Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 228: Who is responsible (in)

(Chapter 1 arrives today, there will be chapter 1 later! A group has been created, and interested friends can join in: 32371588)

"Savari, is our current attack going well?" Murat asked. Less than an hour after the conflict broke out between the French army and the Iberian army, Murat and Savary came to the border secretly and personally commanded the battle.

"It doesn't seem to be going well. According to the information that came back, your 3rd Cavalry Regiment was blocked in Aldos, and my 7th Infantry Regiment is rushing there." Savary replied.

"Damn it, isn't there only an infantry battalion from the Iraqi army?" Murat asked. One of his regiments could not attack a small village defended by a battalion, which made him feel very humiliated.

"It's not their fault. The Iraqi army's firepower is too fierce, and your cavalry lacks heavy weapons, so it's normal for them to be unable to attack." Savary explained. Although he didn't like Murat's cavalry in his heart, he couldn't show it.

"I ordered the 3rd Regiment to go around Aldos, don't have to entangle in that small place, and go directly to Figueres, trying to hit the 3rd Infantry Regiment of the Iraqi Army. And Aldos will be handed over to you, Sa Wari." Murat directly issued a combat order.

"It's okay, but we only put in two regiments, isn't that too little?" Savary asked.

"Two regiments are enough. Do you want to start a full-scale war with Iberia? Napoleon will definitely kill us. Remember, our current goal is only to severely damage the opponent's 3rd Infantry Regiment. In this case, we Not only did he send a job to Britain and other countries, but he also gave Andresi a hard blow. Today is his wedding day, and we can count it as a big gift to him. As for what will happen in the future, then That's not what we considered." Murat laughed.

Savary thinks that Murat's plan is very good. It not only avenges, but also can get a lot of benefits from Britain and other countries, so why not do it?

"By the way, immediately send a report to His Majesty Napoleon in the name of the two of us, saying that the Iberian army harbored one of our deserters. We asked them for a peach, but they refused to give it. There was a fierce conflict." Murat said after thinking for a while. Now that everything has happened, I still have to tell Napoleon first.

"Okay, I'll do it right away." Savary promised.

Ever since the telegraph was developed, Xiao Jie asked the Academy of Sciences to make every effort to improve it so that it could be put into practical use as soon as possible. Moreover, within a few months, the telegraph line from Madrid to Barcelona via Zaragoza was set up, enabling Madrid to communicate with the northern part of Iberia quickly. Likewise, telegraph lines from Madrid to other large cities were being erected. When the relationship with France became tense, in order to keep abreast of the situation on the border, Xiao Jie even asked the Equipment Department to set up telegraph lines between the division headquarters of the 1st Division and its subordinate regiments. This enabled Xiao Jie and the others to know the situation on the border in time, so that they could respond as quickly as possible, unlike when Napoleon knew about it, the conflict had already ended.

"Edmundo, the 3rd Infantry Regiment is calling. The French army dispatched at least one cavalry regiment to attack our army. They asked for our instructions." Rex, the chief of staff of the 2nd Division, rushed into the division command department.

"What? The French are really attacking?" Edmondo was very surprised, "Immediately ordered the 5th Infantry Regiment and Cavalry Regiment to reinforce the 3rd Regiment, and also notified General Petrescu of the Cavalry Legion to ask him to do it." So that you can support our preparations at any time." Edmondo issued a series of orders.

"Also, ask Madrid immediately, what should we do next?" Edmondo continued to order.

About 20 minutes later, Rex brought a call back from Madrid: "General Eck called us back, and he asked us to be tough in this conflict, and it is best to wipe out all the French troops attacking us." , but one thing is, you must never cross the border.”

"Rex, what do you mean by the staff department?" Edmondo asked after thinking about it.

"What's the point? It's nothing more than letting us hurt the French army, but not cross the border, so that we can finally put all the responsibility on the French army. I can see that His Royal Highness doesn't want to fight with the French at all. An all-out war would be of no benefit to either of us," Rex said.

"I think so too. You said that everyone is French, what kind of civil war are you fighting? His Majesty the Emperor is also true. Our Crown Prince has been a good Crown Prince. Isn't that just marrying a Jewish woman? Depose if you say depose. "Edmundo complained. He has always been very dissatisfied with the fact that Xiao Jie was deposed.

"I said you're going to complain later. Get down to business first, and get rid of those **** French cavalry." Rex reminded.

"I guess they will definitely not have only one cavalry regiment involved in the attack this time. You must know that the commander of the opponent this time is Murat. When he was in Zaragoza, His Royal Highness had a great hatred with him. .”

"Then what do you want to do?"

"What should I do? Anyway, they can't be cheap. I want them to die as much as possible this time." Edmondo said viciously. Seeing Edmondo's expression, Rex knew that Murat must be in trouble this time.

In order to eat up the attacking French army of the 3rd regiment, Edmondo once again ordered the 8th infantry and artillery regiments to rush to the border. In addition, the requesting cavalry regiment also sent two cavalry regiments to the border in order to wipe out the invading French army.

In this way, the Iberian army, plus the 3rd infantry regiment that was originally under attack, invested a total of 3 infantry regiments, 3 cavalry regiments and 1 artillery regiment on the border. And Murat never expected such a big reaction from the Iberian army, so that the two regiments he sent suffered heavy losses and were almost wiped out.

After receiving the order from the division headquarters, the head of the 3rd Infantry Regiment of the 2nd Division of the Iraqi Army immediately sent the 3rd Battalion to Aldos for reinforcements, while the remaining battalion was also actively preparing for battle. But what he didn't know was that the French army also changed their strategy at this time. Their 3rd Cavalry Regiment bypassed Aldos and went straight to Figueres.

Thus the two armies met on the road from Figueres to Ardos. A big battle broke out in the wild in an instant. Infantry and cavalry are fighting in the wild, and infantry is definitely at a disadvantage. Although the Iraqi army had advanced weapons, the two sides basically discovered each other at the same time because the warning time was too short. The French cavalry regiment immediately launched a fierce attack, and the Iraqi infantry battalion had no time to build fortifications, so they had to face the French army head-on.

Although relying on the weapons in hand and the heroic fighting spirit of the soldiers, they repelled the enemy's attacks again and again, but due to the gap in numbers, the 3rd Battalion also paid a heavy price. Their hastily formed line of defense had been breached by the French cavalry regiment. In order to avoid being surrounded, the commander of the 3rd Battalion finally gave the order to disperse the breakout. It was impossible for them to go to Aldos, so they had to withdraw to Figueres. The French cavalry pursued them ferociously. In the end, when the 3rd Battalion withdrew to Figueres, only 200 of the 700 people in the whole battalion were left, and many of them were seriously injured.

Likewise, they inflicted as many casualties on their opponents, and more importantly, they delayed the opponent's raid on Figueres, allowing the remainder of the 3rd Regiment to prepare for battle. At this time, it is basically impossible for the 3rd Cavalry Regiment of the French Cavalry Legion, which also suffered a lot of losses, to conquer Figueres, but at least their purpose of severely damaging the 3rd Iberian Infantry Regiment is considered to be Reached.

At this time, in Aldos, the battle situation was also very unfavorable to the Iraqi army. The 9th Infantry Regiment of the French 11th Army took over from the 3rd Infantry Regiment of the Cavalry Corps. The 9th Infantry Regiment is an infantry regiment with five 75mm field guns and a total number of about 3,000 soldiers.

As soon as they reached Aldous, they did not rush to attack, but began shelling the Iraqi positions, trying to destroy the Iraqi fortifications. Although the soldiers of the 2nd Battalion defending here hid in the artillery holes when the French army started shelling, people can hide, but those heavy equipment can't hide. After the shelling by the French army, they not only blasted a big opening in the barbed wire fence in front of the position, but also destroyed their three heavy machine guns and two mortars. The defensive firepower of the 2nd Battalion was greatly weakened.

At one o'clock in the the French army broke through the defense line of the 2nd Battalion. The 2nd Battalion suffered heavy losses, with casualties reaching 40%. Start street fighting.

"How's the situation on the front line?" Xiao Jie took advantage of a loophole in the middle of the wedding and ran to the staff headquarters.

"According to the latest news from the front line, it is preliminarily determined that there are more than two French regiments attacking us. Edmondo has sent 6 regiments to reinforce Figueres, but the troops closest to them will be at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The 3rd Infantry Regiment is now in a very bad situation. The 3rd Battalion they sent to reinforce Ardos encountered an enemy cavalry regiment. When they retreated to Figueres, there were only 200 men left. Now with the The contact with Aldos has been completely cut off, and it is estimated that the awakening there is also very bad." Eke said with some concern. Regardless of the final result, the 3rd Infantry Regiment must have suffered heavy losses this time.

"Order all the troops to speed up the march. In addition, order the three 'Iberia' class warships of the navy anchored in Barcelona to set sail for Perpignan immediately. I want them to bombard Murat's headquarters." Xiao Jie said coldly Said.

(To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to .FU., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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