Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 318: Meeting God

From any angle, Moses was not a young man. On the contrary, even in later generations, he could call himself old.

From birth to old age, he has witnessed eighty years of human life, and for Moses, the memories of this life can be roughly divided into two parts.

Before he was forty years old. In the year when Moses was just born, Heliopolis, the center of Upper and Lower Egypt, underwent a huge change. The sun, which had been ownerless for a thousand years, once again welcomed a new owner - or it could be the old owner. In short, the ruler of the Hemenu world, Amon Ra Atum, ascended the supreme throne again, and was obviously more powerful than before.

So all the past was buried in the ancient history, and the open and secret struggles among the gods came to an end. Even the pharaohs on earth hurried to express their piety to the Lord of the Sun who never sets, and his way of expression was to further implement Amon Ra Atum's previous orders.

He ordered the Hebrews to build magnificent buildings, but did not provide them with tools; he drove them out of the land with abundant grass and water, and made them live in desolate and remote places; he also ordered the Hebrews not to have a second male heir, trying to reduce their number, and Moses was born at this time.

He was the second child in the family, the one who was not allowed to survive by the law. He was secretly hidden, but as he grew up, Moses' existence could not be covered up forever.

So in order to protect his life, Moses' mother took a papyrus basket, smeared it with tar and oil, put the child in it, and secretly placed the basket in the reeds by the river where Pharaoh's daughter often swam; she told Moses' sister to watch from a distance, wanting to know what the child's fate would be.

Perhaps it was the guidance of fate, or perhaps it was just pure coincidence, or perhaps someone else secretly pushed it, in short, the Egyptian princess discovered Moses and finally decided to adopt him; seeing this scene, the child's sister pretended to meet unexpectedly and expressed her willingness to invite a wet nurse for the noble princess's adopted son. So the child's original mother returned to her child, but under another name, and everything was on the same track again.

From this day on, the knowledge and civilization from two worlds intersected in Moses, just like his soul composed of two worlds. The adoptive mother from the Egyptian royal family brought knowledge and learning to Moses, separating him from those short-sighted and ignorant people; and his biological mother, who raised him in the name of a wet nurse, let him receive the inheritance of race and religion, and let him remember the faith passed down from generation to generation by the Hebrews, which was completely different from the worship of gods by the Egyptians.

It was not until the age of forty that Moses, who went to visit his own people in the place where the Hebrews lived, encountered a turning point in his life. When an Egyptian bullied his fellow tribesmen in front of him, he killed the other party out of indignation, and thus made a big mistake.

It was intolerable and a betrayal for a royal adopted son of Hebrew descent to kill an Egyptian for his own people. Even his own people did not understand him and thought that his behavior would only increase the suffering they had endured. So Moses fled to the land of the Midianites, a nomadic tribe. He eventually married and had children there, forgetting the past and spending another forty years of his life.

Until today, in his eightieth year, he saw the unburning bush on the hillside where he was grazing.

"He is coming!"

When the spirit invaded the world, the bush on the hill was ignited, and the Lord of the Sun above Heliopolis opened his eyes.

He pursued that fleeting perception and the feeling that his authority of [fire] was violated, but he found nothing.

Since his rebirth, Amon Ra Atum has successfully taken a step further. With this rare opportunity, he absorbed the power given to him by the world when fighting with the outer gods, and then partially integrated the symbol of [Absolute Space] in the Eight Primordial Gods, and therefore had a little authority over the barrier of the world.

So he was sure that something had come in just at that moment.

"No result..."

His expression was cold, but he was not angry. Ra raised his eagle-like head and looked down at the earth.

As expected, he found nothing, but this time, Ra was not in a hurry at all, because he figured it out.

Before, he was always afraid that taking action against those mortals with foreign blood would cause him to miss some clues, but now it seems that whether he lets it go or not, the invasion of foreign lands has never stopped.

Even as he got closer to the power of the world, Ra breathed with the world faintly. He could feel that this world that nurtured Upper and Lower Egypt and gave birth to the civilization and gods on the banks of the Nile River was in a very dangerous situation.

"I am still too timid... The longer we delay, the greater our disadvantage will be, so what we need is change."

A fierce look flashed across his face, and Ra stood on the sun and looked down at the world.

Problems must be solved, and those who know there are problems but don't know where they are must be solved even more. There is no victory in this world that can be waited for, that is the privilege of the winner.

Let him personally put these garbage that should have been swept away into the pile of history. After he clears the hidden dangers at his doorstep, he will also try to cross the void and take a look at the other side of the world.


"Finally... He is here."

Same content, different tone.

Under the nameless hill, unlike Ra, Isis is as beautiful as ever at this moment, but her expression is a bit complicated.

Excited, terrified, and a little overwhelmed. Hidden around this nameless hill, Isis hesitated.

This was her first time to directly contact the will of the foreign god, and she also felt the other party's power very directly. If she hadn't known the existence of foreign souls long ago, she might not have noticed the arrival of the power of the foreign gods.

But this was not the reason for her hesitation. What really made her wonder whether she should go forward was the other party's unpredictable attitude.

It's ridiculous to say that although she did a lot in the past - she ordered the ancestors of the Hebrews to remember their traditions and pass down the legends of foreign gods from generation to generation; she discovered the soul that broke through the boundary and secretly gave him extra care. But all along, she never really had any communication with the foreign god who arranged everything, and the other party might not even know her existence.

In this case, no one knows what choice the other party will make.

"This is the price of betrayal... I don't know which one I can trust, this world or the other, but I can't turn back."

Looking up at the sky, Isis looked at the sun, which was much stronger than a thousand years ago.

Ra is stronger, and Isis doesn't know if she can continue to hide her whereabouts after the other party completely balances the space and the sun. But in any case, if she doesn't want to die like a mortal, then she has to keep moving forward.

"If I had chosen to tell Ra everything, would things have turned around?"

Sighing, Isis stepped barefoot on the soil, feeling the vitality of the world.

"Maybe, maybe not... Anyway, I hope the result will be as I wish."

Looking at Moses who grew up under her watch, Isis bit her lip.

Let's see what instructions he will receive first. It's better to wait a little longer before contacting the foreign god.


On the still nameless hill at this time, Moses looked at the burning but immortal thorn.

This is a vision, but as the adopted son of the Egyptian royal family, he knows very well that this level of vision can be faked.

Those sorcerers who obey Pharaoh can do similar things, summon fire, call the wind, turn the staff into snakes or frogs, and they all have to obey Pharaoh who compares himself to the god of the world.

Is this the pursuer who has been delayed for forty years? Moses didn't know, but he didn't think so. Because in the burning flames, he only felt the warmth that went straight to his soul.


'Go up...'


"What? Who is talking?"

Subconsciously asked, but the next moment, Moses realized that no one was talking at all.

Only the sound of the sheep and the wind at the foot of the mountain echoed between the world.

'Come forward...'

'Come forward... Moses...'

'Come forward! '

There was no sound, but the sound rang in his heart. Hearing his own name, Moses took a step back, but the warm feeling made him more eager.

"I am here, who are you? Why are you calling me?"

Asking loudly, for some reason, an unprecedented feeling rose from his heart. Moses didn't know what he was longing for, but his subconscious seemed to have some hope.

No educated person is willing to spend his whole life shepherding sheep, no one is willing to live as a fugitive and a guilty person, and no one is willing to see his own kind being treated as slaves just because of their innate blood.

But the past eighty years told him that all this is unchangeable, because the supreme among the gods lives in Heliopolis, and he ordered Pharaoh to be the ruler of the world and declared that the Hebrews were born sinful.

Mortals cannot resist the will of God. In Upper and Lower Egypt, this is an irreversible truth.

'Come forward... I am your creator and will soon be your savior... You will usher in destruction, and you are their only salvation. '

'Come forward, go up to Mount Sinai... This is your innate mission. ’

The voice sounded again in his heart, in a way that ordinary people could not understand. Moses raised a few more questions loudly, but this time no one responded to him.

His old body was still strong, and Moses looked back at the place he had been to forty years ago. He didn't know whether he was right or wrong, but he felt that he should do something.

"In this case, I will come to see you."

After a moment of silence, Moses stood up, took off his shoes, and walked towards the flames, following the etiquette he had learned when he was a child.

The fire ignited him, but did not hurt the hair on his skin.

As if passing through a barrier between illusion and reality, all kinds of bizarre scenes flashed before Moses' eyes. He didn't know if this was an illusion, so he continued to move forward.

A world of gray and white, bubbles of illusions, rivers flowing in the void, and winged creatures singing praises.

That was a world that Moses had never seen before, but he felt inexplicably familiar. It seemed that it was his hometown, the destination of his heart and soul.

Subconsciously climbing forward on the sacred mountain that runs through the seven worlds, Moses didn't know how long he had walked. Until a certain moment, he suddenly realized that everything before was left behind, and he had reached the top of the mountain.

"Is this... the residence of God?"

Walking on the ancient stone road, Moses moved forward step by step.

He became excited because he realized that he might see the real gods.

In the past, he had imagined many things about what gods looked like, such as the statues built by the Egyptians and the murals they painted for gods. They have animal heads and human bodies, and they control the wind, rain, thunder and lightning in nature. This is what gods look like.

Walking on the road, Moses thought that he was about to see such a scene, but when he stepped over the last step and looked up, he did not see the statues, the scrolls, or any characteristics of animals and birds. At this moment, his eyes seemed to penetrate the barriers of the world and saw a sacredness standing outside the worlds and time.

His appearance cannot be described, and His appearance cannot be described. Nothing can be equal to Him, because He is the source of everything. If Moses must use a word to explain what he sees at this moment, then with all his wisdom, there is only one word he can use.


Moses lowered his head and dared not look again. He just crawled on the ground to express his humility to the Supreme.

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