Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 117: war again

Since Mary became Xiao Jie's woman, his life in Poland has become more enjoyable. Although he still misses his relatives and lovers in France, Mary can always bring him great happiness, so that he can forget those thoughts and worries.

Time passed quickly, and it was more than a month in a blink of an eye. "Your Highness, Santa Claus is coming soon, shall we hold a Christmas ball?" Sikes asked sitting opposite Xiao Jie. He has been living a very comfortable life recently. With his tall and mighty figure, handsome appearance, and being a celebrity around His Royal Highness, he is very popular with those noble ladies and young ladies. According to his own account, within a month, he has slept with no less than 20 women, including mature mature women and young Luoli.

"You can figure it out, but besides our own people, it is enough to invite a few important figures from the new Polish government. I don't want too many people to participate."

"Okay, I'll arrange it." Sikes nodded.

"By the way, how is the rest of the troops going? Have all the supplies arrived? Have the soldiers' cold clothes been distributed? Have the ammunition reserves been completed?" Xiao Jie asked a series of questions. Recently, he has been obsessed with gentle fragrance, and he has never been involved in political affairs at all.

"I thought you didn't care about that?" Sikes said with a smile. Thinking about how absurdly he had spent this period of time, Xiao Jie scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, with Prince Murat and the two marshals in charge, the army's affairs are going smoothly. Due to the difficulties in the country, we have collected a lot of supplies, including the clothes for the soldiers to keep out the cold. Ammunition is also replenished. Two base trees have been planted, and they are still being transported from China.” Six replied.

"That's good, the soldiers are all in a good mood."

"After resting for so long, the soldiers have basically recovered, and their fighting spirit is also very high. However, since the supplementary soldiers are still on the way, they will not arrive until next month. Therefore, the legions are still not full of staff." Max immediately reported the status of the army to Xiao Jie. It seemed that he had not forgotten his work when he was relaxing, which made Xiao Jie very satisfied.

"The formation of the Polish army is all right."

"Very good. The enthusiasm of the Polish people is very high. As soon as they heard that they would form their own army, a large number of young people enthusiastically signed up. In just one month, they basically recruited 100,000 people. They have been divided into three legions. There are still not enough soldiers, and it is estimated that all the required soldiers will be recruited next month. But now they lack weapons, and the domestic weapons do not know when they will arrive, so we have to replace them with some of the captured Russian weapons .”

"Oh, that's good, let's order a legion to start gathering, and it's time to drive the Russians out of Poland." The Russians have always occupied the eastern part of Poland, and Xiao Jie had promised to drive the Russians out of Russia completely Yes, after such a long time without action, some Poles are already complaining. Moreover, the rest of the soldiers is basically over, and a large part of the ammunition replenishment has been completed. It is estimated that the replenishment can be completed when the operation begins. It is also getting colder and colder. If you don't hurry up and complete the action before the coldest February in the European continent, then you have to wait until next spring, which will give the Russians a chance to breathe. As the saying goes, taking advantage of your illness will kill you. Now is definitely the best time to continue attacking the Russians.

"Ready to do something to the Russians?" Sikes asked.

Xiao Jie nodded, and then asked: "Is there any latest news about the Russian army?"

"Since the main force of the Russian army was annihilated by us last time, the remaining Russian troops in Poland are entrenched in the northeastern part of Poland near Russia. There are almost 80,000 people. Recently, Russia has transferred about 70,000 people from the country. The Russian army has reached 150,000, but fortunately, they are basically second-line troops, and their combat effectiveness is relatively low, so they will not pose a great threat to us.” Since entering Poland, the French intelligence network has been monitoring the movements of the Russian army. And send the latest information to Xiao Jie at any time, so that he can keep abreast of the development of the situation.

"It seems that Alexander is still unwilling to admit defeat, does he really want to fight to the death with us?" Xiao Jie said with a sneer.

Russia has always been a traditional power on the European continent. Since the Principality of Moscow developed into the Russian Empire, she has always wanted to push westward and look for new sea estuaries. Due to the very high latitude of Russia, except for Murmansk, the only place in the Arctic Circle, other places near the sea will freeze in winter, which is very detrimental to Russia's economic and social development. So they have always wanted to obtain more ice-free ports all year round. The war against Turkey, the competition for the Balkans with Austria, and the constant expansion to the east can be said to be due to this reason. The history of Russia's expansion is actually a history of searching for perennial ice-free ports.

After hundreds of years of expansion, a huge Russian Empire was formed. Her population and army are the largest in Europe. Maintain a standing army of one million all year round. After mobilization, it can reach up to three million, which is very scary. But the weak industrial foundation and economic foundation severely restricted Russia's development, especially since entering the era of hot weapons, this restriction has become more and more obvious. Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise, there is no country in Europe whose military strength can compare with Russia. Although Russia has a large number of troops, they also have too many places to guard. At most, they can only deploy 500,000 people to participate in the war. Last time, nearly 300,000 people were wiped out, which has already hurt Russia. Now it is possible to transfer another 70,000 people into Poland, which is probably the limit of Russia. If all these Russian troops can be wiped out, then the powerful Russia will fall into a very embarrassing situation with no soldiers to send. Even if they mobilize, it will take at least three months for the new army to form combat effectiveness. The most important point is that they lost a large amount of equipment in the last battle, which was the biggest blow to Russia. With their industrial strength, it would take at least half a year to produce so many weapons. So even though Alexander is unwilling to admit defeat. Once it is defeated by France again this time, it will be up to him, and the French army will be able to directly threaten the hinterland of Russia.

"At least for now, they haven't shown signs of peace talks with us. It is said that the arrogant emperor is clamoring to fight us to the death?" Six said with a loud laugh. He really can't think of what Russia can use to fight France to the death, the army? Those "farmers" who have just put down their hoes are simply vulnerable. There are no guns, no guns, no guns, and some are just people. What is the use of these in front of the French army equipped with advanced weapons?

"Then when do you plan to launch an offensive against the Russian army?" Sikes asked.

"After Christmas. After all, the winter in Russia is very terrible. Although the current weather is very bad, we are not going to attack Russia, just destroy them or drive them out of Russia. Besides, we have prepared such a long There shouldn’t be any problem with time.” In Xiao Jie’s memory, the winter in Russia is very terrible. In history, Napoleon and Hitler have been planted by the Russians one after another. It was overwhelmed by the cold weather of the Russian winter. So Xiao Jie has an inexplicable fear of the Russian winter. Before he has absolute strength, he will not easily attack the Russian army.

Three days later, on December 24th. The grand ball was held in the Polish royal palace. Xiao Jie thought foolishly: This is the second year in a row that he will not spend Christmas with his family. Since there were not many people invited to the ball, in addition to the middle and senior French military officers in Poland, some important figures of the new Polish government were also invited. The dance went very smoothly. At the end, Xiao Jie directly called all the senior military officers to the conference room. He used this time to hold a brief meeting and let the legions start preparations. One week later, that is, the New Year's Eve On the first day, it launched an attack on the Russian army entrenched in eastern Poland.

In the next few days, Xiao Jie and the others made a detailed battle plan based on the information sent back. On December 31, the legions began to march to the predetermined location. The cloud of war hangs over Poland again. In order to reduce the pressure on the army, under Xiao Jie's request, the army's logistics and transportation are directly undertaken by the Polish army that has just been and has not had time to train, which can be regarded as a reasonable use of resources.

At this time, the Russian army in Poland was mainly concentrated in Bialystok and nearby areas. What Russia wants is to occupy this place as a bridgehead to attack Poland in the future. After the strength is restored, Poland will be "recovered", so troops are sent to this area at all costs.

This time, the commander-in-chief of the Russian army is a very cautious veteran, probably because he is afraid of making the same mistake as last time. This old general named Ivan shrinks the defense line of the Russian army as soon as he takes office, and voluntarily gives up. Large areas, only the area on the east bank of the Narew River remained. But it is a pity that the Narew River is now frozen and cannot provide them with any protection. It is estimated that the Russian army did not expect the French army to attack in the severe winter. In other seasons, the Narew River would indeed be an obstacle to the French attack. In addition, Ivan also ordered the Russian army to build a large number of defensive offensives. It seems that he is going to be a turtle and has been defending.

150,000 Russian troops, with a total of 70,000 main forces stationed in Bialystok. 40,000 tiles stationed on the banks of the Narew River. The remaining 40,000 people were distributed elsewhere in Russian-controlled territory.

(to be continued,)

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