Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 135: yield

A tragic street battle unfolded in Minsk, and the French and Russian armies were fighting selflessly in the city. Relying on advanced weapons and tactics, the front of the French army has been continuously advancing. Although the progress was not very fast due to the desperate resistance of the Russian army, the Russian army's position was gradually compressed. Two days passed, and the French army occupied nearly half of Minsk City. The city hall located in the center of the city is the focus of the two armies' struggle.

"How's the situation on the front line?" Xiao Jie walked into the headquarters and asked. Since the battle plan was arranged, he rarely intervened in commanding the troops. In the city of Minsk, the six armies advanced side by side, with the 88th army as the center, advancing continuously.

Sikes poked his head out from a pile of battle reports and replied: "At present, we have been occupying a favorable situation. The Russian positions are constantly being occupied by us. Under our attack, they are retreating steadily. The current front has advanced We have arrived in the center of Minsk, where the Russians are defending very tightly, and they have even built a large number of barricades and bunkers, our army’s offensive has been frustrated, and the two sides are now basically at a stalemate.”

"The attack was thwarted? How about the casualties of the troops?" Xiao Jie asked with a frown.

"The casualties of the troops in the past two days have also been heavy. We have suffered more than 10,000 casualties in two days, and nearly 6 regiments have been severely beaten. However, the casualties of the Russians must be much greater than ours." Sikes Said. The casualties of the French army were indeed heavy, but it can be inferred that the casualties of the Russian army must be much greater than that of the French army.

It's fine if the army's attack is not going well, and Xiao Jie is not in a hurry, but he is a little unhappy that there are still so many casualties in this situation. "Our weapons are much more advanced than the Russian army, and our soldiers are more well-trained than them. The group of Russians on the opposite side are just a group of Russian serfs who just put down their hoes this year and only learned how to shoot. Why does our army How big will the casualties be?" Xiao Jie asked a little angrily. In his opinion, the reason for such a result must be the mistakes of the officers commanding at the front line.

Feeling that Xiao Jie was angry, Sikes also had a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, and quickly explained: "Although our army's weapons are much more advanced than the Russian army, our army has just recruited a lot of new recruits. They have basically never been on the battlefield. Once they are on the battlefield, they forget all the things in the training when their minds get hot, and they even broke out in hand-to-hand combat with the Russian army. This phenomenon is very common, so the casualties have increased a lot in the past two days .”

Xiao Jie knew that this was indeed a problem in the French army, so he said: "Order the commanders, try to avoid hand-to-hand combat with the Russians, and give full play to the advantages of the weapons in your hands. If someone does not regard the lives of the soldiers as What happened, I will never forgive him."

Sikes felt that Xiao Jie was really angry, and quickly sent someone to convey Xiao Jie's order. In the French Army's infantry drill code, it is very clear about street fighting, that is, try to infiltrate as a unit, use grenades to open the way, and when encountering the enemy's heavily defended place, several small troops will unite and fight. Clear obstacles with weapons like mortars. All in all, it is to save yourself as much as possible while destroying the enemy.

"Is our army's attack going well?" Xiao Jie asked.

"It was okay in the previous stage, but now it is stuck in the Minsk City Hall area. The Russian army has concentrated a large number of troops in that area, estimated to be nearly 20,000, and is equipped with cannons and other weapons. It is very difficult for us to break through their defense line, and several attacks have failed.” Six said with a wry smile. There is no doubt that the most difficult bone this time belongs to the 88th Army. Basically, since the formation of the 88th Army, the 88th Army has been involved in difficult battles.

"How many troops are we attacking there?" Xiao Jie asked.

"Colonel Monty's 1st Regiment and Lieutenant Colonel Eisler's 6th Regiment attacked there. Now General Dougal is personally directing the battle there." Six quickly replied.

Xiao Jie is still very relieved about the combat effectiveness of the 1st regiment. As for the 6th regiment, it is a newly formed unit. Among them, Xiao Jie's friend Carl is now the deputy head of the 6th regiment with the rank of lieutenant colonel. Therefore, it is really normal that the combat effectiveness of the 6th regiment is not strong. "I'll go to the front line to take a look." After finishing speaking, he took the guards to the front line without waiting for Sikes to react. He wanted to see what was blocking the 88th Army's progress.

"General, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is here in person." A guard reported to Dugel who was directing the battle.

"What? His Royal Highness the Crown Prince came in person?" Du Ge exclaimed. This is an unsafe place, if something happens to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, he will probably have to commit suicide to thank the world. At this time, Xiao Jie had already walked into Du Geer's headquarters. Du Geer hurriedly went up to meet him: "His Royal Highness, this place is very dangerous, how can you come up in person? You should go back quickly."

"It's okay, I'm just here to take a look, it's not a big deal." Xiao Jie said nonchalantly. "Has the attack been thwarted?"

Dougal lowered his head and replied: "Yes, this is our fourth attack, but it still failed."

Xiao Jie took the binoculars from Dugor and began to observe the positions of the Russian army. The position of the Russian army is very ingeniously arranged. With the Minsk City Hall as the main body and some tall buildings around it, it forms the best position to block the French army. The Russian army hides inside and faces the French army from the window. army shooting. There is a square in front of the city hall, and the attack of the French army is bound to pass through here, which gives the Russian army an excellent opportunity. The French troops who wanted to pass through the square were shot and killed by the dense bullets of the Russian army. It is difficult for anyone to rush through. past. Even the Russian army set up more than a dozen cannons in places where the French mortars could not hit, which made it even more difficult for the French army to pass through the square in front of the city hall.

"Can you find a way to blow up those buildings?" Xiao Jie asked. There are several tall buildings on both sides of the city hall blocking the front, and the Russian artillery is arranged behind it.

"I'm afraid not. The Russian army's defenses are very tight, and those buildings are also very strong. Mortars can't hurt them at all." Du Geer said with a bitter face.

"Damn it, send someone to pull up five 75mm field guns from outside the city." Xiao Jie roared angrily. After the shelling by the French army, the half of Minx City controlled by the French army was basically in ruins, and the roads were blocked by collapsed houses, so the French artillery could not enter the city at all. Now, in order to solve the problem in front of him, Xiao Jie had no choice but to work hard to clear a path out.

It took a lot of effort, and after three hours, the French army transported five 75mm field guns. "Hey, let's see how rampant you are." Amidst Xiao Jie's laughter, the cannons of the French army opened fire. Under the fierce bombardment of the French artillery, the tall buildings garrisoned by the Russian army collapsed one after another. At this moment, the solid position before became their graves.

The city hall of Minsk was also directly blasted into ruins by the angry French army. After overcoming this difficulty, the French army moved forward rapidly.

"Marshal, the Minsk City Hall has been breached by the enemy, and our army has suffered heavy losses." In the temporary headquarters of the Russian army, an officer hurriedly reported to Kutuzov.

"How could it be so fast?" Kutuzov asked in surprise.

"The French army pulled cannons from outside the city and directly knocked down the city hall and the surrounding high-rise buildings. Many of our soldiers were buried inside." The officer explained with red eyes.

"I see," Kutuzov murmured. The French army's approach was indeed very "vicious".

At this moment, several other lines of defense also began to strain. The city hall area of ​​Minsk was breached by the French army, which caused the entire front of the Russian army to move. Under the fierce attack of the French army, the Russian army's defense line was in jeopardy.

With the battle situation at this point, the defeat of the Russian army was inevitable, and Kutuzov seemed to have aged a lot for a moment. "Order the army to retreat," Kutuzov ordered.

"Marshal, we have not failed in the end, we fought with the French army." A group of officers shouted with red eyes.

"You idiots, do you want to extinguish the country's fire here? Do you want Russia to never turn around again?" Kutuzov angrily yelled. He could see very clearly that Russia had lost this war, completely. Perhaps Russia should not have participated in this war in the first place. Now Russia's power has been almost damaged, and I don't know how long it will take to rest before it can rise again.

Under the order of Kutuzov, the remaining more than 100,000 Russian troops withdrew from the east gate of Minks and retreated towards Moscow. Xiao Jie did not surround the Russian army in this attack on reason was that there were not enough troops, and another reason was that he was afraid of driving the Russian army into a desperate situation. The so-called Wei San Jue Yi is exactly this truth. Although this cannot completely wipe out the Russian army, it also avoids falling into the final crazy counterattack of the Russian army. You must know that the power that a person erupts in the last desperate situation is very powerful. This was also done to avoid serious casualties to the French army.

Minsk was captured by the French, and Russia suffered another defeat. When the news came back to Moscow, Alexander had to admit defeat. Although he wanted to quit, he knew that he no longer had the strength to fight against the French army. If the war continues, although Russia will not be destroyed by France, I am afraid that its national strength will be greatly damaged, and Russia will be surrounded by wolves, especially the Persian Empire and the Turkish Empire took this opportunity to launch an attack on Russia. Under such circumstances, Russia had to end the war with France and mobilize its forces to deal with the other two countries.

Then Alexander capitulated, and he bowed his noble head to France, though temporarily. Russian Foreign Minister Makovsky was ordered to go to Minsk to see the French crown prince, hoping that the two countries could stop the war and start peace talks.

(To be continued, if ** knows what will happen next, please log in to .F., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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