Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 417 The Real Person Shot

"Now that the gate has been breached, the rear troops will not move, and the front troops will enter the city."

Outside the city of Eleusis, Ryan calmly ordered as he watched the golden shadow rising from the ground and the red figure chasing after it.

So the army outside the city immediately split into two and pressed towards the city wall, which had no power to fight back.

The last person who could affect the outcome of the war left - although it would have made no sense if he hadn't left.

After all, this is the goddess of agriculture. With the help of divine power, relying on the ability of 'strong bricks flying', Demeter may still have some fighting power.

But when the power is limited to the same level, even the underworld gods who have never been taken seriously by the Olympian gods may be able to hang up and beat one of the twelve main gods.

Iris, the goddess of rainbow light, or the gods of the north wind, east wind, and south wind.

These true gods with only weak divine power can easily defeat Demeter in the human world. It can only be said that there is a reason why she is not taken seriously by other gods.

That's why Aphrodite was so unscrupulous, because she didn't need to worry about the consequences.

"Not bad."

"The war weapons you prepared are indeed unique."

The huge stone door was opened, and there was still some blood on the ground.

Walking into the city of Eleusis, Ryan came to the fallen body of the giant beast.

Runes invisible to the naked eye flickered on the skin, and wisps of red breath gathered from the surroundings.

The war is over, but this "sacrifice" is still going on.

"This is all thanks to the teacher, I'm just a manipulator."

"And Eleusis seems to have internal turmoil, and their failure is also an inevitable result."

Without taking credit, Solomon explained calmly.

Not surprisingly, the result of this blood sacrifice was very successful.

Except that the newly born consciousness may be slightly affected by these demons in form, everything went smoothly.

But looking at Ryan in front of him, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

The sacrificial ceremony is not a high-end mystical technique, on the contrary, it is very common.

Although Hermes' alchemical runes have been concealed as much as possible, it is still easy for people to see the clues.

Solomon didn't know the origin of this person who suddenly appeared in Athens and was inexplicably trusted by Andrea, and whether he had seen anything.

Maybe the former king knew something, and maybe his teacher knew it too.

But at least for Solomon, he only had a trace of exploration in his vigilance.

Extraordinary wisdom is the most precious wealth of mankind. This motto passed down by the Church of Knowledge has always been deeply recognized by Solomon.

"Anyway, you did a good job."

"The effect of alchemy... also opened my eyes."

With a slight smile, Ryan looked at the burning city in front of him.

Wailing and crying came one after another, but obviously, neither he nor Solomon cared about these.

"Do you want anything as a reward for you?"


Solomon was stunned for a moment, and he didn't know what the person in front of him meant, but he still subconsciously declined:

"I just came to complete the work assigned by the teacher, and serving Athens is what I should do."

"Well, okay, I understand your loyalty to Athens."

"Then put it another way, Solomon, what difficulties do you face?"

Lian continued with a smile: "In fact, I have always been very interested in alchemy, but it also faces many limitations."

"For example, thinking, soul, changing space, and distorting reality, these are all things it cannot do at present."

"It is currently only an auxiliary to the extraordinary system, not the mainstream."

"Even your teacher, he first became a wizard, and then conducted alchemy research on this basis."

"It can be seen that problems that cannot be solved in the field of alchemy may be solved by other means."


There was some silence, and Solomon became alert in his heart.

But looking at the corpse of the giant beast in front of him, he thought about it and felt that there was no need to refuse again and again.

Maybe the other party did see the ongoing sacrifice, so he tried to test him, so he would just accept it.

Anyway, no matter what he said, he would not implement it.

"If that's the case, Lord Ivan, I do have some doubts."

"All living things have emotions, and they express their emotions through joy, anger, sorrow and happiness."

"Just like this city, soldiers are fighting each other, and flames have burned down large areas of houses."

"Pain, anger, and hatred are spreading among people, bringing all kinds of love, hatred, and hatred."

After straightening his face, Solomon asked sincerely:

"In your opinion, are emotions innate or acquired?"

"If it is innate, what kind of emotions does the newly born soul have, and is this emotion the truest emotion of human beings?"

"If it is acquired... then for life, is emotion a help or a shackle?"

Half of it is a random question, and the other half is also affected by some environment.

This is the doubt that Solomon had when he noticed that the consciousness was gradually infected by blood and became violent and bloodthirsty.

One of the goals of alchemy is "purity", but what exactly is purity?

If a mortal soul is assimilated by a true god and becomes a part of him, is this soul sublimated or polluted?

"Emotions... are probably acquired. As for whether it helps or not, I can't tell."

"But I think that compared to the world, emotion may be their biggest advantage in life. Of course, it may also be a disadvantage."

"In short, without experiments, there is no qualification to draw conclusions. No one is sure of the answer. I do know a special kind of witchcraft that can collect the emotions escaping from life."

"Maybe with the help of it, you can find the real truth."

His heart moved slightly, and the question Solomon raised was a bit like the philosophical speculations about human nature and divinity in later generations.

For a while, Ryan couldn't give an accurate answer.

But he didn't originally want to answer this question. He just wanted to see if this guy with a special name was just a coincidence or if there was really something special about him.

The name 'Solomon' is an indispensable part of many legends in later generations.

If there really is some kind of binding force in this situation where fate has not collapsed, then there should be something special about the other party.

"I hope it can be helpful to you, and you don't have to refuse. It's just a very unpopular witchcraft."

Passing over a book, Ryan strode forward.

"I'll leave the rest of the city's affairs to you."

"I will leave a few soldiers behind, and the rest will set off in two days to the west of Athens to meet the challenges of other countries."




A pale golden halo streaked across the sky, and then fell on an unknown hill.

Demeter's figure was a little embarrassed, but she quickly returned to normal.

Along the way, she had not been able to escape the pursuing demons.

On the contrary, under the opponent's wings, she was chased a long distance.

Fortunately, the devil seems to be naturally repelled by the order of the world, and she was eventually expelled from this time and space.

Although she didn't know the whereabouts of the other party, Demeter finally breathed a sigh of relief.



The look on his face was changing. The prince of Athens who had betrayed his father reminded the goddess of agriculture of her adopted son with the same name.

He was supposed to win eternal life in the fire, but in the end he could not escape death due to mortal ignorance.

If the other party had not had any accidents, then maybe he, who was born extraordinary, could have successfully become a famous demigod hero in the world.

Unfortunately, there is no if in reality.

The old Demophon was dead, killed by his own hands.

The queen's expression of despair and pain is still vivid in her mind, but Demeter has no regrets.

It's no wonder that mortals are so ignorant.

The only pity is that Eleusis is now lost in his own hands.

"There will be something better in the future, it's just a city with unbearable memories for me..."

"Maybe it's a good thing and I'll have better ones from now on."

After comforting herself, Demeter took out a small stick of incense.

This was made using the production method left to her by the two gods who were not very powerful but had strange powers before they were separated.

Take four parts and two parts of frankincense, benzoin, and incense respectively.

One part cedar and ginger, with half vetiver, cardamom, cinnamon, juniper berries, iris and cypress, plus seven dried raisins, a few drops of wine, honey and lotus fragrance.

They are processed separately according to different timings and rituals, and then the hay is crushed and placed in a sealed container for two weeks. Let them be mixed with essential oils, wine, grapes, etc. and then rest again.

After a month of waiting, the final incense stick was finally produced.

After that day, Demeter prepared these things early.

"This is what you promised me, the power that can distort the spirit and will of gods."

"The power of mortal emotions can only make gods sink temporarily."

"But the jealousy and pain that comes from a god can truly bind another god."

"Even if this isn't forever..."

Stretch out your hand and light the incense in front of you.

It was getting dark, and it was already afternoon when Athens arrived at Eleusis.

Under the faint light, Demeter's expression showed no hatred, but a hint of expectation.

"Don't let me down, come see me."

"This time, I will be free from the shame of my past."

She had seen the power of that magical golden arrow before.

To make one being fall in love with another from the heart is simply a force that defies logic.

Before that, she had only heard that no one could lie in front of the sword of the goddess of justice, and that Aphrodite's belt could confuse other people's minds.

After all, the thinking of the gods is so lofty, it cannot be affected by ordinary things at all.

Only by touching the power above the true God can it have the possibility of influencing it.

The goddess of justice once contacted the roots of the world through 'legislation' in ancient times, while Aphrodite is suspected of enjoying the legacy of the Heavenly Father or some other existence.

But even so, these are all temporary effects. It is indeed the first time for her to see artifacts like the Twin Golden Arrows.

To make one person fall in love with another, or to make one person hate another from the bottom of his heart...this may be a gift from the world.

But with such power, could she only use it as a one-time tool to take revenge on others?

"Of course not. This is just the most wasteful use, and I have a better way."

"Not everyone in this world is Poseidon."

The memories she got were not good, but the goddess of agriculture still smiled proudly.

At this moment, Demeter felt that what Athena said was indeed very reasonable.

Extraordinary wisdom is indeed one of the most precious wealth of life in the world.

Even if she could not compare with Athena, she would occasionally have a flash of inspiration after thinking for a long time.

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