAN., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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