Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 377 Earth and Water


There were bursts of thunder, as if God was angry.

In the distance, the lapping sound of the Nile can be faintly heard. In the entire Hebrew settlement, only the most central place was rarely visited.

This is the root system of the giant tree and the place where Moses prayed. At this time every day, Moses would silently pray to God and tell Him his thoughts when making every decision.

"...This is my choice."

"Many people don't understand me, even Aaron doesn't understand my choice. But O omnipotent and eternal Lord, when I gave up eternal life in front of you, I have seen my heart clearly."

“Even though I was forced to flee Egypt for forty years, not a day goes by from the day I leave that I don’t regret my incompetence.”

"So I finally came back here... May your light be spread on the earth as it is in heaven, so that every devout believer can be saved."

No one would disturb Moses while he was praying, whether they believed in God or not.

The mystery and nobility of the priests are engraved in the bones of people of this era. If not for this, as an outsider who has been away for forty years, Moses would not be able to easily gain the trust of his tribe.

People who can communicate with God are the most revered beings in this era. People revere this specialness as much as they revere God. This is true for both Egyptians and Hebrews.

The sacrifice lasted for a long time, and Moses spoke for a long time under the big tree where the snake staff was transformed.

Every time, he looked forward to seeing a holy fire ignite in front of him, thus receiving another revelation from the gods. However, until the moment he stood up, nothing happened.

God did not respond to him, as if the divine revelation had already said enough.

Moses was willing to exchange his eternal life and everything for the salvation of others, and God gave His answer early.

He didn't need to say the same thing a second time.

"...Maybe this is fate."

"My choice was also expected by God. Maybe when God saw me, he knew that I was not destined to choose eternal life. Because both the past and the future are in front of His eyes."

Standing up silently, Moses sighed.

The giant tree planted by himself is right in front of him. It can not only cover the rain from the sky, but also dispel most severe weather conditions, such as storms and heavy snow. It can even stabilize the earth, and its roots can prevent ground cracks and lava.

With it, the power of the Egyptian gods will no longer be used, and they can build the city safely and wait for the pharaoh to let them go after completing the agreement.

This is a holy object given by God. Even though it is already so tall, it can still absorb nutrients and grow taller and taller...

"...Growing taller?"

His expression changed, and Moses seemed to realize something.

He stared at the giant tree. It seemed to have grown a little taller than before.

But how could this giant tree made of the power of spring water and snake staff grow taller out of thin air? Has the power of the spring water increased, or has the power of the snake staff become stronger?

"What happened? Has another disaster struck? Aaron should have gone to deal with it, but he never came to tell me-"


Before he finished speaking, the earth shook and the giant tree trembled suddenly, making Moses almost lose his balance.

A loud noise came from the tree canopy, and some rainwater leaked out through the cracked cracks, splashing mud on the ground.

Moses looked up, but the dense branches and leaves still blocked his sight. For a moment, he didn't know what hit the giant tree.

But following the connection with the snake staff, Moses knew that this attack came from the sky.

"But the attack in the sky just happened, why is it still growing...What happened outside? Isn't Aaron outside protecting the people?"

Everything changes with a source of power. At this moment, Mercer discovered that although the giant tree was attacked, it was still growing.

A certain sense of joy at completing the task inexplicably rose from the bottom of his heart, but at this moment, Moses was only filled with anxiety.

He didn't know what was happening outside, but looking at it now, they were probably attacked from the sky and the ground at the same time.

This world is still unwilling to let him go.

"God has revealed my destiny for me...Among those devout believers, three out of ten will die in their prime of life; five out of ten will die among women and children; seven out of ten will die among those who are old and sick...Is this destiny? Then What’s the point of what I’m doing?”

"No, it makes sense. At least, I will make more people become 'devout believers'."

The confusion disappeared in a flash, and Moses' eyes returned to determination.

Looking at the growing giant tree, he stretched out his hand and tried to control its branches.

Thousands of branches immediately began to dance, some upward trying to hit the meteor, and some outward trying to attack the enemy.

Moses gave it a command to destroy any danger that came near.

The miraculous creation immediately started to move, like a mountain moving its body... At the same time, it was outside the protection of the giant tree.

People around Memphis could see big holes ripped out of the thick clouds in the sky.

There are meteors falling one after another, falling towards the sinful people in the world.



"Let me go, I'm willing to convert, let me go!"


"Ra is the god of gods and the source of everything. You will be punished by God. Stop it. Don't resist in vain. We are born with original sin, and the suffering we endure is just the process of atonement. When the disaster is washed away ——”


"Where is the great prophet, where is Moses, let me go, don't you always say that all Hebrews are brothers and sisters and should love each other? Liar, liar!"


"Lord Aaron, why are you doing this? What good will it do you to let us die? I can listen to you——"


"Evil gods, evil gods, you will not die well!"


"...The earth will be stained with sin and blood and you will pay the price...No one can escape, no one can!"


Standing on a mound, listening to the prayers, wailing, cursing and curses in his ears, Aaron's face did not change.

Before the city was built, there was a moat in the city planning, but no water was drawn before.

But the heavy rain solved all this, and the ditch of the moat blocked the accumulated water flowing from other places. And now, a short canal leading directly to the outside of the city is being urgently dug by thousands of people.

After all, even if the Fountain of Life produces enough spring water, it is still beyond the ability to transport it by hand. Besides, the spring is so big that even if there is more spring water, it may not be able to stop the huge black tide.

However, no matter how terrible those snakes, insects, rats and ants are, their individual power is still small. Even the diluted spring water is enough to use.

"Speed ​​up the progress, don't pay attention to what they say."

"If they have a pious heart, they can prove this point long ago. God does not need to use killing to force them to believe. This is just a small decision of my personal."

With a calm voice, Aaron looked at the spring in front of him, which became clearer and more holy under the nourishment of life.

The blood of sin watered the sacred flowers, and the holy spring that healed life was full of corpses.

Maybe this is the case behind every glamorous person in this world, it's nothing more than active and passive.

"At least it's like this for people."

Walking down the slope, Aaron estimated that the Egyptians should be almost dead.

Whether his plan can succeed depends on the next evidence.

Having devoured so many bones and blood of the same race, facing the alien race, they must let them die a little more.

"You have been trained for a while. Although the enemy is not human, we still have to take up arms to defend our lives and wealth."

After a while, when Aaron walked up to the top of the city wall, the surging black tide was already in sight.

He seemed to see the figure wrapped in the black tide, a man on horseback.

He might be a priest of the Egyptian gods, or perhaps the king of a certain country.

"Draw your sword!"

No matter who it is, it cannot change the fact that this is an enemy.

Aaron climbed up to the top of the city wall and stood with the soldiers.

"God is with me."


"God is with me."

Outside the city, riding on a horse, Kash prayed in a low voice, and then looked at the building in the distance that was not even a city.

He saw the alert soldiers above - well, he would rather call them a mob that took up arms.

He could not see any excellence in either equipment or training.

"I thought the enemies in the oracle were so powerful, but it turns out that they are just these insignificant sinners... I have heard of them. They are the people cursed by the god Ra. Their ancestors committed great sins. I didn't expect that the Egyptians couldn't even deal with them."

Blood was still dripping on the blade. It was the only thing left in the world of the Egyptian nobles killed by Kash himself.

Although he would not go directly to the Egyptians at this time because of the oracle, since the other party was in the way, he would just destroy them.

And this brief battle undoubtedly proved that even well-trained soldiers were vulnerable to his army. As for those sinners called Hebrews, there would be no difference.

"They don't even have leather armor that looks good, and they don't have enough weapons."

"Stone spears... Ha, are we still living in ancient times?"


Kash's words caused a burst of laughter. Along the way, even though they knew that these insect ant armies would not hurt them, every Nubian still accumulated a lot of negative emotions in their hearts.

The massacre of the Egyptians just now gave them a little vent, but this venting was far from enough.

"Get ready, everyone. Complete the mission of God as soon as possible, and then directly defeat Memphis. I will use Ramses II as a sacrifice to God to prove my ability."

"At that time, everything in the city will be ours!"

Swinging his sword forward, Kash moved his mind, and the rolling black tide rolled forward.

He saw the city walls, the moat, and the vigilant guards, but these were meaningless in absolute numbers.

No one knows how many lives there are in the desert. But for Kash, its number can only be endless.


In the dense crawling sound, the front end of the tide touched the shallow circle of the moat.

The tide plunged forward without hesitation. They did not need to hide, they just needed to fill it up with numbers.

Looking at this scene, Kash began to wait silently.





His expression changed slightly, and the front of the tide continued to pour into the shallow moat, but the clear water surface was like an abyss, swallowing everything.

If it wasn't right in front of him, Kash would even think that his army had stopped here, instead of advancing continuously.

"Your Majesty, there seems to be something wrong with this water!"

The voice came from the side, and Cash nodded slightly.

He also saw that this might be a trap. However, he was not angry about the defeat, on the contrary, he was slightly relieved.

The oracle asked them to destroy this tribe, and the other party seemed so vulnerable. However, if the other party was really so weak, the Egyptians should have killed them long ago.

And this obviously abnormal giant tree... Although Cash believed that the army given to him by God was invincible and showed great confidence, he was still very alert.

"So the first level is the moat, no problem. Let the ants build a suspended ant bridge and send other lives over."

"They have this ability, I have seen it more than once."

Issued the order, although this would greatly slow down the march, but Cash didn't care.

His army is endless, and this small city can't stop him for long.





The collision on the ground has begun, and the power of Nut, the last of the four pillar gods, has gradually emerged.

In the sky, hundreds and thousands of stars began to fall towards the human world, aiming directly at the huge tree.

Strictly speaking, the sky goddess does not have the power and authority of the stars, but she has bred the stars and has the power to mobilize them.

So under her guidance, the meteors are like another heavy rain, bringing destruction and burning to the earth.

"Why doesn't He do it? Isn't He afraid that those mortals will be slaughtered by the stars?"

Nut knew that they actually had the advantage in this chess game.

In any case, this is the world of Hemenu after all. If they interfere with the human world, the power of both sides will be weakened, but the other side will be weakened more, and there is another problem, that is, He does not hold the divine power of Hemenu.

This is also one of the reasons why the Egyptian gods chose to accept the chess game at the beginning. They believed that although the foreign gods were powerful, they still had a good chance of winning when both supernatural and human powers had advantages.

However, since Shu's incident, almost all the pillar gods began to feel uneasy, and the power shown by Moses also puzzled them.

He did not rely on the power of the foreign gods to show all kinds of miracles, which directly subverted the comparison of human power. So at this moment, no one else said, at least for Nut, she just wanted to drag through this round, and then pin her hopes on the god Ra.

"So why don't you do it!"

Looking at the falling stars, Nut was much more anxious than Moses at this moment.

She hoped that the foreign gods could reach out to stop them, but only disappointment was waiting for her.

Until the first star fell on the tree, the world remained the same. The gods from foreign lands did not intervene, but watched all this happen.


The stars fell on the tree, and even fell on her heart.

In an instant, Nut's heart began to sink.

She forced a smile and looked in the direction of Ra. However, all she could see was the golden mask covering the eagle's head.

"Don't dream, Nut, He is here..."

A low voice came from beside him, and Set looked at the sky expressionlessly.

It felt exactly the same as when Shu fell before, and he seemed to be doomed.

'...Anubis, my unborn son...'

With divine power surging, Set did not seem to be willing to sit back and wait for death.

Looking at the big hand that seemed to cover everything, Set, as a god who symbolized the land of Hemenu together with the god of the earth Geb, soared into the sky.

The divine light flickered, just like an ant trying to shake a tree.

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