Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 326 Opening and Game

The God King was interested, and Nereus was not going to refuse, so everything went smoothly.

Wings grew on the letter paper, and it flew out from the heavy sea water and flew towards the underworld.

In order to show his importance to this matter, Zeus invited almost all the true gods in the world, even those who had long been away from the world.

Of course, invitations are invitations, but whether they are willing to come is another matter. In addition to the gods who have long had old grudges with the ancient sea gods, Zeus also wants to see in advance how much influence he has in the world with his current status.

This matter should be urgent... Thinking of these things, when Zeus drove the cloud car to leave the Sea of ​​Pontonoris, he suddenly stopped and looked in the direction of the earth.

Erechtheion Temple Although the God King has never descended a miracle there, it does not mean that he cannot hear the prayers of believers through his own statue as a medium.

Someone is reporting to him the progress of the development of things, and everything is going very well. The mortal named Noros did a good job, and he deserved to be promoted to a holy spirit.

With a satisfied smile, Zeus set off again. His cloud car crossed the sky and went in the direction he came from.

The only thing left was the still calm sea.

But Zeus did not notice that under the shadow of the sea, until he finally left, a black shadow that he had never noticed from beginning to end appeared.

"...Heh, it seems that I thought too much. It turned out to be just an accident. I thought his strength had improved so quickly in secret that he could even detect my traces outside Olympus."

"Is he here for other things? This is more normal. If Chaos's kingship is so terrible, I'm afraid I will change my mind in advance..."

The voice sounded faintly, and the black shadow was relieved a little. However, he still planned to postpone his trip, at least until Zeus finished what he wanted to do.

He just peeked at the envelopes that flew out from under the sea. They were wedding invitations. The bride was Nereus' daughter, and the groom was a guy he had no impression of. But no matter who it was, it meant that this place would probably be lively for a long time in the future, and Zeus would definitely come again.

In order to prevent accidents, it is better to be cautious. He didn't want others to know about what he was going to do... Thinking of this, the black shadow flashed and fled to a farther place in the sea.

Thousands of years ago, when the unexpected adventure ended, he saw a special scene on the way back. But he didn't care at the time. After all, it was just a junior, and he had injuries to deal with, but it's different now.

Anyway, the Ocean God has a grudge with the ancient sea god for an era, and the other party will not come to this wedding. Taking advantage of this time, it doesn't hurt to adjust the order of his actions.


Athens, Acropolis.

Compared to half a month ago, this city closest to Athens has welcomed a large number of people again.

Tens of thousands of visitors from various city-states and countries have flocked here just for the upcoming conference.

Various activities, foreign goods, and exotic costumes are everywhere. Although the real competition is far from starting, the prelude has already begun in various places in the city.

Most of these are speeches, poetry competitions, or discussions on a certain issue. After all, for those who have already had a reputation, they may be directly qualified to join the conference.

But if the rest of the people don’t want to be just a spectator, they may need to do something to get an admission ticket.

"Not only them, you also need an admission ticket."

Ryan just upgraded himself a few days ago, and he looks very energetic.

He looked at Andrea, who had changed her appearance after being dressed up by him, and was very satisfied with his craftsmanship.

"Your bloodline can make you a guest of honor in the audience, but it does not mean that you can go on stage as a contestant. After all, this is not a test of martial arts. So you need to let everyone know you in the shortest time and think that you are a rare wise man in the world."

"But I am a woman."

Andrea frowned and said.

"The goddess of wisdom is also a woman, and this is Athens. Your father's old lover is still the queen of Amazon. So if it's just going on stage, this is at most a small obstacle."

"But I'm probably not as smart as you think. I can neither make people think that I am a knowledgeable wise man, nor can I win after going on stage. This is based on the premise that your disguise effect can really deceive the gods, otherwise we will all be burned at the stake for blasphemy."

Rejecting again, the little princess looked at her new look in the mirror.

As if she was a dozen years older, she was elegant and charming, unforgettable - but her temperament was a little bit off, after all, she was actually too young.

"You don't need to worry about this either. I let you go because you meet both the requirements of 'descendant of God' and 'obedient', and there is no one else who can replace you for the time being. In fact, I have already thought about your 'path to fame', and there will be no problem. What's more, even if you really qualify to participate in the conference, you probably don't need to really go on stage."

Shaking his head with a smile, Ryan said lightly: "In fact, as long as the winner is not the Athenians, I don't care who wins in the end."

That being said, Ryan felt that the final winner of this conference must be an Athenian, or even a believer of Athena. Even the reason why this conference was held in Athens was probably just to make the result look more reasonable.

As for why this was the case, Ryan was not sure. So if the result could not be changed, he would replace it with someone he could control.

"... Even if what you said makes sense, if these are not problems, why don't you go on stage yourself?"

Raised her eyebrows, Andrea asked again.

"Of course it's because it's dangerous."

Concisely speaking, Ryan smiled at Andrea's accusing eyes.

"Like you said, what if you are found out... But you should not be burned to death. Anyway, Miss Captive, go ahead, you are already a knowledgeable person. Just based on what I taught you, it should be enough for you to sweep away these so-called wise men."

It goes without saying where the danger comes from. Although Ryan's disguise technique blessed by the power of the Atrium Serpent can deceive almost everyone, it is probably very doubtful whether it will still work in front of those great or nearly great beings.

After all, He is not a special existence in charge of disguise. His ability in this regard is completely based on his strength and the help of Keto's authority who joined the Nine Prisons a long time ago.

In contrast, Andrea is different. She was originally the princess of Athens. Even if Zeus or someone else saw her identity, they would only think that this was arranged by Athena behind the scenes.

As for the so-called sweeping away of the wise men... Ryan can only say that the gap between ancient and modern philosophy may not be very large, and no one can even guarantee that some smart people will not suddenly have an epiphany, but mathematics is different.

No one should be able to suddenly realize mathematics... He thought to himself, and in front of Ryan, after staring at each other for a while, the defeated Andrea turned around helplessly and walked towards the wooden table that had been prepared not far away.

At this moment, there was a large circle of people around the wooden table, and a large sign stood diagonally on the side of the road.

People were whispering about something, and there was a large pile of gold coins on the table.

In today's world, the circulation of gold is far less than that of silver, but in many places, the consumption of gold is higher than that of silver.

Whether it is the construction of the temple or the preparation of certain alchemical products, they will consume a large amount of gold reserves, so that as a precious metal, an Athenian goldstat is not only officially exchanged for twenty large silver coins, but it is common to actually float 50%.

This pile of gold coins is placed here, which is tantamount to displaying millions of cash on the street in later generations. The visual impact alone is quite strong. And right next to the wooden table, there is another open box full of gold coins.

This is almost equivalent to having an unguarded money transport truck full of bills next to millions of cash. If this is not the Acropolis where the conference is about to be held, I am afraid someone would have been unable to resist doing something.

"Ahem, make way, everyone, make way."

She felt a little timid, but while reviewing the so-called "mathematical knowledge" she had learned last night, Andrea still mustered up her courage and walked from the crowd to the wooden table.

Although she said before that her "wisdom" was not up to standard, as a believer of Athena, who is not proud of her intelligence? Now that she has the opportunity to try it, the little princess is actually quite excited.

"Are you the owner of this newly opened casino?"

The crowd made way as they were told, and they have been waiting here for a long time.

Not long ago, they heard that someone here had set up a wooden table to gamble with everyone who came here, and the cost of participating in the gambling game was one-tenth of their wealth.

Needless to say, if you lose, but if you win, then how much you bet on the table, you can get a hundred times the wealth from the other party.

No one thought that the other party could not afford it, after all, the shiny gold coins could not be faked.

"Yes, sir, but this is not a casino, after all, I am alone. And this is not gambling, it is just a game."

Going behind the table, Andrea pursed her youthful smile, but under her current appearance, it made the audience's heart waver.

"Does anyone want to try it?"

"How can I guarantee that you will abide by the bet?"

He didn't even ask what the game was. Obviously, the young man who spoke was dazzled by the gold coins.

After hearing this, Andrea just placed a holy emblem of Athena on the table and spread her hands.

Obviously, there are people who dare to make trouble in front of the holy emblem of the gods. After all, the holy emblem is not a statue of the gods, and even the statue of the gods may not be noticed by the gods. But in the Acropolis of Athens, if you dare to break the contract in front of the holy emblem, even if the goddess Athena does not punish you, the clergy and guards on the street will not be vegetarians.

"Are you a witness to the goddess? I don't know. What are the rules of your game? If the rules are very biased towards the dealer, I'd better stay away from it."

Another person questioned it. It was a middle-aged wealthy businessman. He looked harmless, but no one would believe that he was really such a good person.

But Andrea was not in a hurry. She stretched out her hand and spread the pile of gold coins on the wooden table. The shining golden light made people feel shaken, and even more people in the distance were attracted by this scene.

"The game is very simple. There are three rows of gold coins on the table, and the number of coins in each row is unlimited. The participants and I take turns to take gold coins. Each time, we can only take one coin from a row, and there is no upper limit. The person who takes the last coin wins. It's very simple, right?"

"However," Andrea said with a smile, as if she remembered something: "For the sake of fairness, if I decide the number of coins in each of the three rows at the beginning, the participants will be the first to take the coins. Conversely, if you plan to arrange a reasonable start, I will arrange who will take the coins first. There should be no objection to such a rule, right?"

After the voice fell, there was a discussion at the scene, but no one thought there was anything wrong with it.

It was a very fair and reasonable behavior, just like the popular twelve-sided dice gambling game in the world today. The person shaking the dice cannot guess the number, and the same is true in reverse.

"Okay, I'll bet!"

The first person to speak was the young man. He immediately sat at the table and threw a big purse on the table, and even a newly written document, as if he was afraid that someone would come to rob him.

Andrea took a look, and it was a proof that the other party promised to mortgage his house in the city.

Theoretically, this thing has no legal effect. But if it is written in front of Athena's holy emblem and in public, then even if it was originally unconstrained, it becomes constrained.


"Sir, are you sure this is one-tenth of your wealth?"

With a look of doubt in his eyes, Andrea could probably see the other party's mentality.

However, Ryan is not short of money now. She herself is just for an admission ticket, not really to make money, so they stipulate that only one-tenth of the wealth is required for the bet. But no matter how you think about it, it doesn't look like one-tenth.

"Why, can you still tell how much money I have at a glance? Stop talking nonsense, and start quickly."

Waving his hand, the young man obviously has no intention of stopping.

One hundred times... This is simply a game that changes fate. He may only have this opportunity in his life.

He knows that others are still waiting, but he can't wait. Although there are many gold coins in that box, many people present are either rich or noble. If you only take out one percent of your wealth, I'm afraid many people can do it.

As for whether you can win... Everyone knows that casinos are also guaranteed to make money, but this does not mean that no one has ever made money in casinos.

Faced with this opportunity that may only come once in a lifetime, he is still willing to take a gamble.

"Well, do you come or do I?"

It's hard to persuade the damned ghost with good words. Seeing the reaction of the young man, Andrea remembered what Ryan said to persuade her before the beginning of today.

Let go of the plot of helping others and respect the fate of others. When this box of gold coins is placed here, many results are already determined.

"I'll do it!"

The young man who spoke was not going to miss the opportunity. Who knows if there is any trick in the process of arranging the gold coins. He heard that there are many cheating methods for twelve-sided dice, but most of them require personal operation.

So he decisively took the gold coins and placed three rows on the table.




It is said that the simpler the game, the more it tests your luck. Therefore, the young man did not intend to put out a long row of dozens of gold coins. He just prepared a number that looked neither too many nor too few.

He was sweating a little on his back. When he put the last gold coin, his hands were shaking a little. The game that determines his fate was right in front of him. He took a deep breath, as if he wanted to use his voice to cover up his nervousness.

"I'm ready, you start."


"According to the agreement, I choose to go first in this round."

Speaking softly, Andrea said no more. When the gambling game started, she put aside all her thoughts.

This is a good start... She glanced at it, and a string of 1s flashed in her mind.

Well, then she decisively reached out and took the two gold coins in the second row.

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