Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 374 Inspiration and tacit understanding


Jingle bell——


In the solemn temple, bells and drums played along with oboe tunes.

Under the watchful eyes of many musicians and believers, Qasim danced a dance in sacrifice to the gods, calling for the wisdom of Ra.


"...Your light shines on every face, but no one knows it; for thousands of years, you are the source of enthusiasm for new life..."


"...The truth of language, the tranquility of heart, rise and drink your light; just because you are yesterday, today, and tomorrow..."


"Praise be to you, Ra, who awakens life from its lethargy! You rise, shine, and reveal your glorious form."

"Millions of years have passed, and we can't count them all; tens of millions of years are coming, and you will shine forever!"

Ancient poetry depicts the piety of the dead praising the sun, and rituals spread in the 'Book of the Dead'.

Under the holy tune, in the center of the temple, a cocoon of light becomes increasingly clear and transparent.

It was originally an invited statue of a god that had been worshiped in Thoth's temple for thousands of years. But now, it is placed at the core of the ceremony, and is about to receive the coming of the gods' will.



There was a crisp cracking sound, and the shell peeled off, turning into debris and dissipating in the air, and the scene inside the light cocoon was gradually revealed.

An animal that looks like a baboon stretches out its curled body, almost visible to the naked eye, and changes its shape at an extremely fast speed.

The hair receded and the baboon became smaller in size. In a blink of an eye, the baboon transformed into a middle-aged man wearing a white robe and holding a book in his hand.

Thoth, the god of wisdom from Hermenu, the scribe of Ra, the creator of writing, and there are even mortals who worship him as the moon god.

With the help of the idol in the human world and the power of magic, the new nine-pillar god finally succeeded in tearing off part of his 'ba' and put it into the human world.


"Huh... Qasim, you did a good job."

Stepping on the bluestone floor of the temple, Thoth took a breath of moist air and praised with a smile.

"It is an honor to welcome you, Your Highness."

"The world has not listened to God's will for too long. Even Heliopolis was once deserted. It is an honor for all believers in Upper and Lower Egypt to receive the oracle from the god Ra to welcome your arrival."

Respectfully, as the most loyal believer of Ra, Qasim performed impeccably.

The enthusiastic and somewhat ashamed believers around him are undoubtedly the proof of his words.

Many of them left the Holy City due to the disappearance of the gods, and only recently returned here, and then caught up with Thoth's divine descent.

"No matter what, Qasim, you have always stood here, and the god Ra will remember your achievements."

His eyes swept over the kneeling believers, and then stopped on Qasim. Thoth's eyes flashed, but in the end he just praised him.

At this moment, in the surrounding air, a steady stream of elemental power is being swallowed by Thoth's divine body like a black hole, turning into a part of him, replenishing this empty body.

This is the ability brought about by taking over part of the magical power, and it is also the reason why Ra asked himself to stop Isis.

At this moment, only his incarnation among the nine pillar gods can exert strong enough power in the human world to prevent the traitor from interfering again in the showdown between the gods and the gods of the outside world.

"Your mission is over, Qasim. I have no need of your service. Do what you have to do, and when the gods win, you will receive gifts beyond your imagination."

"In the past years, the monarchs of the world have built tall golden towers for themselves, hoping to gain the favor of the God of the Dead and complete the miracle of resurrection from the dead, but most of them are just delusions. But with your contribution, it may be enough. Get such a reward."

After speaking calmly, Thoth walked out of the temple.

His eyes looked in the direction of the city wall, and Thoth seemed to be aware of the aura lingering there.

Isis, the target of his trip, was also the one who was most unclear to him among the Nine Pillars.

Among the gods, she is the patron saint of natural life and magic. Among mortals, she is the friend of slaves, sinners, craftsmen and the oppressed. She also hears the prayers of the rich, maidens, nobles and rulers.

No one knew what was going on in her mind. In fact, until the day when Ra suddenly declared her guilty, Thoth did not think that Isis would just sit back and die. As a result, the news of her death came soon. When the power of magic fell into his hands, he accepted this reality with some disbelief.

But looking at it now, it was all just a ruse on her part, and she had already made her choice.


Without hesitation, Thoth rose into the sky, not intending to harm the palace of Ra.

Since coming into contact with the power of magic, Thoth has discovered many secrets that he had not noticed before, but he has only been in charge for a thousand years.

Now Thoth is going to intercept Isis, but if possible, he also wants to learn something else from the opponent.

"Praise be to Ra, the incarnation of the divine mind."

After Thoth's retreating figure, Qasim chanted in a low voice, paying homage to the great god.

The devout believers knelt down to pray and express their piety in their own way.

But at this moment, beside Qasim, his well-known apprentice Abu looked at the devout believers around him, stepped forward and asked in a low voice:

"High Priest, what shall we do next?"

"What else can be done? Promote the glory of God to believers and tell them that the current disasters are all because the gods are fighting evil enemies, and the gods will surely win. Is there any other problem besides that?"

Kasim spoke calmly, at least he was quite satisfied with the fact that Abu knew how to carry out his duties when working.

But other places still need to be taught.

"Uh...I understand."

After hesitating for a moment, Abu nodded in agreement. Kasim saw his doubts, but still didn't intend to explain.

The messengers he had sent to deliver the oracle to Pharaoh had returned again.

In accordance with his duties, the messenger informed the Pharaoh of the story of God's descent, and once again conveyed the oracle's message - to destroy those mortals who shed sinful blood, and then brought back an indistinguishable answer from the Pharaoh.

Ramesses would not come to the Holy City, and Cassim knew this very well. But just like the last time, in addition to conveying the oracle, the messenger also brought him some news that had not spread in Memphis.

"Last time, the messenger told me that the being who is the enemy of the gods is called by the Hebrew priests 'the Creator of all spirits, the eternal divine. There is nothing spiritual in this world that does not belong to His'. Such a broad description still feels not so accurate..."

"But it just sounds like he is different from Apophis, the enemy of Ra in mythology. This is a rational and authoritative god who has never been heard of before... But this time, the messenger told me that those who wish to The Arabs created springs containing life and thus survived the previous disasters..."

Silently making a note, Qasim wasn't going to do anything. As a loyal believer of the god Ra, he will soon go to convey the good news of God's arrival to other believers.

Thinking of the wisdom of God Elah, the great God Thoth will definitely be able to easily solve the trouble and return Egypt to the rule of the gods and enjoy eternal tranquility and peace.

Well... no matter how bad it is, it won't be like Shu Shen, right?

Raising his head slightly, Qasim looked towards the sky. However, as the ceremony ended, the clouds that were torn apart by the sun returned to their original shape.

Compared to Memphis, Heliopolis is far away from the core, so heavy rain is still brewing and has not yet fallen.

"Father... High Priest, I, I still have some doubts. Is what I saw before really just an illusion?"

A voice came from beside him. Before he was about to leave to execute the order, Abu hesitated again.

Although he had been given an explanation, he still didn't want to believe it.

Since the disaster broke out, he has been seeing strange sights from time to time. For example, the nine pillars of heaven stand erect in the sky, or the invisible force fills the heaven and earth, stirring up strong winds and dark clouds.

Another example is when he saw one of the pillars break suddenly, and a shrill curse sounded in his ears.

Even Thoth's divine descent seemed to be more visible to him than others.

But Cassim told him not to take it to heart and just do what the priest of Ra should do. Those magnificent scenes are all fake.

"Of course it's an illusion, Abu. Although the sorcerers of the old times claimed that people with naturally high inspirations can see things that ordinary people can't see, you have always been interested in this. But you think you are better than me. how?"

Qasim asked calmly.

"Of's far worse."

He sighed, how could he be better than his father. I couldn't tell whether he was disappointed or happy, but Abu gave a slight salute.

"Then I will get to work, Your Excellency the High Priest."

"Go ahead."

With a slight nod, Abu's figure immediately disappeared.

Qasim watched his student disappear from sight, and then knelt down and worshiped, just like other believers inside and outside the temple, silently praying to the god Ra.

His movements are standard and graceful, which are instincts formed through thousands of practices. Anyone who sees them will praise his belief.

“Ra, may your light shine forever on the earth as it shines forever in the sky.”

"All sin will turn to dust, and lies and deceit will have no place to hide."

He committed a crime, he committed a lie. After all, a person's natural inspiration and status have nothing to do with achievement. At this point, he is far inferior to his own son, and he is even less able to see what he said.

However, as the most devout believer of the god Ra, Qasim believed that there was no problem with his handling.

It's just a young man's vain fantasy, how could it be true? It is the greatest offense to God to let such blasphemous words become known to others.

Just let the father and son keep such things in mind.



The sound of breaking through the air went from loud to quiet, and finally couldn't suppress the reaction during flight.

Thoth used magic to mobilize the invisible wind to lift himself, but this time it was much more difficult than before.

He knew why, because when Shu died, the authority of the atmosphere and wind was taken away.

If gods like Seth, the god of storms and deserts, were not still there, Hermenu's power related to the wind would probably be even more violent.

But thinking of this, a trace of envy or pity flashed through Toth's heart.

In today's world of Hermenu, the nine-pillar gods confront the outer gods in the high sky, but in fact as a world, although the number of gods in Upper and Lower Egypt is not as many as that of Chaos, it is actually far more than the nine of them.

Animal gods like frog gods, fly gods, protector gods of various Nomes (city-states), and nature gods such as river gods are all part of the Hermenan gods.

However, just like Chaos, only beings with medium or higher divine power can sense the turbulence of the source sea. Among the gods of Upper and Lower Egypt, except for the nine pillars who can maintain their divine bodies in the surging and boiling golden sea, the other weak gods have long lost consciousness in coma.

I am afraid that they will have to wait until the end of this battle before they can wake up.

"A crisis has been avoided, but the future can only be decided by others."

"Whether it is a sleepless night or the danger is over when you wake up, no one knows. Going with the flow... This is the original sin of the weak."

With a calm expression, Thoth thought of Habib, the god of the Nile.

If it weren't for the excessive attributes of "region" in his priesthood, he should also be a member sitting on the chessboard at this moment.

This ancient god was born in the era of Atum, but he was still no different in the face of the disaster.

"Huh - it's right in front."

Heliopolis is not as big as imagined, and the city wall is in front of him in a blink of an eye.

Thoth stopped and looked at the familiar figure who looked more youthful and beautiful than a thousand years ago.

"Isis, long time no see."

Thoth spoke calmly, and his power locked onto the opponent in front of him from a distance.

She had abundant divine power. Judging from the upper limit of divine power that her 'ba' could store, she still had at least 80% of her power. It seemed that helping those sinners did not cause her much loss.

"You betrayed the god Ra, betrayed the people of Hemenu and threw yourself into the arms of the foreign gods."

"In accordance with Ra's orders, I will stop you from interfering in this war involving the world, and give you the judgment you should have received a thousand years ago."

As the voice fell, the book used to create words floated up beside Thoth.

Words, wisdom and magic, this is a very suitable authority.

Unlike Ra, who used reincarnation as an efficient means to accommodate new power, Thoth used this book to carry the power of magic, integrating it into himself little by little, and becoming another 'ka' of his own.

The elements of the surrounding heaven and earth were mobilized by him, and with the help of a little divine power brought down by the gods when they descended, they were aggregated and formed.

Thoth looked murderous, but sitting on the top of the city wall opposite him, facing the impending attack, Isis just pressed her skirt that was blown up by the wind.

"Okay~ Don't waste your energy, you are just an incarnation, and you don't have much divine power. With your mastery of magic, it is not enough to use it against me."

"You can only interfere with my whereabouts, but you can't really kill me. The outcome of this war is not something we can control."

Stretching lazily, Isis looked at the increasingly heavy clouds and invited casually:

"Thoth, you have now split your "Ba", and the god has descended to the world, temporarily freed from the shackles of the source sea."

"So do you want to know how I used magic power to cut off the connection, separate myself from the authority, and then fake my death to escape?"


Thoth was unmoved without speaking.

There were bursts of explosions in the air around him, as if he was fighting with the opponent with magic, and the battle was fierce and tense.

"I'm telling you, that's actually a very interesting magic, a byproduct of a ritual I studied, and I originally used it to deal with Ra..."

Not knowing that she had successfully backstabbed Ra in the original myth, Isis herself didn't think her research would be successful.

On the contrary, she felt that this byproduct of her research was truly valuable.

"Come on, let's put the battle aside, and let me first explain the principles. After all, the progress of magic lies in sharing, right?"

Smiling as always, Isis stretched out her hand and drew a symbol in the air. It was as if the person opposite was not an opponent, but an apprentice who was learning from her.

In front of her, Thoth held the book in his hand, and the loud noises in the sky around him became more and more frequent.

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