Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 202: The Failure of the 5th Anti-French Coalition (Part 1)

(There will be another chapter later!)

As a traditional power in Europe, Austria was repeatedly defeated by France, which dealt a serious blow to their national pride, especially in the third anti-French alliance war in 1805, as the main force against France, Austria suffered a great loss A large number of troops were defeated. Similarly, there were not a few captured by the French army, which caused the military strength of Austria to decline greatly. The capture of the capital Vienna by the French army was regarded as a great shame. The post-war land cession and indemnity almost caused Austria's economy to collapse. In that war, the Russians' deliberate delay and the Prussians' reneging on their promises all taught the Austrians a profound lesson, so that in the next few years, they have been committed to developing the strength of the country in order to expect a snowfall. former shame.

In this way of thinking, Austria has achieved unprecedented unity, the originally prominent ethnic conflicts have also been eased at this moment, and the people of the whole country have devoted themselves to the construction of the country. The new weapon has been developed through various means, and its performance is even only a little worse than the 1806 rifle, the current standard equipment of the French army, and even a little more advanced than the new British rifle. It can be said that Austria at this time The level of advanced weapons has already ranked second in Europe, and it is estimated that it is also in this position in the world. In addition, during the battle with the French army, the Austrian generals realized that the tactics of the past were outdated. Compared with the French army, it is still slightly insufficient, but it is already ahead of other European countries.

The recovery of national strength and the rise of military strength made the self-confidence of the Austrians begin to swell. They urgently demanded to defeat France and take back what belonged to them. Among them, Emperor Francis of Austria and his brother Charles the Archduke were the representatives. . Of course, although they are very eager to defeat France, they are also very cautious due to the shadow of repeated failures, fearing that history will repeat itself. After countless analysis and research, they chose the correct time to attack , that is, France launched an offensive when Spain suffered huge losses and the domestic situation was unstable.

With Austria actively preparing, the British also joined in. They also hated France deeply, their defeat in the Netherlands in the last war, they were almost driven into the sea, and their complete defeat in the following peninsular war. These similar experiences made Britain and Austria hit it off, although the British Army lost It has been so severe that they can no longer launch a cross-sea attack on France like in the Fourth Anti-French Coalition War, but they are willing to provide a huge military expenditure, the amount is as high as 100 million francs, and they are also actively lobbying other countries, mainly Prussia and France. Russia, I hope they will join the attack on France again. It's just that Russia has just repelled the attacks of the Turkish Empire and the Persian Empire at this time and is still recovering, so its reaction to this matter is very flat. But Prussia is different. Prussia suffered a disastrous defeat in the last war, and in the end it paid harsh conditions to seek peace. King Friedrich William III of Prussia, like Emperor Francis of Austria, was eager for revenge. The main reason is that his queen Louisa was put to sleep by others. At the same time, the situation in Prussia was extremely unstable after Prime Minister Stein was arrested by Napoleon because he publicly opposed Napoleon. Stein escaped safely and fled to Austria. The Prussians were determined to fight against France because their prime minister was persecuted by Napoleon. Under the needlework of the United Kingdom, Prussia and Austria quickly reached an agreement to form the fifth anti-French alliance, preparing to completely defeat France.

"Charlie, can we really defeat France this time?" Although he had made up his mind, Francis was still a little uneasy, so he asked.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, we will definitely win this time." Grand Duke Charles replied affirmatively. Although he was so sure in the previous wars, the ending was very disappointing.

"Are all the legions ready? Are the ammunition and supplies ready?" Francis asked again.

"Your Majesty, everything is ready. At this time, we have gathered five legions near the border, with a total of more than 200,000 people. One legion is defending in the north to prevent possible attacks by the French Fifth Army. In addition, there are four This legion acts as a reserve team, and will be thrown into the war even if the war encounters obstacles." Charles Grand Duke Hui reported. This is the fourth time he has reported this in these days, and it seems that only in this way can Francis feel at ease. For this war, Austria has prepared 10 legions with a total of more than 400,000 people. Now there are only 13 legions in Austria with 550,000 people. These are all equipped in Austria after a few years of hard work. , except for the troops left on other borders, basically all the troops that can be transferred have been mobilized. It can be said that Austria is determined to put all their eggs in one basket this time. If they fail, the consequences will be disastrous, but almost no one thinks that they will fail. .

"Are our allies ready? I don't want something like last time to happen again?" Francis still remembers what Prussia did in the last war. If it weren't for the fact that France is too strong, even if it wins based on the strength of Austria, it will be a miserable victory. In order to increase the chances of winning, Francis is unwilling to form an alliance with Prussia.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. Prussia's determination this time is also great, and it is estimated that they will not do what they did last time. This time they have prepared a total of two legions for attack, and one legion as a reserve. To reach 120,000 people, this is already very difficult for the Prussian army with a total of less than 150,000 people. However, France has suffered heavy losses in Spain, and its forces are too scattered, so we still have a great possibility to get Successful." Archduke Charles explained.

After hearing this, Francis nodded and felt relieved.

"Your Majesty, I'm going to go to the front tomorrow. Is there anything else you want to explain?" Grand Duke Charles asked.

Francis shook his head: "It's nothing, I wish you success, I'm waiting for your triumphant return in Austria."

Grand Duke Charles nodded firmly, saluted Francis, and left the palace.

On April 18, when Napoleon led his army against Nuremberg, General Clark, chief of the French army's general staff, immediately reported the latest intelligence to him. Only then did Napoleon realize the seriousness of the situation.

"Currently, on our front, there are mainly three Austrian legions, led by Archduke Charles, the commander-in-chief of the Austrian army. In addition, on the south side, Austrian General Hillier led two legions to attack Munich. At the same time, they also have 3-4 The legion is a reserve force, ready to go into battle at any time." Clark Hui reported.

After listening to his report, Napoleon bowed his head in silence, and asked after a long time, "How many troops have we assembled so far?"

"According to your orders, Marshal Davout's Guards Corps has arrived at the front, Marshal Masséna's Eighth Corps will arrive tomorrow. In addition, General Savary's Eleventh Corps, General Hilaire's Twelfth Corps will arrive at the front. It will be reached in a week, but they are all newly formed legions, and I am afraid that they are very worrying in terms of combat effectiveness." Clark replied. In fact, there are nearly 100,000 troops in the Rhineland League. They are all scattered, and it is impossible to gather them together in a short period of time. In addition, their combat effectiveness is also very poor, even inferior to the newly formed French army. Legion, so they are not counted.

"Let the two of them speed up, and they must arrive within five days." Napoleon said lightly, although his voice was very soft, but there was no doubt about it.

"Okay, Your Majesty, I will convey your order to them." Clark replied immediately.

The Austrian army's fighting intentions are already obvious. They want to drag the main force of the French army near Nuremberg, wait for Hillier to end the war in the south, and then attack the French army northward. At that time, if two or three reserve legions are invested, the French army will not be able to stop the Austrian attack at all.

But perhaps Archduke Charles was thinking too simply. Although the French armies have many new recruits, their overall combat effectiveness is still stronger than that of the Austrian It is not easy to defeat them thing. Facing the powerful Austrian army, Napoleon quickly made deployments. He ordered the 7th Army of Soult stationed in Munich to block the Austrian army's attack for a week, while the Guards in Nuremberg, 6th Army The Legion and the Eighth Army quickly launched an attack on the three legions of Archduke Charles, trying to defeat them in the shortest possible time, and then quickly went south to rescue the crisis in Munich to gain the initiative on the battlefield. After arriving, they completely defeated the Austrian army and won the final victory.

On April 20, the offensive of the Austrian army began. The battle first started in Munich in the south. Hillier led two legions, a total of more than 80,000 people crossed the border and rushed towards Munich. The defenders of the Kingdom of Bavaria adopted the method of non-resistance. They were neither opponents of France nor could they resist the attack of Austria. Especially for the outcome of this war, it was difficult for them to judge, so they adopted this method. In order to join in when one side gains an advantage and launch an attack on the other side, the anger of the victor will not be vented on his own country.

On the same day, Napoleon also issued a pre-attack call. He declared: We fight for the independence of Bavaria and earn back the national honor for Germany. He assured the soldiers: We will be in Vienna in less than a month.

(To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to .FU., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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