Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 179: Fierce Siege Battle (Part 1)

The battle is still going on, and the heroic Scottish soldiers are still unable to approach the city of Tudela after paying a lot of casualties. The corpses under the city are piled up in a thick layer. Finally, the surviving soldiers couldn't bear it anymore and fled to this hell-like battlefield, but there were only one or two hundred of them.

"Hey, why is it over? How long has it been?" After the battle, many people still felt unfinished.

"Hey. We wiped out one of their regiments with zero casualties. What a great victory? If only the next battle was as easy as today." The head of the 1st regiment said with emotion.

"Dream. Didn't you see that the artillery hasn't acted at all? I guess the other party wants to test us. Don't forget that there are 40,000 people outside the city, and our reinforcements will be at least tomorrow night or the day after tomorrow. Only then can we arrive." The deputy head directly poured cold water on the group Zhang.

"Also, our ammunition is consumed very quickly. In just half an hour, we have already consumed one-fifth of our ammunition. If we come a few more times, we will have to start a hand-to-hand battle with them." The chief of staff also pointed out the problem. out.

"Okay, I see. Let the soldiers pay attention to saving bullets." The head of the regiment replied.

On the other hand, Arthur Wellesley was in distress. Due to the annihilation of the 14th Regiment, the Scottish soldiers no longer trusted him. This made him very regretful. It will be like this now.

"General Cathlot, I'm really sorry. Due to my negligence, your troops suffered so much damage. Please forgive me." In order to ease the relationship between the two parties, Arthur Wellesley gave in. After all, he never There are now only more than 2,000 soldiers brought out by England, and now the war depends entirely on those Scottish soldiers. If he does not want to lose this war, then he must get their support, and Castlelot is A key person, so Arthur Wellesley took the initiative to find Cathlot and apologize to him.

Castrote is an outstanding general, but also easy to speak, and has a high reputation in the military circle. Glancing at Arthur Wellesley, Caslot knew that Arthur Wellesley was the only British general who had fought against the French army many times. Although he had failed, he was the one who knew the French best. General of the army. The Scots were never afraid of defeat, and their armies were no different on the battlefield. Similarly, Castelot also wanted to win this war very much, so he didn't plan to get too rigid with Arthur Wellesley. That would be of no benefit to everyone and would only benefit the French. Besides, he also saw Arthur Wellesley in such a mess that day in Victoria, so he believed that Arthur Wellesley really forgot this time.

"General Arthur Wellesley, I know you didn't mean it, but I hope it doesn't happen again. We all belong to the great British Army. There should be no infighting now. The 14th Regiment died at the hands of the French." They are our enemies," Castrote said.

"General Cathlot, thank you for your trust. I guarantee that such a thing will never happen again." Arthur Wellesley promised. The matter was settled, which greatly exceeded his expectations. He thought it would take a lot of talking, but he didn't expect Cathlot to be so eloquent. For a while, Arthur Wellesley rekindled his fighting spirit.

The next day, after a night of patient persuasion by Caslot, he managed to transfer the anger of the Scottish officers and soldiers from Arthur Wellesley to the French army. Just after breakfast, I was eager to avenge the comrades who died yesterday.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the British army's attack began. It seems that they also know that the French army's reinforcements are rushing here non-stop. Every minute they stay, there is a greater possibility of failure.

The artillery of the British army also made its debut. Although they are all old-fashioned cannons with high power and short range, which are only comparable to the mortars of the French army, they have a numerical advantage, which gave Arthur Wells Li has a high confidence.

The shelling started, and the round shells were pushed into the barrel, and then they began to release their anger. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, the defenders of the French army withdrew the city walls before the British army started shelling, except for artillery and some necessary observation posts. Although the artillery of the British army is under the power, it can still kill people.

The heavy weapons such as heavy machine guns left on the city wall have been fortified. With the power of British artillery, it is difficult to destroy them. When the British army began to shell, the French army also launched a fierce counterattack. However, the 2nd Battalion only had 12 mortars in total, while the British Army had nearly 200 mortars. So from the beginning, the 2nd Battalion was at a disadvantage and was always suppressed. Fortunately, the firing speed of the mortar is much faster than that of the old-fashioned artillery, which allows the French army to continue to support it. But half an hour later, only 5 of the 12 mortars of the 2nd Battalion were left, and the others were blown up, and the artillery suffered heavy casualties.

Seeing that the artillery fire of the French army was greatly reduced, and the city walls were plowed by artillery fire, Arthur Wellesley ordered the attack to begin. This time, in order to achieve the effect of a one-hit success, Arthur Wellesley threw two regiments at once. The soldiers also knew that the French army's firepower was very strong, and they did not dare to charge intensively like yesterday, and they all dispersed. Although it seems very chaotic, it can indeed reduce a lot of casualties.

Seeing that the enemy started to attack, at this time, the French army didn't care about dodging the artillery fire. They rushed to the city wall, took up their weapons, and began to prepare to resist the attack of the British army. In the process, they were killed and injured a lot.

Due to the invention of gunpowder, great changes have taken place in siege warfare. Soldiers no longer need to carry a lot of cumbersome siege tools. They only need to bring a lot of gunpowder to blow down the city wall. Perhaps for some particularly strong It is difficult to blow down his walls, but it is always easy to blow open his gates. Therefore, the defending side must try to drive the attacking side out as much as possible, and not let them get close to the city wall.

Braving the enemy's artillery fire, the soldiers of the 2nd Battalion fired meat one after another, and the sounds of various weapons rang together. Although the British army had spread out their formation as much as possible, but the city of Tudela was not big, the attack of the two regiments of 5,000 people still seemed a bit crowded, which gave the French army's heavy machine guns a great opportunity. The heavy machine gun is worthy of being a sharp weapon for defending the city. If it hits a crowded place, a large area will fall in one fell swoop. The grenade also played its role at this time. When the British army was very close to the city, many soldiers gave up shooting with rifles and used grenades to kill the enemy. Within a distance of tens of meters, the effect of the grenade is still very strong, and often a single shot can blow up a large number of British troops.

After paying a heavy price, the 2nd Battalion finally repelled the British attack. I lost nearly two hundred people, accounting for almost one-third of the total number of people. Four heavy machine guns were also blown up, and only two mortars remained.

The British army retreated, but their bombardment did not stop, they continued to bombard, and at this moment the mortars of the 2nd Battalion could no longer threaten them.

"Commander, I need reinforcements, especially artillery. If we can't suppress the enemy's artillery, we won't be able to defend at all." As soon as the fighting stopped, the commander of the 2nd Battalion went to the commander of the 1st Regiment to complain. up.

"I know you are fighting hard, but what we lack most now is artillery, and other areas also need to be defended. I can't give you artillery support." The regiment leader said helplessly. The 1st Regiment only had a total of more than 2,500 people. Considering that the north is the main attack direction of the British army, a battalion was placed here, and there was only one company in the other three directions, and one battalion was left as a reserve. use. Now the battle has just begun, so we can't put the reserve team into use as soon as we arrive, so what should we do if there is so much time left?

"Ah!" The 2nd Battalion Commander sighed, turned around and left, he also knew the difficulty of the regiment headquarters. This battle was really aggrieved. When has the 88th Army been suppressed by other people's artillery? Only its own artillery has always ravaged others.

10:00 am The British attack begins again. This time, the two regiments that attacked earlier were replaced, and two regiments came up again. This is the benefit of having more people. This time Arthur? Wellesley not only attacked the north, but also sent another regiment to attack from the east. Since there was only one company defending the east, as a last resort, the 1st regiment had to send another company of reinforcements up. There is no British artillery in the east, so the defensive tasks here are much lighter. Two companies have ravaged one of the opponent's regiments. As a last resort, Arthur Wellesley had to give up breakthroughs from other directions and concentrate on attacking the north. The 2nd Battalion defending the north of Tudela had already suffered heavy casualties under the fierce attack of the British army. Although they tried their best to repel the enemy's second attack, they also suffered heavy losses. There are less than 300 people left in the whole battalion, and half of them are wounded. There are only 3 heavy machine guns left, and none of the mortars. But the results they achieved were also astonishing. The British army lost at least 3,000 people in these two attacks, which was 6 times that of the 2nd Battalion, and nearly 20 artillery pieces were lost.

The 2nd Battalion was hit hard, so there was no way the 1st Regiment Headquarters had to withdraw them all, and pushed up the remaining two companies of the 1st Battalion. Subsequently, the third offensive of the British army began, and there were two new regiments. Under the fierce attack of the British army, the splendens of the French army's defense line were in danger.

(To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to .FU., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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