Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 210: new queen

(Sorry, it took so long to start the update! Xiaoyu's father is sick, and Xiaoyu has been guarding in the hospital since April 1, and he just returned to Chengdu today. Please forgive me. From now on, the update will resume. I hope everyone will continue Support Xiaoyu, thank you!)

After divorcing Josephine, Napoleon gave her the castle of Myersson and the historic Navarre castle in Normandy - a place away from the court - and thereafter, Napoleon and Josephine maintained a constant relationship Although the letters gradually decreased after a few weeks, Napoleon expressed his love for Josephine as always, especially guaranteeing the annual living allowance of 5 million francs for Josephine. This somewhat gave the battered Josephine some comfort.

In addition, Josephine's son Eugene's title of Governor of Italy, Napoleon still really likes Eugene, so as compensation, he promised to give Eugene the crown of Sweden or the throne of a new small country in northern Italy. Eugène proudly refused all awards except the title of Prince of Venice, but he later accepted the title of Grand Duke of Frankfurt and an annual award of about 2 million francs.

Josephine and Napoleon divorced, but France had to have a queen, so on November 7, 1809, Napoleon called a rowdy private meeting with his ministers, senior officials and Napoleon. Some of the male members of the Pole family, including Louis, Murat and Fisher (Napoleon's uncle). The purpose of the meeting, in Fisher's words, was to "discuss, decide, and announce" who the heir to Josephine (Queen) would be. This time you can't choose based on your exciting personal interests. There is enough of that kind of thing with Napoleon. This time it must be a well-matched and well-considered choice. Napoleon and the officials in blue velvet uniforms sitting before him commented in detail on Napoleon's three bride candidates-the daughter of the King of Saxony, the sister of Tsar Alexander, and the daughter of the Austrian Emperor Francis I.

To Napoleon's surprise, Louis was very fond of the Saxon princess, but most people opposed his point of view, because Saxony is now just a country in the Rhine League, and France is a huge empire. It seems a little out of place. As a result, the Saxony princess was eliminated.

Tsar Alexander's sister is a very good candidate. Both France and Russia are very powerful countries, which fully meet the requirement of being well-matched. Therefore, Napoleon proposed to Alexander to marry his sister, but Alexander did not agree to it. The reason for the decision was that his mother, the Empress Dowager of Russia, had always opposed this matter, because she was a German and had a long-standing relationship with the Kingdom of Prussia, so she tried her best to prevent it. By the time Alexander thought clearly about wanting to reply to Napoleon, it was too late, and Alexander and Russia were no longer considered—from then on, Russia could only play a supporting role at most, and Austria was the protagonist.

Daughter of Emperor Francis I of Austria, Duchess and Princess of Hungary and Bohemia, 18-year-old Marie? Louise, is another suitable candidate after Tsar Alexander's sister, although Austria has been in previous wars Both were defeated by France, but this did not affect their existence as a European power. Therefore, when Alexander did not reply for a long time, Napoleon chose Marie? Louise as his new queen. Although Murat, who was loyal to the tradition of the Great Revolution, expressed his obvious dislike of Napoleon's marriage to Austria and said that this country was always so annoying, it could not change this fact.

Marie? Louise grew up in an isolated environment since she was a child. In such an environment, she received an aristocratic education and learned multiple languages, including French, Italian, Spanish, English and even Latin. And all this is just to make her more worthy of marriage. According to Menerval (Court Chamberlain): "She saw herself as a victim of the Minotaur (a minotaur, referring to Napoleon)." Napoleon was the demon she had been taught to hate over the past few years. , but "the harsh family rules made her form a submissive personality, Mary? Louise had to force herself to face the doom caused by obedience and resign herself to fate".

There was only one personal letter between Napoleon the Conqueror and his defeated future father-in-law, Emperor Francis I of Austria. However, this single letter of considerable importance was the most embarrassing for Napoleon, and cost him more than his previous wars with Austria. After he revised the document many times, even the loyal Meneval had to admit: "The changes were completely unrecognizable... (until) he asked me to modify some of them, so that the changes would not be too much. Evidently... I did my best to embellish him, and then sent this letter to 'His Majesty the Emperor of Austria' along with the engagement papers."

Menerval came to Vienna with the portrait of the French emperor, and then, accompanied by Prince Paul Esterhaz, Krete stepped through the ancient city that had been razed to the ground by Napoleon as an ambassador, and entered the Schonbrunn Palace. On January 7, 1810, Archduke Charles, brother of Emperor Francis and Napoleon's great opponent at the Battle of Wagram, signed some important documents on behalf of his niece, and the next day, Marie? Succession to the throne and swearing allegiance to France. On the evening of the same day, the official marriage contract was signed at Schonbrunn Palace. Colette accepted a large chest containing the bride's dowry—a chest of gold coins equivalent to half a million francs. Crete, Napoleon's plenipotentiary, reported to him: "This dowry is fully worthy of the greatest man who lived." Two days later, a religious service was held in the new church of Augustus, followed by a grand ceremony. wedding reception. During the banquet, the streets and alleys of the ancient city were filled with what appeared to be protests against the marriage, against the invaders who had ravaged their country, and against Napoleon who had been excommunicated. For, as Meneval said: "The peace of Vienna, and even this marriage, failed to establish good relations between Paris and Vienna. Austria was humiliated, but not defeated; she only temporarily bowed her head , It’s just a matter of revenge and shame.”

On January 10, the poor princess, escorted by a huge army and accompanied by nearly 36 carriages, went to Paris to marry the devil.

Similarly, Napoleon is going to get married, and the bride is Marie?; the news of Louise has also reached Madrid. Xiao Jie can only be speechless about this. It seems that history has returned to the original track after a full circle. However, some changes have taken place in time. As the Crown Prince of the French Empire and Napoleon's nephew, Xiao Jie will of course go to his wedding. Up to now, it has been more than a year since I left Paris, and it is time to go back. At present, various constructions in Iberia are still proceeding in an orderly manner, and good achievements have been made, and the economic level has also been greatly developed. It is estimated that after this year, it will be able to return to the level before the war. In addition, military construction is also going on. The 88th Corps' refit has ended, and all units are currently undergoing intense training, striving to form combat effectiveness in a relatively short period of time. The Cavalry Corps and the four Spanish divisions will also begin to replace their equipment one after another. The shelf of the navy was also set up during this period. The commander of the Iberian navy was the French retired naval colonel Boult. Te also came to Iberia because of this, and his military talent was favored by Xiao Jie, so he was appointed as a rear admiral in charge of training the Iberian navy. At this time, 7 warships of the "Iberia" class have been delivered for use, and the size of the Iberian navy has reached more than 30,000 people, but most of them are still staying on land due to the lack of ships.

On January 3, after explaining all the affairs, Xiao Jie and his women set off for Paris. Apart from his adjutant and some guards, there was no one else accompanying him.

On January 15, Xiao Jie arrived in Paris. All the women around her returned to their homes except Mary. Of course, Mary had no relatives in Paris, and Angel's father was in Iberia, so Mary went to her home with Angel. As for Xiao Jie, he was summoned by Napoleon as soon as he got home.

As the groom, Napoleon is in very good condition, not at all like a man in his 40s. Seeing Xiao Jie was also very He took the initiative to ask him if he had any difficulties in Iberia. If so, just ask him, and he will help. At the same time, he also promised Xiao Jie that even after remarrying, if he had a son, Xiao Jie's status as crown prince would not change.

For Napoleon's guarantee, Xiao Jie didn't believe it at all. If that day really came, the first person he wanted to get rid of would be no one but himself. But Xiao Jie is not a lamb waiting to be slaughtered without the power of resistance. He has more than 200,000 troops with the best equipment in the world. At the same time, he also has a navy that is much stronger than the French navy. Napoleon wants to get rid of him. It is also almost impossible.

Of course, Xiao Jie also congratulated Napoleon, and promised that no matter what arrangement he made, he would listen to him. Anyway, the two of them are just writing some empty promises that are not guaranteed. After talking nonsense with Napoleon for a long time, Xiao Jie was released home.

When they got home, they naturally shared family happiness with Joseph and his wife who hadn't seen each other for a year, and occasionally brought their three women. Regarding this, Joseph and his wife didn't say anything, they believed that Xiao Jie It will be handled properly. The days passed day by day, and Napoleon's wedding was getting closer.

(To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to .FU., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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